[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 1/3] mesa: Replace _mesa_round_to_even() with _mesa_roundeven().

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Fri Mar 13 12:23:26 PDT 2015

On Fri, Mar 13 2015, Matt Turner wrote:
>> Perhaps something like the following?
>>         Round \x to the nearest even integer (returned in floating-point
>>         format).
> I didn't read this closely enough the first time, but if I had I think
> I could have short circuited a lot of the confusion.

Well, I didn't write that carefully enough either. I knew that the
"even" part only referred to the halfway cases, but I botched that in my

But I think even with my mistake, I did make my point, which is simply
that this function should be documented to describe what it's actually
intended to do[*].

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