[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 5/6] configure.ac: Make setting LLVM_LIBS a function

Tobias Droste tdroste at gmx.de
Thu Dec 8 02:03:39 UTC 2016

Make setting LLVM_LIBS a function, put it to the other LLVM related
functions and call it if LLVM is used.

Signed-off-by: Tobias Droste <tdroste at gmx.de>
 configure.ac | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index d11f6cebc7..6e12ac8912 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1005,6 +1005,58 @@ llvm_set_environment_variables() {
+dnl Set LLVM_LIBS - This is done after the driver configuration so
+dnl that drivers can add additional components to LLVM_COMPONENTS.
+dnl Previously, gallium drivers were updating LLVM_LIBS directly
+dnl by calling llvm-config --libs ${DRIVER_LLVM_COMPONENTS}, but
+dnl this was causing the same libraries to be appear multiple times
+dnl in LLVM_LIBS.
+llvm_set_llvm_libs() {
+    if ! $LLVM_CONFIG --libs ${LLVM_COMPONENTS} >/dev/null; then
+       AC_MSG_ERROR([Calling ${LLVM_CONFIG} failed])
+    fi
+    dnl llvm-config may not give the right answer when llvm is a built as a
+    dnl single shared library, so we must work the library name out for
+    dnl ourselves.
+    dnl (See https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=6823)
+    if test "x$enable_llvm_shared_libs" = xyes; then
+        dnl We can't use $LLVM_VERSION because it has 'svn' stripped out,
+        LLVM_SO_NAME=LLVM-`$LLVM_CONFIG --version`
+        AS_IF([test -f "$LLVM_LIBDIR/lib$LLVM_SO_NAME.$IMP_LIB_EXT"], [llvm_have_one_so=yes])
+        if test "x$llvm_have_one_so" = xyes; then
+            dnl LLVM was built using auto*, so there is only one shared object.
+            LLVM_LIBS="-l$LLVM_SO_NAME"
+        else
+            dnl If LLVM was built with CMake, there will be one shared object per
+            dnl component.
+            AS_IF([test ! -f "$LLVM_LIBDIR/libLLVMTarget.$IMP_LIB_EXT"],
+                    [AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find llvm shared libraries:
+	Please make sure you have built llvm with the --enable-shared option
+	and that your llvm libraries are installed in $LLVM_LIBDIR
+	If you have installed your llvm libraries to a different directory you
+	can use the --with-llvm-prefix= configure flag to specify this directory.
+	NOTE: Mesa is attempting to use llvm shared libraries by default.
+	If you do not want to build with llvm shared libraries and instead want to
+	use llvm static libraries then add --disable-llvm-shared-libs to your configure
+	invocation and rebuild.])])
+           dnl We don't need to update LLVM_LIBS in this case because the LLVM
+           dnl install uses a shared object for each component and we have
+           dnl already added all of these objects to LLVM_LIBS.
+        fi
+    else
+        AC_MSG_WARN([Building mesa with statically linked LLVM may cause compilation issues])
+        dnl We need to link to llvm system libs when using static libs
+        dnl However, only llvm 3.5+ provides --system-libs
+        if test $LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR -ge 4 -o $LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR -eq 3 -a $LLVM_VERSION_MINOR -ge 5; then
+            LLVM_LIBS="$LLVM_LIBS `$LLVM_CONFIG --system-libs`"
+        fi
+    fi
 llvm_require_version() {
@@ -2564,64 +2616,11 @@ if test "x$enable_gallium_llvm" == "xyes"; then
-dnl Set HAVE_LLVM compiler define if LLVM is used.
+dnl Define HAVE_LLVM and set LLVM_LIBS
 if test "x$USE_LLVM" == xyes; then
-dnl Set LLVM_LIBS - This is done after the driver configuration so
-dnl that drivers can add additional components to LLVM_COMPONENTS.
-dnl Previously, gallium drivers were updating LLVM_LIBS directly
-dnl by calling llvm-config --libs ${DRIVER_LLVM_COMPONENTS}, but
-dnl this was causing the same libraries to be appear multiple times
-dnl in LLVM_LIBS.
-if test "x$USE_LLVM" == xyes; then
-    if ! $LLVM_CONFIG --libs ${LLVM_COMPONENTS} >/dev/null; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([Calling ${LLVM_CONFIG} failed])
-    fi
-    dnl llvm-config may not give the right answer when llvm is a built as a
-    dnl single shared library, so we must work the library name out for
-    dnl ourselves.
-    dnl (See https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=6823)
-    if test "x$enable_llvm_shared_libs" = xyes; then
-        dnl We can't use $LLVM_VERSION because it has 'svn' stripped out,
-        LLVM_SO_NAME=LLVM-`$LLVM_CONFIG --version`
-        AS_IF([test -f "$LLVM_LIBDIR/lib$LLVM_SO_NAME.$IMP_LIB_EXT"], [llvm_have_one_so=yes])
-        if test "x$llvm_have_one_so" = xyes; then
-            dnl LLVM was built using auto*, so there is only one shared object.
-            LLVM_LIBS="-l$LLVM_SO_NAME"
-        else
-            dnl If LLVM was built with CMake, there will be one shared object per
-            dnl component.
-            AS_IF([test ! -f "$LLVM_LIBDIR/libLLVMTarget.$IMP_LIB_EXT"],
-                    [AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find llvm shared libraries:
-	Please make sure you have built llvm with the --enable-shared option
-	and that your llvm libraries are installed in $LLVM_LIBDIR
-	If you have installed your llvm libraries to a different directory you
-	can use the --with-llvm-prefix= configure flag to specify this directory.
-	NOTE: Mesa is attempting to use llvm shared libraries by default.
-	If you do not want to build with llvm shared libraries and instead want to
-	use llvm static libraries then add --disable-llvm-shared-libs to your configure
-	invocation and rebuild.])])
-           dnl We don't need to update LLVM_LIBS in this case because the LLVM
-           dnl install uses a shared object for each component and we have
-           dnl already added all of these objects to LLVM_LIBS.
-        fi
-    else
-        AC_MSG_WARN([Building mesa with statically linked LLVM may cause compilation issues])
-        dnl We need to link to llvm system libs when using static libs
-        dnl However, only llvm 3.5+ provides --system-libs
-        if test $LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR -ge 4 -o $LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR -eq 3 -a $LLVM_VERSION_MINOR -ge 5; then
-            LLVM_LIBS="$LLVM_LIBS `$LLVM_CONFIG --system-libs`"
-        fi
-    fi
+    llvm_set_llvm_libs

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