[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 091/133] nir: Add a pass to lower local variable accesses to SSA values

Connor Abbott cwabbott0 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 13:01:02 PST 2015

Ok, I'm going to try reviewing this again. I'm pasting the latest version
of the file from review/nir-v1 and replying to that so that I won't get
confused between all the various changes and reorganizing things. Here we

> /*
>  * Copyright © 2014 Intel Corporation
>  *
>  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
>  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
>  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
>  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
>  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
>  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
>  *
>  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
>  * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
>  * Software.
>  *
>  *
>  * Authors:
>  *    Jason Ekstrand (jason at jlekstrand.net)
>  *
>  */
> #include "nir.h"
> struct deref_node {
>    struct deref_node *parent;
>    const struct glsl_type *type;
>    bool lower_to_ssa;
>    struct set *loads;
>    struct set *stores;
>    struct set *copies;
>    nir_ssa_def **def_stack;
>    nir_ssa_def **def_stack_tail;
>    struct deref_node *wildcard;
>    struct deref_node *indirect;
>    struct deref_node *children[0];
> };
> struct lower_variables_state {
>    void *mem_ctx;
>    void *dead_ctx;
>    nir_function_impl *impl;
>    /* A hash table mapping variables to deref_node data */
>    struct hash_table *deref_var_nodes;
>    /* A hash table mapping dereference leaves to deref_node data.  A deref
>     * is considered a leaf if it is fully-qualified (no wildcards) and
>     * direct.  In short, these are the derefs we can actually consider
>     * lowering to SSA values.
>     */

I was mislead by the "leaf" name the first time I reviewed this; having a
comment explaining what it does helps, but I still think that it's a pretty
misleading name. "Leaf," at least to me, implies that it's a leaf of the
dereference tree, which in this case isn't true unless I'm missing
something here. I think "direct" is the right term here. You already say
that dereference leaves are "fully qualified (no wild cards) and direct" --
I would just call something potentially with wildcards + direct references
"not indirect," and then what you're calling "leaf" becomes just "direct."

Also, it was only after reading through the entire thing and thinking about
it that I realized why we have this hash table -- it's because we can only
figure out if direct dereferences alias indirect dereferences, so we only
consider lowering them. Of course, we may have to expand some wildcard
copies since they're copying the direct dereference we're trying to lower
to SSA, but otherwise we don't care about them. Idk if you want to explain
this here.

>    struct hash_table *deref_leaves;
>    /* A hash table mapping phi nodes to deref_state data */
>    struct hash_table *phi_table;
> };
> /* The following two functions implement a hash and equality check for
>  * variable dreferences.  When the hash or equality function encounters an
>  * array, all indirects are treated as equal and are never equal to a
>  * direct dereference or a wildcard.
>  *
>  * Some of the magic numbers here were taken from _mesa_hash_data and one
>  * was just a big prime I found on the internet.
>  */
> static uint32_t
> hash_deref(const void *void_deref)
> {
>    const nir_deref *deref = void_deref;
>    uint32_t hash;
>    if (deref->child) {
>       hash = hash_deref(deref->child);
>    } else {
>       hash = 2166136261ul;
>    }
>    switch (deref->deref_type) {
>    case nir_deref_type_var:
>       hash ^= _mesa_hash_pointer(nir_deref_as_var(deref)->var);
>       break;
>    case nir_deref_type_array: {
>       nir_deref_array *array = nir_deref_as_array(deref);
>       hash += 268435183 * array->deref_array_type;
>       if (array->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_direct)
>          hash ^= array->base_offset; /* Some prime */
>       break;
>    }
>    case nir_deref_type_struct:
>       hash ^= nir_deref_as_struct(deref)->index;
>       break;
>    }
>    return hash * 0x01000193;
> }

I know I complained about this already but... could we just use
_mesa_hash_data directly here, or at least properly implement FNV-1a here?
It should be the same or less code either way (FNV-1a is really, really
easy), and we can use something with a (presumably) solid mathematical
basis that's been proven in practice. To me, that sounds better than
multiplying by random primes found on the Internet and praying that we get
a good distribution.

Another orthogonal thing which I may have also mentioned before, is that I
think we should be using a for loop here. C doesn't have guaranteed
optimized tail recursion, so when people (including me) see a function that
uses recursion, we assume it's because it's doing something that couldn't
be done using a simple loop, which isn't true here. I don't think recursion
makes it more readable, since walking linked lists using a loop is already
a pretty common thing for us to do, and that's exactly what we're doing
here. So IMHO, a while loop is more readable here. In addition, a number of
things that I wrote to traverse dereference lists are using a loop already,
and so does get_deref_node() below.

> static bool
> derefs_equal(const void *void_a, const void *void_b)
> {
>    const nir_deref *a = void_a;
>    const nir_deref *b = void_b;
>    if (a->deref_type != b->deref_type)
>       return false;
>    switch (a->deref_type) {
>    case nir_deref_type_var:
>       if (nir_deref_as_var(a)->var != nir_deref_as_var(b)->var)
>          return false;
>       break;
>    case nir_deref_type_array: {
>       nir_deref_array *a_arr = nir_deref_as_array(a);
>       nir_deref_array *b_arr = nir_deref_as_array(b);
>       if (a_arr->deref_array_type != b_arr->deref_array_type)
>          return false;
>       if (a_arr->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_direct &&
>           a_arr->base_offset != b_arr->base_offset)
>          return false;
>       break;
>    }
>    case nir_deref_type_struct:
>       if (nir_deref_as_struct(a)->index != nir_deref_as_struct(b)->index)
>          return false;
>       break;
>    default:
>       unreachable("Invalid dreference type");
>    }
>    assert((a->child == NULL) == (b->child == NULL));
>    if (a->child)
>       return derefs_equal(a->child, b->child);
>    else
>       return true;
> }

Same comment about using a loop here.

> static int
> type_get_length(const struct glsl_type *type)
> {
>    switch (glsl_get_base_type(type)) {
>    case GLSL_TYPE_ARRAY:
>       return glsl_get_length(type);
>    case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
>    case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
>    case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
>    case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL:
>       if (glsl_type_is_matrix(type))
>          return glsl_get_matrix_columns(type);
>       else
>          return glsl_get_vector_elements(type);
>    default:
>       unreachable("Invalid deref base type");
>    }
> }
> static struct deref_node *
> deref_node_create(struct deref_node *parent,
>                   const struct glsl_type *type, void *mem_ctx)
> {
>    size_t size = sizeof(struct deref_node) +
>                  type_get_length(type) * sizeof(struct deref_node *);
>    struct deref_node *node = rzalloc_size(mem_ctx, size);
>    node->type = type;
>    node->parent = parent;
>    return node;
> }
> /* Gets the deref_node for the given deref chain and creates it if it
>  * doesn't yet exist.  If the deref is a leaf (fully-qualified and direct)

(a leaf -> direct)

>  * and add_to_leaves is true, it will be added to the hash table of
>  */
> static struct deref_node *
> get_deref_node(nir_deref_var *deref, bool add_to_leaves,
>                struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    bool is_leaf = true;
>    struct deref_node *parent = NULL;

If it were me, I'd call this node_parent to emphasize that it's a node and
not a dereference. I got confused and had to look at the definition again
to realize that.

>    nir_deref *tail = &deref->deref;
>    while (tail) {

Maybe use a for loop instead? Something like

for (nir_deref *tail = &deref->deref; tail; tail = tail->child)

to be more up-front that we're doing.

>       struct deref_node *node;
>       switch (tail->deref_type) {
>       case nir_deref_type_var: {
>          assert(tail == &deref->deref);
>          assert(parent == NULL);
>          uint32_t var_hash = _mesa_hash_pointer(deref->var);
>          struct hash_entry *entry =
>             _mesa_hash_table_search(state->deref_var_nodes,
>                                     var_hash, deref->var);
>          if (entry) {
>             node = entry->data;
>          } else {
>             node = deref_node_create(NULL, tail->type, state->dead_ctx);
>             _mesa_hash_table_insert(state->deref_var_nodes,
>                                     var_hash, deref->var, node);
>          }
>          break;
>       }

Since this case is guaranteed to happen only once at the beginning of the
chain, it might make more sense to move it above the loop to make that more
explicit rather than having the asserts. This will also make the other
parent != NULL asserts unnecessary since parent will never be set to NULL.

>       case nir_deref_type_struct: {
>          assert(parent != NULL);
>          nir_deref_struct *deref_struct = nir_deref_as_struct(tail);
>          assert(deref_struct->index < type_get_length(parent->type));
>          if (parent->children[deref_struct->index]) {
>             node = parent->children[deref_struct->index];
>          } else {
>             node = deref_node_create(parent, tail->type, state->dead_ctx);
>             parent->children[deref_struct->index] = node;
>          }
>          break;
>       }
>       case nir_deref_type_array: {
>          assert(parent != NULL);
>          nir_deref_array *arr = nir_deref_as_array(tail);
>          switch (arr->deref_array_type) {
>          case nir_deref_array_type_direct:
>             if (arr->base_offset >= type_get_length(parent->type)) {
>                /* This is possible if a loop unrolls and generates an
>                 * out-of-bounds offset.  We need to handle this at least
>                 * somewhat gracefully.
>                 */
>                return NULL;
>             } else if (parent->children[arr->base_offset]) {
>                node = parent->children[arr->base_offset];
>             } else {
>                node = deref_node_create(parent, tail->type,
>                parent->children[arr->base_offset] = node;
>             }
>             break;
>          case nir_deref_array_type_indirect:
>             if (parent->indirect) {
>                node = parent->indirect;
>             } else {
>                node = deref_node_create(parent, tail->type,
>                parent->indirect = node;
>             }
>             is_leaf = false;
>             break;
>          case nir_deref_array_type_wildcard:
>             if (parent->wildcard) {
>                node = parent->wildcard;
>             } else {
>                node = deref_node_create(parent, tail->type,
>                parent->wildcard = node;
>             }
>             is_leaf = false;
>             break;
>          default:
>             unreachable("Invalid array deref type");
>          }
>          break;
>       }
>       default:
>          unreachable("Invalid deref type");
>       }
>       parent = node;
>       tail = tail->child;
>    }
>    assert(parent);
>    if (is_leaf && add_to_leaves)
>       _mesa_hash_table_insert(state->deref_leaves,
>                               hash_deref(deref), deref, parent);
>    return parent;
> }
> /* \sa foreach_deref_node_match */
> static bool
> foreach_deref_node_worker(struct deref_node *node, nir_deref *deref,
>                           bool (* cb)(struct deref_node *node,
>                                       struct lower_variables_state
>                           struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    if (deref->child == NULL) {
>       return cb(node, state);
>    } else {
>       switch (deref->child->deref_type) {
>       case nir_deref_type_array: {
>          nir_deref_array *arr = nir_deref_as_array(deref->child);
>          assert(arr->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_direct);
>          if (node->children[arr->base_offset] &&
>              !foreach_deref_node_worker(node->children[arr->base_offset],
>                                         deref->child, cb, state))
>             return false;
>          if (node->wildcard &&
>              !foreach_deref_node_worker(node->wildcard,
>                                         deref->child, cb, state))
>             return false;
>          return true;
>       }
>       case nir_deref_type_struct: {
>          nir_deref_struct *str = nir_deref_as_struct(deref->child);
>          return foreach_deref_node_worker(node->children[str->index],
>                                           deref->child, cb, state);
>       }
>       default:
>          unreachable("Invalid deref child type");
>       }
>    }
> }
> /* Walks over every "matching" deref_node and calls the callback.  A node
>  * is considered to "match" if either refers to that deref or matches up t
>  * a wildcard.  In other words, the following would match a[6].foo[3].bar:
>  *
>  * a[6].foo[3].bar
>  * a[*].foo[3].bar
>  * a[6].foo[*].bar
>  * a[*].foo[*].bar
>  *
>  * The given deref must be a full-length and fully qualified (no wildcards
>  * or indirexcts) deref chain.


>  */
> static bool
> foreach_deref_node_match(nir_deref_var *deref,
>                          bool (* cb)(struct deref_node *node,
>                                      struct lower_variables_state *state),
>                          struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    nir_deref_var var_deref = *deref;
>    var_deref.deref.child = NULL;
>    struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(&var_deref, false, state);
>    if (node == NULL)
>       return false;
>    return foreach_deref_node_worker(node, &deref->deref, cb, state);
> }
> /* \sa deref_may_be_aliased */
> static bool
> deref_may_be_aliased_node(struct deref_node *node, nir_deref *deref,
>                           struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    if (deref->child == NULL) {
>       return false;
>    } else {
>       switch (deref->child->deref_type) {
>       case nir_deref_type_array: {
>          nir_deref_array *arr = nir_deref_as_array(deref->child);
>          if (arr->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_indirect)
>             return true;
>          assert(arr->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_direct);
>          if (node->children[arr->base_offset] &&
>              deref_may_be_aliased_node(node->children[arr->base_offset],
>                                        deref->child, state))
>             return true;
>          if (node->wildcard &&
>              deref_may_be_aliased_node(node->wildcard, deref->child,
>             return true;
>          return false;
>       }
>       case nir_deref_type_struct: {
>          nir_deref_struct *str = nir_deref_as_struct(deref->child);
>          if (node->children[str->index]) {
>              return deref_may_be_aliased_node(node->children[str->index],
>                                               deref->child, state);
>          } else {
>             return false;
>          }
>       }
>       default:
>          unreachable("Invalid nir_deref child type");
>       }
>    }
> }
> /* Returns true if there are no indirects that can ever touch this deref.
>  * This question can only be asked about fully-qualified derefs.
>  * Obviously, it's pointless to ask this about indirects, but we also
>  * rule-out wildcards.  For example, if the given deref is a[6].foo, then

I think I'd like to see this spelled out a little more. Maybe something

We don't handle wildcard dereferences, since that would involve checking
each array index to make sure that there aren't any indirect references.

I couldn't think of anything that would allow us to figure out if
dereferences with wildcards aliased any indirect dereferences without
having to check every array index (which seems like a bad idea). I guess
it's not clear if we should do that anyways, since it might help cases like

temp[*].thing = foo[*].thing;
bar[*].thing = temp[*].thing;

since after lowering temp[*].thing to SSA we can recognize the copy and
turn it into:
bar[*].thing = foo[*].thing

but for more complicated cases like:
if (...) {
   temp[*].thing = foo[*].thing;
} else {
   temp[*].thing = bar[*].thing;
baz[*].thing = temp[*].thing;

it'll just kill our register pressure if temp is large enough... and this
is all very theoretical anyways.

>  * any uses of a[i].foo would case this to return false, but a[i].bar
>  * not affect it because it's a different structure member.  A var_copy
>  * involving of a[*].bar also doesn't affect it because that can be
>  * to entirely direct load/stores.
>  */
> static bool
> deref_may_be_aliased(nir_deref_var *deref,
>                      struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    nir_deref_var var_deref = *deref;
>    var_deref.deref.child = NULL;
>    struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(&var_deref, false, state);

We're only looking for the root node corresponding to the variable, and
we've already populated the deref_var_nodes table, so we can just look it
up here.

>    /* An invalid dereference can't be aliased. */
>    if (node == NULL)
>       return false;
>    return deref_may_be_aliased_node(node, &deref->deref, state);
> }
> static void
> register_load_instr(nir_intrinsic_instr *load_instr, bool create_node,
>                     struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(load_instr->variables[0],
>                                             create_node, state);
>    if (node == NULL)
>       return;
>    if (node->loads == NULL)
>       node->loads = _mesa_set_create(state->dead_ctx,
>                                      _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
>    _mesa_set_add(node->loads, _mesa_hash_pointer(load_instr), load_instr);
> }
> static void
> register_store_instr(nir_intrinsic_instr *store_instr, bool create_node,
>                      struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(store_instr->variables[0],
>                                             create_node, state);
>    if (node == NULL)
>       return;
>    if (node->stores == NULL)
>       node->stores = _mesa_set_create(state->dead_ctx,
>                                      _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
>    _mesa_set_add(node->stores, _mesa_hash_pointer(store_instr),
> }

I would call these "add_load_instr" and "add_store_instr" since "register"
already has another meaning. I don't have a strong preference though.

> static void
> register_copy_instr(nir_intrinsic_instr *copy_instr, bool create_node,
>                     struct lower_variables_state *state)

Same here...

> {
>    for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++) {
>       struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(copy_instr->variables[idx],
>                                                create_node, state);
>       if (node == NULL)
>          continue;
>       if (node->copies == NULL)
>          node->copies = _mesa_set_create(state->dead_ctx,
>                                          _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
>       _mesa_set_add(node->copies, _mesa_hash_pointer(copy_instr),
>    }
> }
> /* Registers all variable uses in the given block. */
> static bool
> register_variable_uses_block(nir_block *block, void *void_state)

and here.

> {
>    struct lower_variables_state *state = void_state;
>    nir_foreach_instr_safe(block, instr) {
>       if (instr->type != nir_instr_type_intrinsic)
>          continue;
>       nir_intrinsic_instr *intrin = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
>       switch (intrin->intrinsic) {
>       case nir_intrinsic_load_var:
>          register_load_instr(intrin, true, state);
>          break;
>       case nir_intrinsic_store_var:
>          register_store_instr(intrin, true, state);
>          break;
>       case nir_intrinsic_copy_var:
>          register_copy_instr(intrin, true, state);
>          break;
>       default:
>          continue;
>       }
>    }
>    return true;
> }
> /* Walks down the deref chain and returns the next deref in the chain
>  * child is a wildcard.  In other words, given the chain  a[1].foo[*].bar,
>  * this function will return the deref to foo.  Calling it a second time
>  * with the [*].bar, it will return NULL.
>  */
> static nir_deref *
> deref_next_wildcard_parent(nir_deref *deref)
> {
>    for (nir_deref *tail = deref; tail->child; tail = tail->child) {
>       if (tail->child->deref_type != nir_deref_type_array)
>          continue;
>       nir_deref_array *arr = nir_deref_as_array(tail->child);
>       if (arr->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_wildcard)
>          return tail;
>    }
>    return NULL;
> }
> /* Returns the last deref in the chain.
>  */
> static nir_deref *
> get_deref_tail(nir_deref *deref)
> {
>    while (deref->child)
>       deref = deref->child;
>    return deref;
> }
> /* This function recursively walks the given deref chain and replaces the
>  * given copy instruction with an equivalent sequence load/store
>  * operations.
>  *
>  * @copy_instr    The copy instruction to replace; new instructions will
>  *                inserted before this one
>  *
>  * @dest_head     The head of the destination variable deref chain
>  *
>  * @src_head      The head of the source variable deref chain
>  *
>  * @dest_tail     The current tail of the destination variable deref
>  *                this is used for recursion and external callers of this
>  *                function should call it with tail == head
>  *
>  * @src_tail      The current tail of the source variable deref chain;
>  *                this is used for recursion and external callers of this
>  *                function should call it with tail == head
>  *
>  * @state         The current variable lowering state
>  */
> static void
> emit_copy_load_store(nir_intrinsic_instr *copy_instr,
>                      nir_deref_var *dest_head, nir_deref_var *src_head,
>                      nir_deref *dest_tail, nir_deref *src_tail,
>                      struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    /* Find the next pair of wildcards */
>    nir_deref *src_arr_parent = deref_next_wildcard_parent(src_tail);
>    nir_deref *dest_arr_parent = deref_next_wildcard_parent(dest_tail);
>    if (src_arr_parent || dest_arr_parent) {
>       /* Wildcards had better come in matched pairs */
>       assert(dest_arr_parent && dest_arr_parent);
>       nir_deref_array *src_arr =
>       nir_deref_array *dest_arr =
>       unsigned length = type_get_length(src_arr_parent->type);
>       /* The wildcards should represent the same number of elements */
>       assert(length == type_get_length(dest_arr_parent->type));
>       assert(length > 0);
>       /* Walk over all of the elements that this wildcard refers to and
>        * call emit_copy_load_store on each one of them */
>       src_arr->deref_array_type = nir_deref_array_type_direct;
>       dest_arr->deref_array_type = nir_deref_array_type_direct;
>       for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
>          src_arr->base_offset = i;
>          dest_arr->base_offset = i;
>          emit_copy_load_store(copy_instr, dest_head, src_head,
>                               &dest_arr->deref, &src_arr->deref, state);
>       }
>       src_arr->deref_array_type = nir_deref_array_type_wildcard;
>       dest_arr->deref_array_type = nir_deref_array_type_wildcard;
>    } else {
>       /* In this case, we have no wildcards anymore, so all we have to do
>        * is just emit the load and store operations. */
>       src_tail = get_deref_tail(src_tail);
>       dest_tail = get_deref_tail(dest_tail);
>       assert(src_tail->type == dest_tail->type);
>       unsigned num_components = glsl_get_vector_elements(src_tail->type);
>       nir_deref *src_deref = nir_copy_deref(state->mem_ctx,
>       nir_deref *dest_deref = nir_copy_deref(state->mem_ctx,
>       nir_intrinsic_instr *load =
>          nir_intrinsic_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>       load->num_components = num_components;
>       load->variables[0] = nir_deref_as_var(src_deref);
>       load->dest.is_ssa = true;
>       nir_ssa_def_init(&load->instr, &load->dest.ssa, num_components,
>       nir_instr_insert_before(&copy_instr->instr, &load->instr);
>       register_load_instr(load, false, state);
>       nir_intrinsic_instr *store =
>          nir_intrinsic_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>       store->num_components = num_components;
>       store->variables[0] = nir_deref_as_var(dest_deref);
>       store->src[0].is_ssa = true;
>       store->src[0].ssa = &load->dest.ssa;
>       nir_instr_insert_before(&copy_instr->instr, &store->instr);
>       register_store_instr(store, false, state);
>    }
> }
> /* Walks over all of the copy instructions to or from the given deref_node
>  * and lowers them to load/store intrinsics.
>  */
> static bool
> lower_copies_to_load_store(struct deref_node *node,
>                            struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    if (!node->copies)
>       return true;
>    struct set_entry *copy_entry;
>    set_foreach(node->copies, copy_entry) {
>       nir_intrinsic_instr *copy = (void *)copy_entry->key;
>       emit_copy_load_store(copy, copy->variables[0], copy->variables[1],
>                            &copy->variables[0]->deref,
>                            &copy->variables[1]->deref,
>                            state);
>       for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
>          struct deref_node *arg_node = get_deref_node(copy->variables[i],
>                                                       false, state);
>          if (arg_node == NULL)
>             continue;
>          struct set_entry *arg_entry = _mesa_set_search(arg_node->copies,
>                                                         copy_entry->hash,
>                                                         copy);
>          assert(arg_entry);
>          _mesa_set_remove(node->copies, arg_entry);
>       }
>       nir_instr_remove(&copy->instr);
>    }
>    return true;
> }
> /* Returns a load_const instruction that represents the constant
>  * initializer for the given deref chain.  The caller is responsible for
>  * ensuring that there actually is a constant initializer.
>  */
> static nir_load_const_instr *
> get_const_initializer_load(const nir_deref_var *deref,
>                            struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    nir_constant *constant = deref->var->constant_initializer;
>    const nir_deref *tail = &deref->deref;
>    unsigned matrix_offset = 0;
>    while (tail->child) {
>       switch (tail->child->deref_type) {
>       case nir_deref_type_array: {
>          nir_deref_array *arr = nir_deref_as_array(tail->child);
>          assert(arr->deref_array_type == nir_deref_array_type_direct);
>          if (glsl_type_is_matrix(tail->type)) {
>             assert(arr->deref.child == NULL);
>             matrix_offset = arr->base_offset;
>          } else {
>             constant = constant->elements[arr->base_offset];
>          }
>          break;
>       }
>       case nir_deref_type_struct: {
>          constant =
>          break;
>       }
>       default:
>          unreachable("Invalid deref child type");
>       }
>       tail = tail->child;
>    }
>    nir_load_const_instr *load =
>       nir_load_const_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>                                   glsl_get_vector_elements(tail->type));
>    matrix_offset *= load->def.num_components;
>    for (unsigned i = 0; i < load->def.num_components; i++) {
>       switch (glsl_get_base_type(tail->type)) {
>       case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
>       case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
>       case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
>          load->value.u[i] = constant->value.u[matrix_offset + i];
>          break;
>       case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL:
>          load->value.u[i] = constant->value.b[matrix_offset + i] ?
>                              NIR_TRUE : NIR_FALSE;

I see you sneakily squashed in my fix :P

>          break;
>       default:
>          unreachable("Invalid immediate type");
>       }
>    }
>    return load;
> }
> /** Pushes an SSA def onto the def stack for the given node
>  *
>  * Each node is potentially associated with a stack of SSA definitions.
>  * This stack is used for determining what SSA definition reaches a given
>  * point in the program for variable renaming.  The stack is always kept
>  * dominance-order with at most one SSA def per block.  If the SSA
>  * definition on the top of the stack is in the same block as the one
>  * pushed, the top element is replaced.
>  */
> static void
> def_stack_push(struct deref_node *node, nir_ssa_def *def,
>                struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    if (node->def_stack == NULL) {
>       node->def_stack = ralloc_array(state->dead_ctx, nir_ssa_def *,
>                                      state->impl->num_blocks);
>       node->def_stack_tail = node->def_stack - 1;
>    }
>    if (node->def_stack_tail >= node->def_stack) {
>       nir_ssa_def *top_def = *node->def_stack_tail;
>       if (def->parent_instr->block == top_def->parent_instr->block) {
>          /* They're in the same block, just replace the top */
>          *node->def_stack_tail = def;
>          return;
>       }
>    }
>    *(++node->def_stack_tail) = def;
> }
> /* Pop the top of the def stack if it's in the given block */
> static void
> def_stack_pop_if_in_block(struct deref_node *node, nir_block *block)
> {
>    /* If we're popping, then we have presumably pushed at some time in the
>     * past so this should exist.
>     */
>    assert(node->def_stack != NULL);
>    /* The stack is already empty.  Do nothing. */
>    if (node->def_stack_tail < node->def_stack)
>       return;
>    nir_ssa_def *def = *node->def_stack_tail;
>    if (def->parent_instr->block == block)
>       node->def_stack_tail--;
> }
> /** Retrieves the SSA definition on the top of the stack for the given
>  * node, if one exists.  If the stack is empty, then we return the
>  * initializer (if it exists) or an SSA undef.
>  */
> static nir_ssa_def *
> get_ssa_def_for_block(struct deref_node *node, nir_block *block,
>                       struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    /* If we have something on the stack, go ahead and return it.  We're
>     * assuming that the top of the stack dominates the given block.
>     */
>    if (node->def_stack && node->def_stack_tail >= node->def_stack)
>       return *node->def_stack_tail;
>    /* If we got here then we don't have a definition that dominates the
>     * given block.  This means that we need to add an undef and use that.
>     */
>    nir_ssa_undef_instr *undef =
>       nir_ssa_undef_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>                                  glsl_get_vector_elements(node->type));
>    nir_instr_insert_before_cf_list(&state->impl->body, &undef->instr);
>    def_stack_push(node, &undef->def, state);
>    return &undef->def;
> }
> /* Given a block and one of its predecessors, this function fills in the
>  * souces of the phi nodes to take SSA defs from the given predecessor.


>  * This function must be called exactly once per block/predecessor pair.
>  */
> static void
> add_phi_sources(nir_block *block, nir_block *pred,
>                 struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    nir_foreach_instr(block, instr) {
>       if (instr->type != nir_instr_type_phi)
>          break;
>       nir_phi_instr *phi = nir_instr_as_phi(instr);
>       struct hash_entry *entry =
>             _mesa_hash_table_search(state->phi_table,
>                                     _mesa_hash_pointer(phi), phi);
>       if (!entry)
>          continue;
>       struct deref_node *node = entry->data;
>       nir_phi_src *src = ralloc(state->mem_ctx, nir_phi_src);
>       src->pred = pred;
>       src->src.is_ssa = true;
>       src->src.ssa = get_ssa_def_for_block(node, pred, state);
>       _mesa_set_add(src->src.ssa->uses, _mesa_hash_pointer(instr), instr);
>       exec_list_push_tail(&phi->srcs, &src->node);
>    }
> }
> /* Performs variable renaming by doing a DFS of the dominance tree
>  *
>  * This algorithm is very similar to the one outlined in "Efficiently
>  * Computing Static Single Assignment Form and the Control Dependence
>  * Graph" by Cytron et. al.  The primary difference is that we only put
>  * SSA def on the stack per block.
>  */
> static bool
> rename_variables_block(nir_block *block, struct lower_variables_state
> {
>    nir_foreach_instr_safe(block, instr) {
>       if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_phi) {
>          nir_phi_instr *phi = nir_instr_as_phi(instr);
>          struct hash_entry *entry =
>             _mesa_hash_table_search(state->phi_table,
>                                     _mesa_hash_pointer(phi), phi);
>          /* This can happen if we already have phi nodes in the program
>           * that were not created in this pass.
>           */
>          if (!entry)
>             continue;
>          struct deref_node *node = entry->data;
>          def_stack_push(node, &phi->dest.ssa, state);
>       } else if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_intrinsic) {
>          nir_intrinsic_instr *intrin = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
>          switch (intrin->intrinsic) {
>          case nir_intrinsic_load_var: {
>             struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(intrin->variables[0],
>                                                      false, state);
>             if (node == NULL) {
>                /* If we hit this path then we are referencing an invalid
>                 * value.  Most likely, we unrolled something and are
>                 * reading past the end of some array.  In any case, this
>                 * should result in an undefined value.
>                 */
>                nir_ssa_undef_instr *undef =
>                   nir_ssa_undef_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>                                              intrin->num_components);
>                nir_instr_insert_before(&intrin->instr, &undef->instr);
>                nir_instr_remove(&intrin->instr);
>                nir_src new_src = {
>                   .is_ssa = true,
>                   .ssa = &undef->def,
>                };
>                nir_ssa_def_rewrite_uses(&intrin->dest.ssa, new_src,
>                                         state->mem_ctx);
>                continue;
>             }
>             if (!node->lower_to_ssa)
>                continue;
>             nir_alu_instr *mov = nir_alu_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>                                                       nir_op_imov);
>             mov->src[0].src.is_ssa = true;
>             mov->src[0].src.ssa = get_ssa_def_for_block(node, block,
>             for (unsigned i = intrin->num_components; i < 4; i++)
>                mov->src[0].swizzle[i] = 0;
>             assert(intrin->dest.is_ssa);
>             mov->dest.write_mask = (1 << intrin->num_components) - 1;
>             mov->dest.dest.is_ssa = true;
>             nir_ssa_def_init(&mov->instr, &mov->dest.dest.ssa,
>                              intrin->num_components, NULL);
>             nir_instr_insert_before(&intrin->instr, &mov->instr);
>             nir_instr_remove(&intrin->instr);
>             nir_src new_src = {
>                .is_ssa = true,
>                .ssa = &mov->dest.dest.ssa,
>             };
>             nir_ssa_def_rewrite_uses(&intrin->dest.ssa, new_src,
>                                      state->mem_ctx);
>             break;
>          }
>          case nir_intrinsic_store_var: {
>             struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(intrin->variables[0],
>                                                      false, state);
>             if (node == NULL) {
>                /* Probably an out-of-bounds array store.  That should be a
>                 * no-op. */
>                nir_instr_remove(&intrin->instr);
>                continue;
>             }
>             if (!node->lower_to_ssa)
>                continue;
>             assert(intrin->num_components ==
>                    glsl_get_vector_elements(node->type));
>             assert(intrin->src[0].is_ssa);
>             nir_alu_instr *mov = nir_alu_instr_create(state->mem_ctx,
>                                                       nir_op_imov);
>             mov->src[0].src.is_ssa = true;
>             mov->src[0].src.ssa = intrin->src[0].ssa;
>             for (unsigned i = intrin->num_components; i < 4; i++)
>                mov->src[0].swizzle[i] = 0;
>             mov->dest.write_mask = (1 << intrin->num_components) - 1;
>             mov->dest.dest.is_ssa = true;
>             nir_ssa_def_init(&mov->instr, &mov->dest.dest.ssa,
>                              intrin->num_components, NULL);
>             nir_instr_insert_before(&intrin->instr, &mov->instr);
>             def_stack_push(node, &mov->dest.dest.ssa, state);
>             /* We'll wait to remove the unstruction until the next pass

instruction (although I'm kind of curious about what an unstruction would

>              * where we pop the node we just pushed back off the stack.
>              */
>             break;
>          }
>          default:
>             break;
>          }
>       }
>    }
>    if (block->successors[0])
>       add_phi_sources(block->successors[0], block, state);
>    if (block->successors[1])
>       add_phi_sources(block->successors[1], block, state);
>    for (unsigned i = 0; i < block->num_dom_children; ++i)
>       rename_variables_block(block->dom_children[i], state);
>    /* Now we iterate over the instructions and pop off any SSA defs that
>     * pushed in the first loop.
>     */
>    nir_foreach_instr_safe(block, instr) {
>       if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_phi) {
>          nir_phi_instr *phi = nir_instr_as_phi(instr);
>          struct hash_entry *entry =
>             _mesa_hash_table_search(state->phi_table,
>                                     _mesa_hash_pointer(phi), phi);
>          /* This can happen if we already have phi nodes in the program
>           * that were not created in this pass.
>           */
>          if (!entry)
>             continue;
>          struct deref_node *node = entry->data;
>          def_stack_pop_if_in_block(node, block);
>       } else if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_intrinsic) {
>          nir_intrinsic_instr *intrin = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
>          if (intrin->intrinsic != nir_intrinsic_store_var)
>             continue;
>          struct deref_node *node = get_deref_node(intrin->variables[0],
>                                                   false, state);
>          if (!node)
>             continue;
>          if (!node->lower_to_ssa)
>             continue;
>          def_stack_pop_if_in_block(node, block);
>          nir_instr_remove(&intrin->instr);
>       }
>    }
>    return true;
> }
> /* Inserts phi nodes for all variables marked lower_to_ssa
>  *
>  * This is the same algorithm as presented in "Efficiently Computing
>  * Single Assignment Form and the Control Dependence Graph" by Cytron et.
>  * al.
>  */
> static void
> insert_phi_nodes(struct lower_variables_state *state)
> {
>    unsigned work[state->impl->num_blocks];
>    unsigned has_already[state->impl->num_blocks];
>    nir_block *W[state->impl->num_blocks];

In the original code I had a comment that explained why W can be an array
here (since it was a set in the original paper). Can we add it back?

>    memset(work, 0, sizeof work);
>    memset(has_already, 0, sizeof has_already);
>    unsigned w_start, w_end;
>    unsigned iter_count = 0;
>    struct hash_entry *deref_entry;
>    hash_table_foreach(state->deref_leaves, deref_entry) {
>       struct deref_node *node = deref_entry->data;
>       if (node->stores == NULL)
>          continue;
>       if (!node->lower_to_ssa)
>          continue;
>       w_start = w_end = 0;
>       iter_count++;
>       struct set_entry *store_entry;
>       set_foreach(node->stores, store_entry) {
>          nir_intrinsic_instr *store = (nir_intrinsic_instr
>          if (work[store->instr.block->index] < iter_count)
>             W[w_end++] = store->instr.block;
>          work[store->instr.block->index] = iter_count;
>       }
>       while (w_start != w_end) {
>          nir_block *cur = W[w_start++];
>          struct set_entry *dom_entry;
>          set_foreach(cur->dom_frontier, dom_entry) {
>             nir_block *next = (nir_block *) dom_entry->key;
>             /*
>              * If there's more than one return statement, then the end
>              * can be a join point for some definitions. However, there
>              * no instructions in the end block, so nothing would use
>              * phi nodes. Of course, we couldn't place those phi nodes
>              * anyways due to the restriction of having no instructions
in the
>              * end block...
>              */
>             if (next == state->impl->end_block)
>                continue;
>             if (has_already[next->index] < iter_count) {
>                nir_phi_instr *phi = nir_phi_instr_create(state->mem_ctx);
>                phi->dest.is_ssa = true;
>                nir_ssa_def_init(&phi->instr, &phi->dest.ssa,
>                                 glsl_get_vector_elements(node->type),
>                nir_instr_insert_before_block(next, &phi->instr);
>                _mesa_hash_table_insert(state->phi_table,
>                                        _mesa_hash_pointer(phi), phi,
>                has_already[next->index] = iter_count;
>                if (work[next->index] < iter_count) {
>                   work[next->index] = iter_count;
>                   W[w_end++] = next;
>                }
>             }
>          }
>       }
>    }
> }
> static bool
> nir_lower_variables_impl(nir_function_impl *impl)
> {
>    struct lower_variables_state state;
>    state.mem_ctx = ralloc_parent(impl);
>    state.dead_ctx = ralloc_context(state.mem_ctx);
>    state.impl = impl;
>    state.deref_var_nodes = _mesa_hash_table_create(state.dead_ctx,
>    state.deref_leaves = _mesa_hash_table_create(state.dead_ctx,
>                                                 derefs_equal);
>    state.phi_table = _mesa_hash_table_create(state.dead_ctx,
>                                              _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
>    nir_foreach_block(impl, register_variable_uses_block, &state);
>    struct set *outputs = _mesa_set_create(state.dead_ctx,
>                                           _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
>    bool progress = false;
>    nir_metadata_require(impl, nir_metadata_block_index);
>    struct hash_entry *entry;
>    hash_table_foreach(state.deref_leaves, entry) {
>       nir_deref_var *deref = (void *)entry->key;
>       struct deref_node *node = entry->data;
>       if (deref->var->data.mode != nir_var_local) {
>          _mesa_hash_table_remove(state.deref_leaves, entry);
>          continue;
>       }
>       if (deref_may_be_aliased(deref, &state)) {
>          _mesa_hash_table_remove(state.deref_leaves, entry);
>          continue;
>       }
>       node->lower_to_ssa = true;
>       progress = true;
>       if (deref->var->constant_initializer) {
>          nir_load_const_instr *load = get_const_initializer_load(deref,
>          nir_ssa_def_init(&load->instr, &load->def,
>                           glsl_get_vector_elements(node->type), NULL);
>          nir_instr_insert_before_cf_list(&impl->body, &load->instr);
>          def_stack_push(node, &load->def, &state);
>       }
>       if (deref->var->data.mode == nir_var_shader_out)
>          _mesa_set_add(outputs, _mesa_hash_pointer(node), node);
>       foreach_deref_node_match(deref, lower_copies_to_load_store, &state);
>    }
>    if (!progress)
>       return false;
>    nir_metadata_require(impl, nir_metadata_dominance);
>    insert_phi_nodes(&state);
>    rename_variables_block(impl->start_block, &state);
>    nir_metadata_preserve(impl, nir_metadata_block_index |
>                                nir_metadata_dominance);
>    ralloc_free(state.dead_ctx);
>    return progress;
> }
> void
> nir_lower_variables(nir_shader *shader)
> {
>    nir_foreach_overload(shader, overload) {
>       if (overload->impl)
>          nir_lower_variables_impl(overload->impl);
>    }
> }
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