[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] travis: Initial import of travis instructions.

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Tue Nov 24 11:04:30 PST 2015

This just builds/installs our dependencies, and runs "make check".  I'm
interested in integrating more tests into it, but this seems like a pretty
easy first start.

If your personal branches of Mesa are on github, you can enable it on your
account and the repository (see
https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/for-beginners), then any pushes you do
will get their HEAD commit tested, and any pull requests to your tree will
get their merge commits tested.

I'd really like to have *some* sort of publicly available CI for
people hacking on Mesa.  We've all seen how many times make check has
been broken, so this was an easy start.  Travis doesn't seem optimal,
since it doesn't test each commit, but I think it's better than
nothing, and the cost is this little file and bumping the versions of
dependencies to download when we update configure.ac requirements.

 .travis.yml | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .travis.yml

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31cd5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+language: c
+sudo: false
+  directories:
+    - $HOME/.ccache
+  apt:
+    packages:
+      - libdrm-dev
+      - libudev-dev
+      - x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev
+      - libexpat1-dev
+      - libxcb-dri2-0-dev
+      - libx11-xcb-dev
+      - llvm-3.4-dev
+  global:
+    - XORG_RELEASES=http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual
+    - XCB_RELEASES=http://xcb.freedesktop.org/dist
+    - XORGMACROS_VERSION=util-macros-1.19.0
+    - GLPROTO_VERSION=glproto-1.4.17
+    - DRI2PROTO_VERSION=dri2proto-2.8
+    - DRI3PROTO_VERSION=dri3proto-1.0
+    - PRESENTPROTO_VERSION=presentproto-1.0
+    - LIBPCIACCESS_VERSION=libpciaccess-0.13.4
+    - LIBDRM_VERSION=libdrm-2.4.65
+    - XCBPROTO_VERSION=xcb-proto-1.11
+    - LIBXCB_VERSION=libxcb-1.11
+    - LIBXSHMFENCE_VERSION=libxshmfence-1.2
+    - PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/prefix/lib/pkgconfig
+  - export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH"
+  - pip install --user mako
+  # Install dependencies where we require specific versions (or where
+  # disallowed by Travis CI's package whitelisting).
+  - tar -jxvf $XORGMACROS_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $XORGMACROS_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - wget $XORG_RELEASES/proto/$GLPROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - tar -jxvf $GLPROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $GLPROTO_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - wget $XORG_RELEASES/proto/$DRI2PROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - tar -jxvf $DRI2PROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $DRI2PROTO_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - wget $XORG_RELEASES/proto/$DRI3PROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - tar -jxvf $DRI3PROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $DRI3PROTO_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - tar -jxvf $PRESENTPROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $PRESENTPROTO_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - tar -jxvf $XCBPROTO_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $XCBPROTO_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - tar -jxvf $LIBXCB_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $LIBXCB_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - tar -jxvf $LIBPCIACCESS_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $LIBPCIACCESS_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - wget http://dri.freedesktop.org/libdrm/$LIBDRM_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - tar -jxvf $LIBDRM_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $LIBDRM_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+  - tar -jxvf $LIBXSHMFENCE_VERSION.tar.bz2
+  - (cd $LIBXSHMFENCE_VERSION && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/prefix && make install)
+# Disabled LLVM (and therefore r300 and r600) because the build fails
+# with "undefined reference to `clock_gettime'" and "undefined
+# reference to `setupterm'" in llvmpipe.
+  - ./autogen.sh --enable-debug
+    --disable-gallium-llvm
+    --with-egl-platforms=x11,drm
+    --with-dri-drivers=i915,i965,radeon,r200,swrast,nouveau
+    --with-gallium-drivers=svga,swrast,vc4,virgl
+  - make && make check

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