[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v4 26/28] mesa: Remove _mesa_pack_int_rgba_row() and auxiliary functions

Iago Toral Quiroga itoral at igalia.com
Wed Jan 7 23:21:45 PST 2015

From: Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <siglesias at igalia.com>

These are no longer used.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <siglesias at igalia.com>
Reviewed-by: Jason Ekstrand <jason.ekstrand at intel.com>
 src/mesa/main/format_pack.h  |   4 --
 src/mesa/main/format_pack.py | 121 -------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 125 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/format_pack.h b/src/mesa/main/format_pack.h
index 6087fc3..aa7113e 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/format_pack.h
+++ b/src/mesa/main/format_pack.h
@@ -69,10 +69,6 @@ _mesa_get_pack_ubyte_stencil_func(mesa_format format);
 extern void
-_mesa_pack_int_rgba_row(mesa_format format, GLuint n,
-                          const GLint src[][4], void *dst);
-extern void
 _mesa_pack_float_rgba_row(mesa_format format, GLuint n,
                           const GLfloat src[][4], void *dst);
diff --git a/src/mesa/main/format_pack.py b/src/mesa/main/format_pack.py
index 8d605be..3240d24 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/format_pack.py
+++ b/src/mesa/main/format_pack.py
@@ -213,99 +213,6 @@ pack_uint_${f.short_name()}(const GLuint src[4], void *dst)
-/* int packing functions */
-%for f in rgb_formats:
-   %if f.name in ('MESA_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_FLOAT', 'MESA_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT'):
-      <% continue %>
-   %elif f.is_compressed():
-      <% continue %>
-   %endif
-static inline void
-pack_int_${f.short_name()}(const GLint src[4], void *dst)
-   %for (i, c) in enumerate(f.channels):
-      <% i = f.swizzle.inverse()[i] %>
-      %if c.type == 'x':
-         <% continue %>
-      %endif
-      ${c.datatype()} ${c.name} =
-      %if not f.is_normalized():
-         %if c.type == parser.FLOAT and c.size == 32:
-            INT_TO_FLOAT(src[${i}]);
-         %elif c.type == parser.FLOAT and c.size == 16:
-            _mesa_float_to_half(INT_TO_FLOAT(src[${i}]));
-         %else:
-            (${c.datatype()}) src[${i}];
-         %endif
-      %elif c.type == parser.UNSIGNED:
-         %if f.colorspace == 'srgb' and c.name in 'rgb':
-            util_format_linear_to_srgb_8unorm(src[${i}]);
-         %else:
-            CLAMP(src[${i}], 0, MAX_UINT(${c.size}));
-         %endif
-      %elif c.type == parser.SIGNED:
-         CLAMP(src[${i}], 0,  MAX_UINT(${c.size}));
-      %elif c.type == parser.FLOAT:
-         %if c.size == 32:
-            _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[${i}], 8);
-         %elif c.size == 16:
-            _mesa_snorm_to_half(src[${i}], 8);
-         %else:
-            <% assert False %>
-         %endif
-      %else:
-         <% assert False %>
-      %endif
-   %endfor
-   %if f.layout == parser.ARRAY:
-      ${f.datatype()} *d = (${f.datatype()} *)dst;
-      %for (i, c) in enumerate(f.channels):
-         %if c.type == 'x':
-            <% continue %>
-         %endif
-         d[${i}] = ${c.name};
-      %endfor
-   %elif f.layout == parser.PACKED:
-      ${f.datatype()} d = 0;
-      %for (i, c) in enumerate(f.channels):
-         %if c.type == 'x':
-            <% continue %>
-         %endif
-         d |= PACK(${c.name}, ${c.shift}, ${c.size});
-      %endfor
-      (*(${f.datatype()} *)dst) = d;
-   %else:
-      <% assert False %>
-   %endif
-static inline void
-pack_int_r9g9b9e5_float(const GLint src[4], void *dst)
-   GLuint *d = (GLuint *) dst;
-   GLfloat rgb[3];
-   rgb[0] = _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[RCOMP], 8);
-   rgb[1] = _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[GCOMP], 8);
-   rgb[2] = _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[BCOMP], 8);
-   *d = float3_to_rgb9e5(rgb);
-static inline void
-pack_int_r11g11b10_float(const GLint src[4], void *dst)
-   GLuint *d = (GLuint *) dst;
-   GLfloat rgb[3];
-   rgb[0] = _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[RCOMP], 8);
-   rgb[1] = _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[GCOMP], 8);
-   rgb[2] = _mesa_snorm_to_float(src[BCOMP], 8);
-   *d = float3_to_r11g11b10f(rgb);
 /* float packing functions */
 %for f in rgb_formats:
@@ -489,34 +396,6 @@ _mesa_pack_uint_rgba_row(mesa_format format, GLuint n,
- * Pack a row of GLint rgba[4] values to the destination.
- */
-_mesa_pack_int_rgba_row(mesa_format format, GLuint n,
-                          const GLint src[][4], void *dst)
-   GLuint i;
-   GLubyte *d = dst;
-   switch (format) {
-%for f in rgb_formats:
-   %if f.is_compressed():
-      <% continue %>
-   %endif
-   case ${f.name}:
-      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-         pack_int_${f.short_name()}(src[i], d);
-         d += ${f.block_size() / 8};
-      }
-      break;
-   default:
-      assert(!"Invalid format");
-   }
  * Pack a row of GLfloat rgba[4] values to the destination.

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