[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 07/14] radeonsi: remove SDMA texture copy code

Marek Olšák maraeo at gmail.com
Wed May 4 23:43:36 UTC 2016

From: Marek Olšák <marek.olsak at amd.com>

Most of this has never worked according to the new test.

The new code will be radically different.
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/cik_sdma.c | 217 +-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/cik_sdma.c b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/cik_sdma.c
index a8caf04..ec3446a 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/cik_sdma.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/cik_sdma.c
@@ -89,110 +89,6 @@ static void cik_sdma_copy_buffer(struct si_context *ctx,
 	cik_sdma_do_copy_buffer(ctx, dst, src, dst_offset, src_offset, size);
-static void cik_sdma_copy_tile(struct si_context *ctx,
-			       struct pipe_resource *dst,
-			       unsigned dst_level,
-			       struct pipe_resource *src,
-			       unsigned src_level,
-			       unsigned y,
-			       unsigned copy_height,
-			       unsigned y_align,
-			       unsigned pitch,
-			       unsigned bpe)
-	struct radeon_winsys_cs *cs = ctx->b.dma.cs;
-	struct r600_texture *rsrc = (struct r600_texture*)src;
-	struct r600_texture *rdst = (struct r600_texture*)dst;
-	unsigned dst_mode = rdst->surface.level[dst_level].mode;
-	unsigned src_mode = rsrc->surface.level[src_level].mode;
-	bool detile = dst_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED;
-	struct r600_texture *rlinear = detile ? rdst : rsrc;
-	struct r600_texture *rtiled = detile ? rsrc : rdst;
-	unsigned linear_lvl = detile ? dst_level : src_level;
-	unsigned tiled_lvl = detile ? src_level : dst_level;
-	struct radeon_info *info = &ctx->screen->b.info;
-	unsigned index = rtiled->surface.tiling_index[tiled_lvl];
-	unsigned macro_index = rtiled->surface.macro_tile_index;
-	unsigned tile_mode = info->si_tile_mode_array[index];
-	unsigned macro_mode = info->cik_macrotile_mode_array[macro_index];
-	unsigned array_mode, lbpe, pitch_tile_max, slice_tile_max, size;
-	unsigned ncopy, height, cheight, i;
-	unsigned sub_op, bank_h, bank_w, mt_aspect, nbanks, tile_split, mt;
-	uint64_t base, addr;
-	unsigned pipe_config;
-	assert(dst_mode != src_mode);
-	lbpe = util_logbase2(bpe);
-	pitch_tile_max = ((pitch / bpe) / 8) - 1;
-	assert(!util_format_is_depth_and_stencil(rtiled->resource.b.b.format));
-	array_mode = G_009910_ARRAY_MODE(tile_mode);
-	slice_tile_max = (rtiled->surface.level[tiled_lvl].nblk_x *
-			  rtiled->surface.level[tiled_lvl].nblk_y) / (8*8) - 1;
-	height = rlinear->surface.level[linear_lvl].nblk_y;
-	base = rtiled->surface.level[tiled_lvl].offset;
-	addr = rlinear->surface.level[linear_lvl].offset;
-	bank_h = G_009990_BANK_HEIGHT(macro_mode);
-	bank_w = G_009990_BANK_WIDTH(macro_mode);
-	mt_aspect = G_009990_MACRO_TILE_ASPECT(macro_mode);
-	/* Non-depth modes don't have TILE_SPLIT set. */
-	tile_split = util_logbase2(rtiled->surface.tile_split >> 6);
-	nbanks = G_009990_NUM_BANKS(macro_mode);
-	base += rtiled->resource.gpu_address;
-	addr += rlinear->resource.gpu_address;
-	pipe_config = G_009910_PIPE_CONFIG(tile_mode);
-	mt = G_009910_MICRO_TILE_MODE_NEW(tile_mode);
-	size = (copy_height * pitch) / 4;
-	cheight = copy_height;
-	if (((cheight * pitch) / 4) > CIK_SDMA_COPY_MAX_SIZE) {
-		cheight = (CIK_SDMA_COPY_MAX_SIZE * 4) / pitch;
-		cheight &= ~(y_align - 1);
-	}
-	ncopy = (copy_height + cheight - 1) / cheight;
-	r600_need_dma_space(&ctx->b, ncopy * 12);
-	radeon_add_to_buffer_list(&ctx->b, &ctx->b.dma, &rsrc->resource,
-	radeon_add_to_buffer_list(&ctx->b, &ctx->b.dma, &rdst->resource,
-	copy_height = size * 4 / pitch;
-	for (i = 0; i < ncopy; i++) {
-		cheight = copy_height;
-		if (((cheight * pitch) / 4) > CIK_SDMA_COPY_MAX_SIZE) {
-			cheight = (CIK_SDMA_COPY_MAX_SIZE * 4) / pitch;
-			cheight &= ~(y_align - 1);
-		}
-		size = (cheight * pitch) / 4;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = CIK_SDMA_PACKET(CIK_SDMA_OPCODE_COPY,
-						     sub_op, detile << 15);
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = base;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = base >> 32;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = ((height - 1) << 16) | pitch_tile_max;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = slice_tile_max;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = (pipe_config << 26) | (mt_aspect << 24) |
-			(nbanks << 21) | (bank_h << 18) | (bank_w << 15) |
-			(tile_split << 11) | (mt << 8) | (array_mode << 3) |
-			lbpe;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = y << 16; /* | x */
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = 0; /* z */
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = addr & 0xfffffffc;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = addr >> 32;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = (pitch / bpe) - 1;
-		cs->buf[cs->cdw++] = size;
-		copy_height -= cheight;
-		y += cheight;
-	}
 static void cik_sdma_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
 			  struct pipe_resource *dst,
 			  unsigned dst_level,
@@ -202,124 +98,15 @@ static void cik_sdma_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
 			  const struct pipe_box *src_box)
 	struct si_context *sctx = (struct si_context *)ctx;
-	struct r600_texture *rsrc = (struct r600_texture*)src;
-	struct r600_texture *rdst = (struct r600_texture*)dst;
-	unsigned dst_pitch, src_pitch, bpe, dst_mode, src_mode;
-	unsigned src_w, dst_w;
-	unsigned src_x, src_y;
-	unsigned copy_height, y_align;
-	unsigned dst_x = dstx, dst_y = dsty, dst_z = dstz;
-	if (sctx->b.dma.cs == NULL) {
+	if (!sctx->b.dma.cs)
 		goto fallback;
-	}
 	if (dst->target == PIPE_BUFFER && src->target == PIPE_BUFFER) {
-		cik_sdma_copy_buffer(sctx, dst, src, dst_x, src_box->x, src_box->width);
+		cik_sdma_copy_buffer(sctx, dst, src, dstx, src_box->x, src_box->width);
-	/* Before re-enabling this, please make sure you can hit all newly
-	 * enabled paths in your testing, preferably with both piglit (in
-	 * particular the streaming-texture-leak test) and real world apps
-	 * (e.g. the UE4 Elemental demo).
-	 */
-	goto fallback;
-	if (!r600_prepare_for_dma_blit(&sctx->b, rdst, dst_level, dstx, dsty,
-					dstz, rsrc, src_level, src_box))
-		goto fallback;
-	src_x = util_format_get_nblocksx(src->format, src_box->x);
-	dst_x = util_format_get_nblocksx(src->format, dst_x);
-	src_y = util_format_get_nblocksy(src->format, src_box->y);
-	dst_y = util_format_get_nblocksy(src->format, dst_y);
-	dst_pitch = rdst->surface.level[dst_level].pitch_bytes;
-	src_pitch = rsrc->surface.level[src_level].pitch_bytes;
-	src_w = rsrc->surface.level[src_level].npix_x;
-	dst_w = rdst->surface.level[dst_level].npix_x;
-	if (src_pitch != dst_pitch || src_box->x || dst_x || src_w != dst_w ||
-	    src_box->width != src_w ||
-	    rsrc->surface.level[src_level].nblk_y !=
-	    rdst->surface.level[dst_level].nblk_y) {
-		/* FIXME CIK can do partial blit */
-		goto fallback;
-	}
-	bpe = rdst->surface.bpe;
-	copy_height = src_box->height / rsrc->surface.blk_h;
-	dst_mode = rdst->surface.level[dst_level].mode;
-	src_mode = rsrc->surface.level[src_level].mode;
-	/* Dimensions must be aligned to (macro)tiles */
-	switch (src_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED ? dst_mode : src_mode) {
-		if ((src_x % 8) || (src_y % 8) || (dst_x % 8) || (dst_y % 8) ||
-		    (copy_height % 8))
-			goto fallback;
-		y_align = 8;
-		break;
-		unsigned mtilew, mtileh;
-		struct radeon_info *info = &sctx->screen->b.info;
-		unsigned macro_index = rsrc->surface.macro_tile_index;
-		unsigned macro_mode = info->cik_macrotile_mode_array[macro_index];
-		unsigned num_banks = 2 << G_009990_NUM_BANKS(macro_mode);
-			mtilew = (8 * rsrc->surface.bankw *
-				  sctx->screen->b.info.num_tile_pipes) *
-				rsrc->surface.mtilea;
-			assert(!(mtilew & (mtilew - 1)));
-			mtileh = (8 * rsrc->surface.bankh * num_banks) /
-				rsrc->surface.mtilea;
-			assert(!(mtileh & (mtileh - 1)));
-			if ((src_x & (mtilew - 1)) || (src_y & (mtileh - 1)) ||
-			    (dst_x & (mtilew - 1)) || (dst_y & (mtileh - 1)) ||
-			    (copy_height & (mtileh - 1)))
-				goto fallback;
-			y_align = mtileh;
-			break;
-	}
-	default:
-		y_align = 1;
-	}
-	if (src_mode == dst_mode) {
-		uint64_t dst_offset, src_offset;
-		unsigned src_h, dst_h;
-		src_h = rsrc->surface.level[src_level].npix_y;
-		dst_h = rdst->surface.level[dst_level].npix_y;
-		if (src_box->depth > 1 &&
-		    (src_y || dst_y || src_h != dst_h || src_box->height != src_h))
-			goto fallback;
-		/* simple dma blit would do NOTE code here assume :
-		 *   dst_pitch == src_pitch
-		 */
-		src_offset= rsrc->surface.level[src_level].offset;
-		src_offset += rsrc->surface.level[src_level].slice_size * src_box->z;
-		src_offset += src_y * src_pitch + src_x * bpe;
-		dst_offset = rdst->surface.level[dst_level].offset;
-		dst_offset += rdst->surface.level[dst_level].slice_size * dst_z;
-		dst_offset += dst_y * dst_pitch + dst_x * bpe;
-		cik_sdma_do_copy_buffer(sctx, dst, src, dst_offset, src_offset,
-					src_box->depth *
-					rsrc->surface.level[src_level].slice_size);
-	} else {
-		if (dst_y != src_y || src_box->depth > 1 || src_box->z || dst_z)
-			goto fallback;
-		cik_sdma_copy_tile(sctx, dst, dst_level, src, src_level,
-				   src_y, copy_height, y_align, dst_pitch, bpe);
-	}
-	return;
 	si_resource_copy_region(ctx, dst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz,
 				src, src_level, src_box);

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