[Mesa-dev] Can't get OpenGL 3.x inside VMware Workstation 12 (Ubuntu guest)

Valera Rozuvan valera.rozuvan at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 20:24:57 PST 2015

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 4:13 AM, Brian Paul <brianp at vmware.com> wrote:
> After running depmod, you probably need to update the initramfs with: 'sudo update-initramfs -u'
> -Brian

Hi Brian. First of all, thank you for your reply. I have tried your
suggestion on my working setup, and also doing everything again from
scratch. Basically, I get the same result - everything goes smoothly,
but in the end OpenGL is version 2.1. I even tried to run a simple
OpenGL 3.x program, and it crashes (simple OpenGL 2.1 program runs

Can you please spend an hour and try the instructions from
http://www.mesa3d.org/vmware-guest.html on a clean VMware Workstation
12 Player for Windows 64-bit (host), and Ubuntu 15.10 (guest)? It
would be very awesome if you can get OpenGL 3.x running in VMware 12,
and update the instructions. I am sure there is some critical piece

Thank you! = )

Valera Rozuvan | http://valera.rozuvan.net/

Skype: valera.rozuvan
E-mail: valera.rozuvan at gmail.com
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