[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 4/8] scons: Don't build osmesa.

Jose Fonseca jfonseca at vmware.com
Thu Mar 26 09:47:44 PDT 2015

On 26/03/15 16:36, Emil Velikov wrote:
> On 25/03/15 19:58, Jose Fonseca wrote:
>> On 25/03/15 19:35, Emil Velikov wrote:
>>> On 25/03/15 15:21, Jose Fonseca wrote:
>>>> On 25/03/15 14:53, Emil Velikov wrote:
>>>>> On 24 March 2015 at 21:16, Jose Fonseca <jfonseca at vmware.com> wrote:
>>>>>> There doesn't seem much interest on osmesa on Windows, particularly
>>>>>> classic osmesa.
>>>>>> If there is indeed interest in osmesa on Windows, we should instead
>>>>>> integrate src/gallium/targets/osmesa into SCons.
>>>>> Afaict the Octave people still use it. There was a guy in #dri-devel
>>>>> who was having issues with the Windows build not too long ago [1]
>>>>> Iirc the VTK folk are were using osmesa, although I'm not sure if (how
>>>>> much) Windows support is a thing for them. Hence the presence of the
>>>>> scons build.
>>>>> All of that is more of jfyi rather than feeling sentimental about
>>>>> nuking it :)
>>>>> -Emil
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__people.freedesktop.org_-7Ecbrill_dri-2Dlog_-3Fchannel-3Ddri-2Ddevel-26highlight-5Fnames-3Dandy1978-26date-3D2015-2D02-2D26&d=AwIBaQ&c=Sqcl0Ez6M0X8aeM67LKIiDJAXVeAw-YihVMNtXt-uEs&r=zfmBZnnVGHeYde45pMKNnVyzeaZbdIqVLprmZCM2zzE&m=0--RMUucqcy-hAGpX9G5a-U9MF5M607lG9i3Bm4eD2w&s=G-FQcwnoms56_DZd1eCFZAu3K6T9oDhuuqiIVGC7n6o&e=
>>>> Thanks for the info Emil.
>>>> The osmesa I removed from scons was the one with classic sw rasterizer.
>>> That's precisely the one they are using. Although I'll add a note in the
>>> release notes (update the rest of the docs) so that there is no funny
>>> surprises :-)
>>>> The osmesa w/ softpipe/llvmpipe is in src/gallium/targets/osmesa , but
>>>> was never integrated into scons build (just autotools.)
>>>> I'm OK adding support to build osmesa on Windows with llvmpipe/softpipe,
>>>> but I don't think there's value in supporting the classic rasterizer --
>>>> less code that we need to worry about MSVC portability.  I might give it
>>>> a go when I find some time.
>>> I see your concern and I'm not trying to force anything on you.
>>>> For the record, there was a point in time where I wanted SCons to build
>>>> most of Mesa in the hope of replacing autotools, which is why scons
>>>> build more than just Windows.  But it's a loosing battle.  Nowadays I'm
>>>> more interested in reducing the SCons scope as much as possible, so
>>>> there's less stuff for me and everybody else to maintain.
>>>> (And if there's a build system that could really work across multiple
>>>> platforms and make everybody happy, my bet would not be scons, but
>>>> rather cmake.  But I doubt there will ever be agreement or time to take
>>>> such enterprise anyway.)
>>> Fwiw if I have to choose between scons and cmake I would go for the
>>> latter. Yet considering the amount of work/time required, I'd assume
>>> that fixing the autotools bugs would be the faster route. If you're ok
>>> with the idea, feel free to submit bugs and I'll check them over.
>> I'm afraid that getting autotools to work with MSVC would be harder than
>> writing a completely new build system from scratch.  MinGW's doable, but
>> not MSVC. And we must support MSVC, as MinGW is OK for quick testing has
>> too many drawbacks to be used for production drivers.
> Was under the impression that MSYS + the cccl wrapper handles the chaos.
> Never tried it though so it might be completely broken. Just a note for
> people who haven't heard of the latter [1] [2].
> -Emil
> [1] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__cccl.sourceforge.net_&d=AwIDaQ&c=Sqcl0Ez6M0X8aeM67LKIiDJAXVeAw-YihVMNtXt-uEs&r=zfmBZnnVGHeYde45pMKNnVyzeaZbdIqVLprmZCM2zzE&m=LZK2dHWmc-mASox3J6ceUtVEX8Ga_k-1wx8sekJjFQ8&s=xDWFbM78n9y1geuSdFP072-aT_6OqCabXDRnPFF0gd8&e=
> [2] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_openvswitch_ovs_blob_master_build-2Daux_cccl&d=AwIDaQ&c=Sqcl0Ez6M0X8aeM67LKIiDJAXVeAw-YihVMNtXt-uEs&r=zfmBZnnVGHeYde45pMKNnVyzeaZbdIqVLprmZCM2zzE&m=LZK2dHWmc-mASox3J6ceUtVEX8Ga_k-1wx8sekJjFQ8&s=CFSB1dbcKAWQ5zZxy9RRR20QS_zOmXfarp8R46LJNww&e=

I had heard about it. But can't do all we need to do like .PDB files. 
Don't see how it will generate dependencies (it just exists on -MT). 
There are also / vs \ paths, etc.

autotools is only cross-platform if one ignores all non-Unix platforms.


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