[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] egl: fix for multiple window surfaces per single window

Ian Romanick idr at freedesktop.org
Fri Mar 11 18:58:59 UTC 2016

Most of comments that follow are related to Mesa coding standards.
Many of these comments apply to "egl: updating surface size on x11" and
"egl: Fix for not setting EGL_BAD_MATCH by eglCreatePbufferSurface.".

I'm not sure how you're sending these patches, but you really, really
should use git-send-email.  It may take a bit of effort to set up with
your mail server, but it will make life easier for everyone involved.

On 03/11/2016 01:04 AM, Pielech, Adrian wrote:
> Current implementation of eglCreateWindowSurface() is against to the EGL specification, because it allows creating multiple surfaces per single window.

Line-wrap commit messages at 72 columns.

If the code is not following the specification, include a spec
quotation either in the commit message or in the code.  Spec quotations
should be formatted as:

/* Section #.#.# (section name) of the Specification Name version spec
 * says:
 *     "Words from the spec."

Commit 07e6a373 is a good example.

It's really hard to evaluate the correctness of a behavioral change
like this without corroboration from the spec.

On that same topic, is there a test case for this?  If there is not,
please submit a piglit test that reproduces this error.

> ---
>  src/egl/main/eglapi.c | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/egl/main/eglapi.c b/src/egl/main/eglapi.c
> index fbb14f1..3eb9fb6 100644
> --- a/src/egl/main/eglapi.c
> +++ b/src/egl/main/eglapi.c
> @@ -102,6 +102,96 @@
>  #include "eglsync.h"
>  #include "eglstring.h"
> +/**
> +  * Bi direction linked list item structure for carrying window and surface fields.
> +  */
    ^ delete the extra space here.

The * of the second and third line should line up with the first * of
the first line.

> +struct _window_list_item

Don't begin the type name with an underscore.

> +{

Opening curly brace code on the previous line.  This also applies to all of the for-loops and if-statements below.

> +    struct _window_list_item *prev;
> +    struct _window_list_item *next;

Mesa already has several link list implementations.  Please use src/util/list.h instead of open-coding.

> +    EGLNativeWindowType native_window;
> +    EGLSurface attached_surface;
> +};
> +
> +typedef struct _window_list_item window_list_item;

Just use the struct name.  There is no reason for the extra typedef.

> +
> +struct _window_list_item *window_surface_association_list_head = NULL;
> +struct _window_list_item *window_surface_association_list_tail = NULL;
> +
> +static inline bool _isWindowAssociatedWithSurface(EGLNativeWindowType window)

The return type and the function name go on separate lines like:

static inline bool
_isWindowAssociatedWithSurface(EGLNativeWindowType window)

This enables people to find the function definition easily with 'git
grep ^function_name'

Also... name should separate words with underscores instead of

static inline bool
is_window_associated_with_surface(EGLNativeWindowType window)

> +{
> +    struct _window_list_item *it = window_surface_association_list_head;
> +    for (; it != NULL; it = it->next)

When you switch to list.h, this will become

       list_for_each_entry(struct window_list_item, it, &window_surface_association_list, node) {

> +    {
> +        if (it->native_window == window)
> +        {
> +            return true;
> +        }
> +    }
> +    return false;
> +}
> +
> +static inline void _associateWindowWithSurfaceList(EGLNativeWindowType window, EGLSurface surface)
> +{
> +    window_list_item * new_list_item = malloc(sizeof(window_list_item));
                         ^ no space here

> +    memset(new_list_item, 0, sizeof(window_list_item));

Use calloc.

> +
> +    new_list_item->native_window = window;
> +    new_list_item->attached_surface = surface;
> +
> +    if (window_surface_association_list_tail)
> +    {
> +        window_surface_association_list_tail->next = new_list_item;
> +        new_list_item->prev = window_surface_association_list_tail;
> +
> +        window_surface_association_list_tail = new_list_item;
> +    }
> +    else
> +    {

The else goes on the previous line.  So, this should be

    } else {

> +        window_surface_association_list_head = new_list_item;
> +        window_surface_association_list_tail = new_list_item;
> +    }

When you switch to list.h, the whole if-else block becomes:

       list_addhead(&new_list_item->node, &window_surface_association_list);

> +}
> +
> +static inline void _disassociateWindowWithSurfaceList(EGLSurface surface)
> +{
> +    if (window_surface_association_list_head != NULL)
> +    {
> +        if (window_surface_association_list_head == window_surface_association_list_tail &&
> +                window_surface_association_list_head->attached_surface == surface)

Indentation should line up with the opening parenthesis.

> +        {
> +            free(window_surface_association_list_head);
> +            window_surface_association_list_head = NULL;
> +            window_surface_association_list_tail = NULL;
> +        }
> +        else
> +        {
> +            struct _window_list_item * it = window_surface_association_list_head;
                                         ^ no space here

> +
> +            for (;it != NULL; it = it->next)
> +            {
> +                if (it->attached_surface == surface)
> +                {
> +                    struct _window_list_item *next_element = it->next;
> +                    struct _window_list_item *prev_element = it->prev;
> +
> +                    free (it);
                           ^ no space here.

> +
> +                    if (prev_element)
> +                        prev_element->next = next_element;

Blank line here.

> +                    if (next_element)
> +                        next_element->prev = prev_element;
> +
> +                    if (it == window_surface_association_list_tail)
> +                        window_surface_association_list_tail = prev_element;
> +
> +                    if (it == window_surface_association_list_head)
> +                        window_surface_association_list_head = next_element;
> +                }
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }

Once you switch to list.h, this whole function will change.  You will
want to use list_for_each_entry_safe.

> +}
>  /**
>   * Macros to help return an API entrypoint.
> @@ -690,9 +780,20 @@ eglCreateWindowSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config,
>                         EGLNativeWindowType window, const EGLint *attrib_list)
>  {
>     _EGLDisplay *disp = _eglLockDisplay(dpy);
> +   EGLSurface window_surface = NULL;
>     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(void*) == sizeof(window));
> -   return _eglCreateWindowSurfaceCommon(disp, config, (void*) window,
> -                                        attrib_list);
> +
> +   //check if window have already created surface to it

Use /* */ style comments.  Also, use proper capitalization and punctuation rules in comments.  In a single-line comment the closing */ goes on the same line.

   /* Check if window have already created surface to it. */

> +   if (_isWindowAssociatedWithSurface(window))
> +
> +   window_surface = _eglCreateWindowSurfaceCommon(disp, config, (void*) window,
> +                                                  attrib_list);
> +   //add window with attached surface to list,
> +   //it will be freed when eglDestroySurface will be called

In a multi-line comment, the */ goes on its own line.

   /* Add window with attached surface to list, and it will be freed
    * when eglDestroySurface is called.

> +   if (window_surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
> +       _associateWindowWithSurfaceList(window, window_surface);
> +
> +   return window_surface;
>  }
> @@ -805,6 +906,9 @@ eglDestroySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface)
>     _eglUnlinkSurface(surf);
>     ret = drv->API.DestroySurface(drv, disp, surf);
> +   //remove surface association with window if exist
> +   _disassociateWindowWithSurfaceList(surface);
> +
>     RETURN_EGL_EVAL(disp, ret);
>  }

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