[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] egl: dri2: Use present extension. (Was: Re: [RFC] egl: Add DRI3 support to the EGL backend.)

Axel Davy axel.davy at ens.fr
Wed Jan 7 04:17:03 PST 2015

On 07/01/2015 10:24, Joonas Lahtinenwrote :
> This is still awaiting for comments.
> I'd rather hear what are the desirable modifications than try guessing.

Well, ideally you would implement DRI3/Present support instead of 
complementing DRI2 support with Present.
Why improve the old solution, instead of switching to the new one ?

I know DRI3 is having a few issues to get support because of a few bugs 
in the stack, but if what you want is just small improvement to reduce 
overhead, then I woud think the answer is more implement that feature 
with DRI3.

Axel Davy

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