[Mesa-dev] About tolerance calculation on specific (builtin) functions

Eirik Byrkjeflot Anonsen eirik at eirikba.org
Wed May 4 17:59:56 UTC 2016

Andres Gomez <agomez at igalia.com> writes:

> Hi,
> as part of the work done to "Add FP64 support to the i965 shader
> backends" at:
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92760
> I've been working to add piglit tests that would check the new features
> added by this addition.
> Due to this, I've been checking and making modifications into the
> builtin_functions*py module used by some generators. These modules use
> automatic calculation of the tolerance when distance checking the
> result of a function.
> As already stated in the good documentation of the module, the
> tolerance is computed following what it is stated in OpenGL's specs:
>     From the OpenGL 1.4 spec (2.1.1 "Floating-Point Computation"):
>       "We require simply that numbers' floating-point parts contain
>       enough bits ... so that individual results of floating-point
>       operations are accurate to about 1 part in 10^5."
> Although the text is open to interpretation, and for specific
> operations we take a little bit more flexible approach, basically, the
> tolerance is calculated as:
> tolerance = <expected_value> / 10⁵
> This makes sense since the precision of a floating point value gets
> reduced while the number gets bigger[1].
> Following this approach, for a number in the order of 40*10⁵, the
> tolerance used is ~40. While this should be OK for most of the
> functions, it seems to me that such a high tolerance should not be used
> with specific functions, if any tolerance should be used at all.
> For example, when testing the "sign()" function, seems pretty obvious
> that using a value of 40 in the tolerance of a function that should
> return either 1.0, 0.0 or -1.0 doesn't make much sense.

That's an interesting interpretation. I would assume that a tolerance of
1 part in 10^5 for any of these three values would be somewhat less than
40 :)

Although that does bring up an interesting point: To get things correct,
probably the tolerance has to apply to all values in the chain, both the
inputs, outputs and any intermediates. Consider for example the case of

a = 40 * 10^5 + 1
b = 40 * 10^5 - 1
c = a - b

What is the correct tolerance for c?


> A similar case is the "trunc" function and probably others, like
> "floor", "ceil", "abs", etc.
> My conclusion is that it should be safe to assume no tolerance in this
> functions and I could modify the algorithm used for them in the python
> module but I wanted to have some feedback in case I'm not taking into
> account something that advices against doing these modifications.
> Opinions?
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point#Basic_and_interch
> ange_formats
> -- 
> Br,
> Andres
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