[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 18/20] anv/pipeline: Roll genX_pipeline_util.h into genX_pipeline.c

Jason Ekstrand jason at jlekstrand.net
Sat Nov 12 21:35:00 UTC 2016

 src/intel/vulkan/Makefile.sources     |    1 -
 src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c      | 1273 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline_util.h | 1300 ---------------------------------
 3 files changed, 1272 insertions(+), 1302 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline_util.h

diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/Makefile.sources b/src/intel/vulkan/Makefile.sources
index cf24344..a97d47e 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/Makefile.sources
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/Makefile.sources
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ VULKAN_FILES := \
 	anv_query.c \
 	anv_util.c \
 	anv_wsi.c \
-	genX_pipeline_util.h \
diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
index 9953297..0b0987c 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
@@ -26,7 +26,1278 @@
 #include "genxml/gen_macros.h"
 #include "genxml/genX_pack.h"
-#include "genX_pipeline_util.h"
+#include "common/gen_l3_config.h"
+#include "common/gen_sample_positions.h"
+#include "vk_format_info.h"
+static uint32_t
+vertex_element_comp_control(enum isl_format format, unsigned comp)
+   uint8_t bits;
+   switch (comp) {
+   case 0: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.r.bits; break;
+   case 1: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.g.bits; break;
+   case 2: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.b.bits; break;
+   case 3: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.a.bits; break;
+   default: unreachable("Invalid component");
+   }
+   if (bits) {
+      return VFCOMP_STORE_SRC;
+   } else if (comp < 3) {
+      return VFCOMP_STORE_0;
+   } else if (isl_format_layouts[format].channels.r.type == ISL_UINT ||
+            isl_format_layouts[format].channels.r.type == ISL_SINT) {
+      assert(comp == 3);
+      return VFCOMP_STORE_1_INT;
+   } else {
+      assert(comp == 3);
+      return VFCOMP_STORE_1_FP;
+   }
+static void
+emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+                  const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo *info)
+   const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = get_vs_prog_data(pipeline);
+   /* Pull inputs_read out of the VS prog data */
+   const uint64_t inputs_read = vs_prog_data->inputs_read;
+   assert((inputs_read & ((1 << VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0) - 1)) == 0);
+   const uint32_t elements = inputs_read >> VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   /* On BDW+, we only need to allocate space for base ids.  Setting up
+    * the actual vertex and instance id is a separate packet.
+    */
+   const bool needs_svgs_elem = vs_prog_data->uses_basevertex ||
+                                vs_prog_data->uses_baseinstance;
+   /* On Haswell and prior, vertex and instance id are created by using the
+    * ComponentControl fields, so we need an element for any of them.
+    */
+   const bool needs_svgs_elem = vs_prog_data->uses_vertexid ||
+                                vs_prog_data->uses_instanceid ||
+                                vs_prog_data->uses_basevertex ||
+                                vs_prog_data->uses_baseinstance;
+   uint32_t elem_count = __builtin_popcount(elements) + needs_svgs_elem;
+   if (elem_count == 0)
+      return;
+   uint32_t *p;
+   const uint32_t num_dwords = 1 + elem_count * 2;
+   p = anv_batch_emitn(&pipeline->batch, num_dwords,
+                       GENX(3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS));
+   memset(p + 1, 0, (num_dwords - 1) * 4);
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount; i++) {
+      const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *desc =
+         &info->pVertexAttributeDescriptions[i];
+      enum isl_format format = anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info,
+                                                  desc->format,
+                                                  VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
+                                                  VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR);
+      assert(desc->binding < 32);
+      if ((elements & (1 << desc->location)) == 0)
+         continue; /* Binding unused */
+      uint32_t slot = __builtin_popcount(elements & ((1 << desc->location) - 1));
+      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
+         .VertexBufferIndex = desc->binding,
+         .Valid = true,
+         .SourceElementFormat = format,
+         .EdgeFlagEnable = false,
+         .SourceElementOffset = desc->offset,
+         .Component0Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 0),
+         .Component1Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 1),
+         .Component2Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 2),
+         .Component3Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 3),
+      };
+      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + slot * 2], &element);
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      /* On Broadwell and later, we have a separate VF_INSTANCING packet
+       * that controls instancing.  On Haswell and prior, that's part of
+       * VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE which we emit later.
+       */
+      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi) {
+         vfi.InstancingEnable = pipeline->instancing_enable[desc->binding];
+         vfi.VertexElementIndex = slot;
+         /* Vulkan so far doesn't have an instance divisor, so
+          * this is always 1 (ignored if not instancing). */
+         vfi.InstanceDataStepRate = 1;
+      }
+   }
+   const uint32_t id_slot = __builtin_popcount(elements);
+   if (needs_svgs_elem) {
+      /* From the Broadwell PRM for the 3D_Vertex_Component_Control enum:
+       *    "Within a VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE structure, if a Component
+       *    Control field is set to something other than VFCOMP_STORE_SRC,
+       *    no higher-numbered Component Control fields may be set to
+       *    VFCOMP_STORE_SRC"
+       *
+       * This means, that if we have BaseInstance, we need BaseVertex as
+       * well.  Just do all or nothing.
+       */
+      uint32_t base_ctrl = (vs_prog_data->uses_basevertex ||
+                            vs_prog_data->uses_baseinstance) ?
+                           VFCOMP_STORE_SRC : VFCOMP_STORE_0;
+      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
+         .VertexBufferIndex = 32, /* Reserved for this */
+         .Valid = true,
+         .SourceElementFormat = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT,
+         .Component0Control = base_ctrl,
+         .Component1Control = base_ctrl,
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+         .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
+         .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
+         .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_VID,
+         .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_IID,
+      };
+      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + id_slot * 2], &element);
+   }
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_SGVS), sgvs) {
+      sgvs.VertexIDEnable              = vs_prog_data->uses_vertexid;
+      sgvs.VertexIDComponentNumber     = 2;
+      sgvs.VertexIDElementOffset       = id_slot;
+      sgvs.InstanceIDEnable            = vs_prog_data->uses_instanceid;
+      sgvs.InstanceIDComponentNumber   = 3;
+      sgvs.InstanceIDElementOffset     = id_slot;
+   }
+genX(emit_urb_setup)(struct anv_device *device, struct anv_batch *batch,
+                     VkShaderStageFlags active_stages,
+                     unsigned vs_size, unsigned gs_size,
+                     const struct gen_l3_config *l3_config)
+   if (!(active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT))
+      vs_size = 1;
+   if (!(active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT))
+      gs_size = 1;
+   unsigned vs_entry_size_bytes = vs_size * 64;
+   unsigned gs_entry_size_bytes = gs_size * 64;
+   /* From p35 of the Ivy Bridge PRM (section 1.7.1: 3DSTATE_URB_GS):
+    *
+    *     VS Number of URB Entries must be divisible by 8 if the VS URB Entry
+    *     Allocation Size is less than 9 512-bit URB entries.
+    *
+    * Similar text exists for GS.
+    */
+   unsigned vs_granularity = (vs_size < 9) ? 8 : 1;
+   unsigned gs_granularity = (gs_size < 9) ? 8 : 1;
+   /* URB allocations must be done in 8k chunks. */
+   unsigned chunk_size_bytes = 8192;
+   /* Determine the size of the URB in chunks. */
+   const unsigned total_urb_size =
+      gen_get_l3_config_urb_size(&device->info, l3_config);
+   const unsigned urb_chunks = total_urb_size * 1024 / chunk_size_bytes;
+   /* Reserve space for push constants */
+   unsigned push_constant_kb;
+   if (device->info.gen >= 8)
+      push_constant_kb = 32;
+   else if (device->info.is_haswell)
+      push_constant_kb = device->info.gt == 3 ? 32 : 16;
+   else
+      push_constant_kb = 16;
+   unsigned push_constant_bytes = push_constant_kb * 1024;
+   unsigned push_constant_chunks =
+      push_constant_bytes / chunk_size_bytes;
+   /* Initially, assign each stage the minimum amount of URB space it needs,
+    * and make a note of how much additional space it "wants" (the amount of
+    * additional space it could actually make use of).
+    */
+   /* VS has a lower limit on the number of URB entries */
+   unsigned vs_chunks =
+      ALIGN(device->info.urb.min_vs_entries * vs_entry_size_bytes,
+            chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes;
+   unsigned vs_wants =
+      ALIGN(device->info.urb.max_vs_entries * vs_entry_size_bytes,
+            chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes - vs_chunks;
+   unsigned gs_chunks = 0;
+   unsigned gs_wants = 0;
+   if (active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) {
+      /* There are two constraints on the minimum amount of URB space we can
+       * allocate:
+       *
+       * (1) We need room for at least 2 URB entries, since we always operate
+       * the GS in DUAL_OBJECT mode.
+       *
+       * (2) We can't allocate less than nr_gs_entries_granularity.
+       */
+      gs_chunks = ALIGN(MAX2(gs_granularity, 2) * gs_entry_size_bytes,
+                        chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes;
+      gs_wants =
+         ALIGN(device->info.urb.max_gs_entries * gs_entry_size_bytes,
+               chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes - gs_chunks;
+   }
+   /* There should always be enough URB space to satisfy the minimum
+    * requirements of each stage.
+    */
+   unsigned total_needs = push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks + gs_chunks;
+   assert(total_needs <= urb_chunks);
+   /* Mete out remaining space (if any) in proportion to "wants". */
+   unsigned total_wants = vs_wants + gs_wants;
+   unsigned remaining_space = urb_chunks - total_needs;
+   if (remaining_space > total_wants)
+      remaining_space = total_wants;
+   if (remaining_space > 0) {
+      unsigned vs_additional = (unsigned)
+         round(vs_wants * (((double) remaining_space) / total_wants));
+      vs_chunks += vs_additional;
+      remaining_space -= vs_additional;
+      gs_chunks += remaining_space;
+   }
+   /* Sanity check that we haven't over-allocated. */
+   assert(push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks + gs_chunks <= urb_chunks);
+   /* Finally, compute the number of entries that can fit in the space
+    * allocated to each stage.
+    */
+   unsigned nr_vs_entries = vs_chunks * chunk_size_bytes / vs_entry_size_bytes;
+   unsigned nr_gs_entries = gs_chunks * chunk_size_bytes / gs_entry_size_bytes;
+   /* Since we rounded up when computing *_wants, this may be slightly more
+    * than the maximum allowed amount, so correct for that.
+    */
+   nr_vs_entries = MIN2(nr_vs_entries, device->info.urb.max_vs_entries);
+   nr_gs_entries = MIN2(nr_gs_entries, device->info.urb.max_gs_entries);
+   /* Ensure that we program a multiple of the granularity. */
+   nr_vs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_vs_entries, vs_granularity);
+   nr_gs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_gs_entries, gs_granularity);
+   /* Finally, sanity check to make sure we have at least the minimum number
+    * of entries needed for each stage.
+    */
+   assert(nr_vs_entries >= device->info.urb.min_vs_entries);
+   if (active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT)
+      assert(nr_gs_entries >= 2);
+#if GEN_GEN == 7 && !GEN_IS_HASWELL
+   /* From the IVB PRM Vol. 2, Part 1, Section 3.2.1:
+    *
+    *    "A PIPE_CONTROL with Post-Sync Operation set to 1h and a depth stall
+    *    needs to be sent just prior to any 3DSTATE_VS, 3DSTATE_URB_VS,
+    *    needs to be sent before any combination of VS associated 3DSTATE."
+    */
+   anv_batch_emit(batch, GEN7_PIPE_CONTROL, pc) {
+      pc.DepthStallEnable  = true;
+      pc.PostSyncOperation = WriteImmediateData;
+      pc.Address           = (struct anv_address) { &device->workaround_bo, 0 };
+   }
+   /* Lay out the URB in the following order:
+    * - push constants
+    * - VS
+    * - GS
+    */
+   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_VS), urb) {
+      urb.VSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks;
+      urb.VSURBEntryAllocationSize  = vs_size - 1;
+      urb.VSNumberofURBEntries      = nr_vs_entries;
+   }
+   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_HS), urb) {
+      urb.HSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks;
+   }
+   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_DS), urb) {
+      urb.DSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks;
+   }
+   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_GS), urb) {
+      urb.GSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks;
+      urb.GSURBEntryAllocationSize  = gs_size - 1;
+      urb.GSNumberofURBEntries      = nr_gs_entries;
+   }
+static inline void
+emit_urb_setup(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   unsigned vs_entry_size =
+      (pipeline->active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT) ?
+      get_vs_prog_data(pipeline)->base.urb_entry_size : 0;
+   unsigned gs_entry_size =
+      (pipeline->active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) ?
+      get_gs_prog_data(pipeline)->base.urb_entry_size : 0;
+   genX(emit_urb_setup)(pipeline->device, &pipeline->batch,
+                        pipeline->active_stages, vs_entry_size, gs_entry_size,
+                        pipeline->urb.l3_config);
+static void
+emit_3dstate_sbe(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = get_vs_prog_data(pipeline);
+   const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data = get_gs_prog_data(pipeline);
+   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
+   const struct brw_vue_map *fs_input_map;
+   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
+      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE), sbe);
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ), sbe);
+      return;
+   }
+   if (gs_prog_data)
+      fs_input_map = &gs_prog_data->base.vue_map;
+   else
+      fs_input_map = &vs_prog_data->base.vue_map;
+   struct GENX(3DSTATE_SBE) sbe = {
+      GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_header),
+      .AttributeSwizzleEnable = true,
+      .PointSpriteTextureCoordinateOrigin = UPPERLEFT,
+      .NumberofSFOutputAttributes = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs,
+      .ConstantInterpolationEnable = wm_prog_data->flat_inputs,
+   };
+#if GEN_GEN >= 9
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+      sbe.AttributeActiveComponentFormat[i] = ACF_XYZW;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   /* On Broadwell, they broke 3DSTATE_SBE into two packets */
+   struct GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ) swiz = {
+      GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ_header),
+   };
+#  define swiz sbe
+   int max_source_attr = 0;
+   for (int attr = 0; attr < VARYING_SLOT_MAX; attr++) {
+      int input_index = wm_prog_data->urb_setup[attr];
+      if (input_index < 0)
+         continue;
+      if (attr == VARYING_SLOT_PNTC) {
+         sbe.PointSpriteTextureCoordinateEnable = 1 << input_index;
+         continue;
+      }
+      const int slot = fs_input_map->varying_to_slot[attr];
+      if (input_index >= 16)
+         continue;
+      if (slot == -1) {
+         /* This attribute does not exist in the VUE--that means that the
+          * vertex shader did not write to it.  It could be that it's a
+          * regular varying read by the fragment shader but not written by
+          * the vertex shader or it's gl_PrimitiveID. In the first case the
+          * value is undefined, in the second it needs to be
+          * gl_PrimitiveID.
+          */
+         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ConstantSource = PRIM_ID;
+         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideX = true;
+         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideY = true;
+         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideZ = true;
+         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideW = true;
+      } else {
+         assert(slot >= 2);
+         const int source_attr = slot - 2;
+         max_source_attr = MAX2(max_source_attr, source_attr);
+         /* We have to subtract two slots to accout for the URB entry output
+          * read offset in the VS and GS stages.
+          */
+         swiz.Attribute[input_index].SourceAttribute = source_attr;
+      }
+   }
+   sbe.VertexURBEntryReadOffset = 1; /* Skip the VUE header and position slots */
+   sbe.VertexURBEntryReadLength = DIV_ROUND_UP(max_source_attr + 1, 2);
+   uint32_t *dw = anv_batch_emit_dwords(&pipeline->batch,
+                                        GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_length));
+   GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_pack)(&pipeline->batch, dw, &sbe);
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   dw = anv_batch_emit_dwords(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ_length));
+   GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ_pack)(&pipeline->batch, dw, &swiz);
+static inline uint32_t
+scratch_space(const struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data)
+   return ffs(prog_data->total_scratch / 2048);
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_cullmode[] = {
+   [VK_CULL_MODE_NONE]                       = CULLMODE_NONE,
+   [VK_CULL_MODE_FRONT_BIT]                  = CULLMODE_FRONT,
+   [VK_CULL_MODE_BACK_BIT]                   = CULLMODE_BACK,
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_fillmode[] = {
+   [VK_POLYGON_MODE_FILL]                    = FILL_MODE_SOLID,
+   [VK_POLYGON_MODE_LINE]                    = FILL_MODE_WIREFRAME,
+   [VK_POLYGON_MODE_POINT]                   = FILL_MODE_POINT,
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_front_face[] = {
+   [VK_FRONT_FACE_CLOCKWISE]                 = 0
+static void
+emit_rs_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+              const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *rs_info,
+              const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *ms_info,
+              const struct anv_render_pass *pass,
+              const struct anv_subpass *subpass)
+   struct GENX(3DSTATE_SF) sf = {
+      GENX(3DSTATE_SF_header),
+   };
+   sf.ViewportTransformEnable = true;
+   sf.StatisticsEnable = true;
+   sf.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
+   sf.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
+   sf.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1;
+   sf.PointWidthSource = Vertex;
+   sf.PointWidth = 1.0;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   struct GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER) raster = {
+      GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_header),
+   };
+#  define raster sf
+   /* For details on 3DSTATE_RASTER multisample state, see the BSpec table
+    * "Multisample Modes State".
+    */
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   raster.DXMultisampleRasterizationEnable = true;
+   raster.ForcedSampleCount = FSC_NUMRASTSAMPLES_0;
+   raster.ForceMultisampling = false;
+   raster.MultisampleRasterizationMode =
+      (ms_info && ms_info->rasterizationSamples > 1) ?
+   raster.FrontWinding = vk_to_gen_front_face[rs_info->frontFace];
+   raster.CullMode = vk_to_gen_cullmode[rs_info->cullMode];
+   raster.FrontFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[rs_info->polygonMode];
+   raster.BackFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[rs_info->polygonMode];
+   raster.ScissorRectangleEnable = true;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 9
+   /* GEN9+ splits ViewportZClipTestEnable into near and far enable bits */
+   raster.ViewportZFarClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+   raster.ViewportZNearClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+#elif GEN_GEN >= 8
+   raster.ViewportZClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+   raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableSolid = rs_info->depthBiasEnable;
+   raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableWireframe = rs_info->depthBiasEnable;
+   raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnablePoint = rs_info->depthBiasEnable;
+#if GEN_GEN == 7
+   /* Gen7 requires that we provide the depth format in 3DSTATE_SF so that it
+    * can get the depth offsets correct.
+    */
+   if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment < pass->attachment_count) {
+      VkFormat vk_format =
+         pass->attachments[subpass->depth_stencil_attachment].format;
+      assert(vk_format_is_depth_or_stencil(vk_format));
+      if (vk_format_aspects(vk_format) & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) {
+         enum isl_format isl_format =
+            anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info, vk_format,
+                               VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT,
+                               VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL);
+         sf.DepthBufferSurfaceFormat =
+            isl_format_get_depth_format(isl_format, false);
+      }
+   }
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.sf, &sf);
+   GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.raster, &raster);
+#  undef raster
+   GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, &pipeline->gen7.sf, &sf);
+static void
+emit_ms_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+              const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *info)
+   uint32_t samples = 1;
+   uint32_t log2_samples = 0;
+   /* From the Vulkan 1.0 spec:
+    *    If pSampleMask is NULL, it is treated as if the mask has all bits
+    *    enabled, i.e. no coverage is removed from fragments.
+    *
+    * 3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK.SampleMask is 16 bits.
+    */
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   uint32_t sample_mask = 0xffff;
+   uint32_t sample_mask = 0xff;
+   if (info) {
+      samples = info->rasterizationSamples;
+      log2_samples = __builtin_ffs(samples) - 1;
+   }
+   if (info && info->pSampleMask)
+      sample_mask &= info->pSampleMask[0];
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_MULTISAMPLE), ms) {
+      ms.NumberofMultisamples       = log2_samples;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      /* The PRM says that this bit is valid only for DX9:
+       *
+       *    SW can choose to set this bit only for DX9 API. DX10/OGL API's
+       *    should not have any effect by setting or not setting this bit.
+       */
+      ms.PixelPositionOffsetEnable  = false;
+      ms.PixelLocation              = CENTER;
+      ms.PixelLocation              = PIXLOC_CENTER;
+      switch (samples) {
+      case 1:
+         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_1X(ms.Sample);
+         break;
+      case 2:
+         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_2X(ms.Sample);
+         break;
+      case 4:
+         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_4X(ms.Sample);
+         break;
+      case 8:
+         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_8X(ms.Sample);
+         break;
+      default:
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK), sm) {
+      sm.SampleMask = sample_mask;
+   }
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_logic_op[] = {
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_COPY]                        = LOGICOP_COPY,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_CLEAR]                       = LOGICOP_CLEAR,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_AND]                         = LOGICOP_AND,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_NO_OP]                       = LOGICOP_NOOP,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_XOR]                         = LOGICOP_XOR,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_OR]                          = LOGICOP_OR,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_NOR]                         = LOGICOP_NOR,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_EQUIVALENT]                  = LOGICOP_EQUIV,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_INVERT]                      = LOGICOP_INVERT,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_NAND]                        = LOGICOP_NAND,
+   [VK_LOGIC_OP_SET]                         = LOGICOP_SET,
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_blend[] = {
+   [VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO]                    = BLENDFACTOR_ZERO,
+   [VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE]                     = BLENDFACTOR_ONE,
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_blend_op[] = {
+   [VK_BLEND_OP_ADD]                         = BLENDFUNCTION_ADD,
+   [VK_BLEND_OP_MIN]                         = BLENDFUNCTION_MIN,
+   [VK_BLEND_OP_MAX]                         = BLENDFUNCTION_MAX,
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_compare_op[] = {
+   [VK_COMPARE_OP_NEVER]                        = PREFILTEROPNEVER,
+   [VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS]                         = PREFILTEROPLESS,
+   [VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL]                        = PREFILTEROPEQUAL,
+   [VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS]                       = PREFILTEROPALWAYS,
+static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_stencil_op[] = {
+   [VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP]                         = STENCILOP_KEEP,
+   [VK_STENCIL_OP_ZERO]                         = STENCILOP_ZERO,
+   [VK_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE]                      = STENCILOP_REPLACE,
+   [VK_STENCIL_OP_INVERT]                       = STENCILOP_INVERT,
+static void
+emit_ds_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+              const VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo *info,
+              const struct anv_render_pass *pass,
+              const struct anv_subpass *subpass)
+#if GEN_GEN == 7
+#  define depth_stencil_dw pipeline->gen7.depth_stencil_state
+#elif GEN_GEN == 8
+#  define depth_stencil_dw pipeline->gen8.wm_depth_stencil
+#  define depth_stencil_dw pipeline->gen9.wm_depth_stencil
+   if (info == NULL) {
+      /* We're going to OR this together with the dynamic state.  We need
+       * to make sure it's initialized to something useful.
+       */
+      memset(depth_stencil_dw, 0, sizeof(depth_stencil_dw));
+      return;
+   }
+   /* VkBool32 depthBoundsTestEnable; // optional (depth_bounds_test) */
+#if GEN_GEN <= 7
+   struct GENX(DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE) depth_stencil = {
+   struct GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL) depth_stencil = {
+      .DepthTestEnable = info->depthTestEnable,
+      .DepthBufferWriteEnable = info->depthWriteEnable,
+      .DepthTestFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[info->depthCompareOp],
+      .DoubleSidedStencilEnable = true,
+      .StencilTestEnable = info->stencilTestEnable,
+      .StencilBufferWriteEnable = info->stencilTestEnable,
+      .StencilFailOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->front.failOp],
+      .StencilPassDepthPassOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->front.passOp],
+      .StencilPassDepthFailOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->front.depthFailOp],
+      .StencilTestFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[info->front.compareOp],
+      .BackfaceStencilFailOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->back.failOp],
+      .BackfaceStencilPassDepthPassOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->back.passOp],
+      .BackfaceStencilPassDepthFailOp =vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->back.depthFailOp],
+      .BackfaceStencilTestFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[info->back.compareOp],
+   };
+   VkImageAspectFlags aspects = 0;
+   if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
+      VkFormat depth_stencil_format =
+         pass->attachments[subpass->depth_stencil_attachment].format;
+      aspects = vk_format_aspects(depth_stencil_format);
+   }
+   /* The Vulkan spec requires that if either depth or stencil is not present,
+    * the pipeline is to act as if the test silently passes.
+    */
+   if (!(aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT)) {
+      depth_stencil.DepthBufferWriteEnable = false;
+      depth_stencil.DepthTestFunction = PREFILTEROPALWAYS;
+   }
+   if (!(aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) {
+      depth_stencil.StencilBufferWriteEnable = false;
+      depth_stencil.StencilTestFunction = PREFILTEROPALWAYS;
+      depth_stencil.BackfaceStencilTestFunction = PREFILTEROPALWAYS;
+   }
+   /* From the Broadwell PRM:
+    *
+    *    "If Depth_Test_Enable = 1 AND Depth_Test_func = EQUAL, the
+    *    Depth_Write_Enable must be set to 0."
+    */
+   if (info->depthTestEnable && info->depthCompareOp == VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL)
+      depth_stencil.DepthBufferWriteEnable = false;
+#if GEN_GEN <= 7
+   GENX(DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE_pack)(NULL, depth_stencil_dw, &depth_stencil);
+   GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL_pack)(NULL, depth_stencil_dw, &depth_stencil);
+static void
+emit_cb_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+              const VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo *info,
+              const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *ms_info)
+   struct anv_device *device = pipeline->device;
+   const uint32_t num_dwords = GENX(BLEND_STATE_length);
+   pipeline->blend_state =
+      anv_state_pool_alloc(&device->dynamic_state_pool, num_dwords * 4, 64);
+   struct GENX(BLEND_STATE) blend_state = {
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      .AlphaToCoverageEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToCoverageEnable,
+      .AlphaToOneEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToOneEnable,
+      /* Make sure it gets zeroed */
+      .Entry = { { 0, }, },
+   };
+   /* Default everything to disabled */
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableAlpha = true;
+      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableRed = true;
+      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableGreen = true;
+      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableBlue = true;
+   }
+   uint32_t surface_count = 0;
+   struct anv_pipeline_bind_map *map;
+   if (anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
+      map = &pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->bind_map;
+      surface_count = map->surface_count;
+   }
+   bool has_writeable_rt = false;
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < surface_count; i++) {
+      struct anv_pipeline_binding *binding = &map->surface_to_descriptor[i];
+      /* All color attachments are at the beginning of the binding table */
+      if (binding->set != ANV_DESCRIPTOR_SET_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS)
+         break;
+      /* We can have at most 8 attachments */
+      assert(i < 8);
+      if (binding->index >= info->attachmentCount)
+         continue;
+      assert(binding->binding == 0);
+      const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState *a =
+         &info->pAttachments[binding->index];
+      blend_state.Entry[i] = (struct GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY)) {
+#if GEN_GEN < 8
+         .AlphaToCoverageEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToCoverageEnable,
+         .AlphaToOneEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToOneEnable,
+         .LogicOpEnable = info->logicOpEnable,
+         .LogicOpFunction = vk_to_gen_logic_op[info->logicOp],
+         .ColorBufferBlendEnable = a->blendEnable,
+         .ColorClampRange = COLORCLAMP_RTFORMAT,
+         .PreBlendColorClampEnable = true,
+         .PostBlendColorClampEnable = true,
+         .SourceBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->srcColorBlendFactor],
+         .DestinationBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->dstColorBlendFactor],
+         .ColorBlendFunction = vk_to_gen_blend_op[a->colorBlendOp],
+         .SourceAlphaBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->srcAlphaBlendFactor],
+         .DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->dstAlphaBlendFactor],
+         .AlphaBlendFunction = vk_to_gen_blend_op[a->alphaBlendOp],
+         .WriteDisableAlpha = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_A_BIT),
+         .WriteDisableRed = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_R_BIT),
+         .WriteDisableGreen = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_G_BIT),
+         .WriteDisableBlue = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_B_BIT),
+      };
+      if (a->srcColorBlendFactor != a->srcAlphaBlendFactor ||
+          a->dstColorBlendFactor != a->dstAlphaBlendFactor ||
+          a->colorBlendOp != a->alphaBlendOp) {
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+         blend_state.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable = true;
+         blend_state.Entry[i].IndependentAlphaBlendEnable = true;
+      }
+      if (a->colorWriteMask != 0)
+         has_writeable_rt = true;
+      /* Our hardware applies the blend factor prior to the blend function
+       * regardless of what function is used.  Technically, this means the
+       * hardware can do MORE than GL or Vulkan specify.  However, it also
+       * means that, for MIN and MAX, we have to stomp the blend factor to
+       * ONE to make it a no-op.
+       */
+      if (a->colorBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MIN ||
+          a->colorBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MAX) {
+         blend_state.Entry[i].SourceBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
+         blend_state.Entry[i].DestinationBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
+      }
+      if (a->alphaBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MIN ||
+          a->alphaBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MAX) {
+         blend_state.Entry[i].SourceAlphaBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
+         blend_state.Entry[i].DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
+      }
+   }
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+   struct GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY) *bs0 = &blend_state.Entry[0];
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS_BLEND), blend) {
+      blend.AlphaToCoverageEnable         = blend_state.AlphaToCoverageEnable;
+      blend.HasWriteableRT                = has_writeable_rt;
+      blend.ColorBufferBlendEnable        = bs0->ColorBufferBlendEnable;
+      blend.SourceAlphaBlendFactor        = bs0->SourceAlphaBlendFactor;
+      blend.DestinationAlphaBlendFactor   = bs0->DestinationAlphaBlendFactor;
+      blend.SourceBlendFactor             = bs0->SourceBlendFactor;
+      blend.DestinationBlendFactor        = bs0->DestinationBlendFactor;
+      blend.AlphaTestEnable               = false;
+      blend.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable   =
+         blend_state.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable;
+   }
+   (void)has_writeable_rt;
+   GENX(BLEND_STATE_pack)(NULL, pipeline->blend_state.map, &blend_state);
+   if (!device->info.has_llc)
+      anv_state_clflush(pipeline->blend_state);
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_BLEND_STATE_POINTERS), bsp) {
+      bsp.BlendStatePointer      = pipeline->blend_state.offset;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      bsp.BlendStatePointerValid = true;
+   }
+static void
+emit_3dstate_clip(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+                  const VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo *vp_info,
+                  const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *rs_info)
+   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
+   (void) wm_prog_data;
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CLIP), clip) {
+      clip.ClipEnable               = true;
+      clip.EarlyCullEnable          = true;
+      clip.APIMode                  = APIMODE_D3D,
+      clip.ViewportXYClipTestEnable = true;
+      clip.ClipMode = CLIPMODE_NORMAL;
+      clip.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
+      clip.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect     = 0;
+      clip.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect       = 1;
+      clip.MinimumPointWidth = 0.125;
+      clip.MaximumPointWidth = 255.875;
+      clip.MaximumVPIndex    = (vp_info ? vp_info->viewportCount : 1) - 1;
+#if GEN_GEN == 7
+      clip.FrontWinding            = vk_to_gen_front_face[rs_info->frontFace];
+      clip.CullMode                = vk_to_gen_cullmode[rs_info->cullMode];
+      clip.ViewportZClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
+      clip.NonPerspectiveBarycentricEnable = wm_prog_data ?
+         (wm_prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes & 0x38) != 0 : 0;
+   }
+static void
+emit_3dstate_streamout(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+                       const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *rs_info)
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT), so) {
+      so.RenderingDisable = rs_info->rasterizerDiscardEnable;
+   }
+static inline uint32_t
+get_sampler_count(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
+   return DIV_ROUND_UP(bin->bind_map.sampler_count, 4);
+static inline uint32_t
+get_binding_table_entry_count(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
+   return DIV_ROUND_UP(bin->bind_map.surface_count, 32);
+static inline struct anv_address
+get_scratch_address(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+                    gl_shader_stage stage,
+                    const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
+   return (struct anv_address) {
+      .bo = anv_scratch_pool_alloc(pipeline->device,
+                                   &pipeline->device->scratch_pool,
+                                   stage, bin->prog_data->total_scratch),
+      .offset = 0,
+   };
+static inline uint32_t
+get_scratch_space(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
+   return ffs(bin->prog_data->total_scratch / 2048);
+static inline uint32_t
+   /* Skip the VUE header and position slots */
+   return 1;
+static inline uint32_t
+get_urb_output_length(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
+   const struct brw_vue_prog_data *prog_data =
+      (const struct brw_vue_prog_data *)bin->prog_data;
+   return (prog_data->vue_map.num_slots + 1) / 2 - get_urb_output_offset();
+static void
+emit_3dstate_vs(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
+   const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = get_vs_prog_data(pipeline);
+   const struct anv_shader_bin *vs_bin =
+      pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];
+   assert(anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX));
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VS), vs) {
+      vs.FunctionEnable       = true;
+      vs.StatisticsEnable     = true;
+      vs.KernelStartPointer   = vs_bin->kernel.offset;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      vs.SIMD8DispatchEnable  =
+         vs_prog_data->base.dispatch_mode == DISPATCH_MODE_SIMD8;
+      assert(!vs_prog_data->base.base.use_alt_mode);
+      vs.SingleVertexDispatch       = false;
+      vs.VectorMaskEnable           = false;
+      vs.SamplerCount               = get_sampler_count(vs_bin);
+      vs.BindingTableEntryCount     = get_binding_table_entry_count(vs_bin);
+      vs.FloatingPointMode          = IEEE754;
+      vs.IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable = false;
+      vs.SoftwareExceptionEnable    = false;
+      vs.MaximumNumberofThreads     = devinfo->max_vs_threads - 1;
+      vs.VertexCacheDisable         = false;
+      vs.VertexURBEntryReadLength      = vs_prog_data->base.urb_read_length;
+      vs.VertexURBEntryReadOffset      = 0;
+      vs.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData =
+         vs_prog_data->base.base.dispatch_grf_start_reg;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      vs.VertexURBEntryOutputReadOffset = get_urb_output_offset();
+      vs.VertexURBEntryOutputLength     = get_urb_output_length(vs_bin);
+     /* TODO */
+      vs.UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask = 0;
+      vs.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask = 0;
+      vs.PerThreadScratchSpace   = get_scratch_space(vs_bin);
+      vs.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
+         get_scratch_address(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX, vs_bin);
+   }
+static void
+emit_3dstate_gs(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
+   const struct anv_shader_bin *gs_bin =
+      pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];
+   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY)) {
+      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_GS), gs);
+      return;
+   }
+   const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data = get_gs_prog_data(pipeline);
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_GS), gs) {
+      gs.FunctionEnable          = true;
+      gs.StatisticsEnable        = true;
+      gs.KernelStartPointer      = gs_bin->kernel.offset;
+      gs.DispatchMode            = gs_prog_data->base.dispatch_mode;
+      gs.SingleProgramFlow       = false;
+      gs.VectorMaskEnable        = false;
+      gs.SamplerCount            = get_sampler_count(gs_bin);
+      gs.BindingTableEntryCount  = get_binding_table_entry_count(gs_bin);
+      gs.IncludeVertexHandles    = gs_prog_data->base.include_vue_handles;
+      gs.IncludePrimitiveID      = gs_prog_data->include_primitive_id;
+      if (GEN_GEN == 8) {
+         /* Broadwell is weird.  It needs us to divide by 2. */
+         gs.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_gs_threads / 2 - 1;
+      } else {
+         gs.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_gs_threads - 1;
+      }
+      gs.OutputVertexSize        = gs_prog_data->output_vertex_size_hwords * 2 - 1;
+      gs.OutputTopology          = gs_prog_data->output_topology;
+      gs.VertexURBEntryReadLength = gs_prog_data->base.urb_read_length;
+      gs.ControlDataFormat       = gs_prog_data->control_data_format;
+      gs.ControlDataHeaderSize   = gs_prog_data->control_data_header_size_hwords;
+      gs.InstanceControl         = MAX2(gs_prog_data->invocations, 1) - 1;
+      gs.ReorderMode             = TRAILING;
+      gs.ReorderEnable           = true;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      gs.ExpectedVertexCount     = gs_prog_data->vertices_in;
+      gs.StaticOutput            = gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count >= 0;
+      gs.StaticOutputVertexCount = gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count >= 0 ?
+                                   gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count : 0;
+      gs.VertexURBEntryReadOffset = 0;
+      gs.VertexURBEntryReadLength = gs_prog_data->base.urb_read_length;
+      gs.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData =
+         gs_prog_data->base.base.dispatch_grf_start_reg;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+      gs.VertexURBEntryOutputReadOffset = get_urb_output_offset();
+      gs.VertexURBEntryOutputLength     = get_urb_output_length(gs_bin);
+     /* TODO */
+      gs.UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask = 0;
+      gs.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask = 0;
+      gs.PerThreadScratchSpace   = get_scratch_space(gs_bin);
+      gs.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
+         get_scratch_address(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY, gs_bin);
+   }
+static void
+emit_3dstate_wm(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+                const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *multisample)
+   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
+   MAYBE_UNUSED uint32_t samples =
+      multisample ? multisample->rasterizationSamples : 1;
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_WM), wm) {
+      wm.StatisticsEnable                    = true;
+      wm.LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth   = _05pixels;
+      wm.LineAntialiasingRegionWidth         = _10pixels;
+      wm.PointRasterizationRule              = RASTRULE_UPPER_RIGHT;
+      if (anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
+         if (wm_prog_data->early_fragment_tests) {
+            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl         = EDSC_PREPS;
+         } else if (wm_prog_data->has_side_effects) {
+            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl         = EDSC_PSEXEC;
+         } else {
+            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl         = EDSC_NORMAL;
+         }
+         wm.BarycentricInterpolationMode =
+            wm_prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes;
+#if GEN_GEN < 8
+         /* FIXME: This needs a lot more work, cf gen7 upload_wm_state(). */
+         wm.ThreadDispatchEnable          = true;
+         wm.PixelShaderKillsPixel         = wm_prog_data->uses_kill;
+         wm.PixelShaderComputedDepthMode  = wm_prog_data->computed_depth_mode;
+         wm.PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth    = wm_prog_data->uses_src_depth;
+         wm.PixelShaderUsesSourceW        = wm_prog_data->uses_src_w;
+         wm.PixelShaderUsesInputCoverageMask = wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask;
+         if (samples > 1) {
+            wm.MultisampleRasterizationMode = MSRASTMODE_ON_PATTERN;
+            if (wm_prog_data->persample_dispatch) {
+               wm.MultisampleDispatchMode = MSDISPMODE_PERSAMPLE;
+            } else {
+               wm.MultisampleDispatchMode = MSDISPMODE_PERPIXEL;
+            }
+         } else {
+            wm.MultisampleRasterizationMode = MSRASTMODE_OFF_PIXEL;
+            wm.MultisampleDispatchMode = MSDISPMODE_PERSAMPLE;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+static void
+emit_3dstate_ps(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   MAYBE_UNUSED const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
+   const struct anv_shader_bin *fs_bin =
+      pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT];
+   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
+      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS), ps) {
+#if GEN_GEN == 7
+         /* Even if no fragments are ever dispatched, gen7 hardware hangs if
+          * we don't at least set the maximum number of threads.
+          */
+         ps.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_wm_threads - 1;
+      }
+      return;
+   }
+   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS), ps) {
+      ps.KernelStartPointer0     = fs_bin->kernel.offset;
+      ps.KernelStartPointer1     = 0;
+      ps.KernelStartPointer2     = fs_bin->kernel.offset +
+                                   wm_prog_data->prog_offset_2;
+      ps._8PixelDispatchEnable   = wm_prog_data->dispatch_8;
+      ps._16PixelDispatchEnable  = wm_prog_data->dispatch_16;
+      ps._32PixelDispatchEnable  = false;
+      ps.SingleProgramFlow       = false;
+      ps.VectorMaskEnable        = true;
+      ps.SamplerCount            = get_sampler_count(fs_bin);
+      ps.BindingTableEntryCount  = get_binding_table_entry_count(fs_bin);
+      ps.PushConstantEnable      = wm_prog_data->base.nr_params > 0;
+      ps.PositionXYOffsetSelect  = wm_prog_data->uses_pos_offset ?
+                                   POSOFFSET_SAMPLE: POSOFFSET_NONE;
+#if GEN_GEN < 8
+      ps.AttributeEnable         = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs > 0;
+      ps.oMaskPresenttoRenderTarget = wm_prog_data->uses_omask;
+      ps.DualSourceBlendEnable   = wm_prog_data->dual_src_blend;
+      /* Haswell requires the sample mask to be set in this packet as well
+       * as in 3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK; the values should match.
+       */
+      ps.SampleMask                    = 0xff;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 9
+      ps.MaximumNumberofThreadsPerPSD  = 64 - 1;
+#elif GEN_GEN >= 8
+      ps.MaximumNumberofThreadsPerPSD  = 64 - 2;
+      ps.MaximumNumberofThreads        = devinfo->max_wm_threads - 1;
+      ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData0 =
+         wm_prog_data->base.dispatch_grf_start_reg;
+      ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData1 = 0;
+      ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData2 =
+         wm_prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg_2;
+      ps.PerThreadScratchSpace   = get_scratch_space(fs_bin);
+      ps.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
+         get_scratch_address(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT, fs_bin);
+   }
+#if GEN_GEN >= 8
+static void
+emit_3dstate_ps_extra(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
+   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
+      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA), ps);
+      return;
+   }
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA), ps) {
+      ps.PixelShaderValid              = true;
+      ps.AttributeEnable               = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs > 0;
+      ps.oMaskPresenttoRenderTarget    = wm_prog_data->uses_omask;
+      ps.PixelShaderIsPerSample        = wm_prog_data->persample_dispatch;
+      ps.PixelShaderKillsPixel         = wm_prog_data->uses_kill;
+      ps.PixelShaderComputedDepthMode  = wm_prog_data->computed_depth_mode;
+      ps.PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth    = wm_prog_data->uses_src_depth;
+      ps.PixelShaderUsesSourceW        = wm_prog_data->uses_src_w;
+#if GEN_GEN >= 9
+      ps.PixelShaderPullsBary    = wm_prog_data->pulls_bary;
+      ps.InputCoverageMaskState  = wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask ?
+                                   ICMS_INNER_CONSERVATIVE : ICMS_NONE;
+      ps.PixelShaderUsesInputCoverageMask = wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask;
+   }
+static void
+emit_3dstate_vf_topology(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_TOPOLOGY), vft) {
+      vft.PrimitiveTopologyType = pipeline->topology;
+   }
 static VkResult
diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline_util.h b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline_util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a6a081..0000000
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1300 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
- * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
- * Software.
- *
- */
-#include "common/gen_l3_config.h"
-#include "common/gen_sample_positions.h"
-#include "vk_format_info.h"
-static uint32_t
-vertex_element_comp_control(enum isl_format format, unsigned comp)
-   uint8_t bits;
-   switch (comp) {
-   case 0: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.r.bits; break;
-   case 1: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.g.bits; break;
-   case 2: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.b.bits; break;
-   case 3: bits = isl_format_layouts[format].channels.a.bits; break;
-   default: unreachable("Invalid component");
-   }
-   if (bits) {
-      return VFCOMP_STORE_SRC;
-   } else if (comp < 3) {
-      return VFCOMP_STORE_0;
-   } else if (isl_format_layouts[format].channels.r.type == ISL_UINT ||
-            isl_format_layouts[format].channels.r.type == ISL_SINT) {
-      assert(comp == 3);
-      return VFCOMP_STORE_1_INT;
-   } else {
-      assert(comp == 3);
-      return VFCOMP_STORE_1_FP;
-   }
-static void
-emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-                  const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo *info)
-   const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = get_vs_prog_data(pipeline);
-   /* Pull inputs_read out of the VS prog data */
-   const uint64_t inputs_read = vs_prog_data->inputs_read;
-   assert((inputs_read & ((1 << VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0) - 1)) == 0);
-   const uint32_t elements = inputs_read >> VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   /* On BDW+, we only need to allocate space for base ids.  Setting up
-    * the actual vertex and instance id is a separate packet.
-    */
-   const bool needs_svgs_elem = vs_prog_data->uses_basevertex ||
-                                vs_prog_data->uses_baseinstance;
-   /* On Haswell and prior, vertex and instance id are created by using the
-    * ComponentControl fields, so we need an element for any of them.
-    */
-   const bool needs_svgs_elem = vs_prog_data->uses_vertexid ||
-                                vs_prog_data->uses_instanceid ||
-                                vs_prog_data->uses_basevertex ||
-                                vs_prog_data->uses_baseinstance;
-   uint32_t elem_count = __builtin_popcount(elements) + needs_svgs_elem;
-   if (elem_count == 0)
-      return;
-   uint32_t *p;
-   const uint32_t num_dwords = 1 + elem_count * 2;
-   p = anv_batch_emitn(&pipeline->batch, num_dwords,
-                       GENX(3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS));
-   memset(p + 1, 0, (num_dwords - 1) * 4);
-   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount; i++) {
-      const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *desc =
-         &info->pVertexAttributeDescriptions[i];
-      enum isl_format format = anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info,
-                                                  desc->format,
-                                                  VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
-                                                  VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR);
-      assert(desc->binding < 32);
-      if ((elements & (1 << desc->location)) == 0)
-         continue; /* Binding unused */
-      uint32_t slot = __builtin_popcount(elements & ((1 << desc->location) - 1));
-      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
-         .VertexBufferIndex = desc->binding,
-         .Valid = true,
-         .SourceElementFormat = format,
-         .EdgeFlagEnable = false,
-         .SourceElementOffset = desc->offset,
-         .Component0Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 0),
-         .Component1Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 1),
-         .Component2Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 2),
-         .Component3Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 3),
-      };
-      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + slot * 2], &element);
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      /* On Broadwell and later, we have a separate VF_INSTANCING packet
-       * that controls instancing.  On Haswell and prior, that's part of
-       * VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE which we emit later.
-       */
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi) {
-         vfi.InstancingEnable = pipeline->instancing_enable[desc->binding];
-         vfi.VertexElementIndex = slot;
-         /* Vulkan so far doesn't have an instance divisor, so
-          * this is always 1 (ignored if not instancing). */
-         vfi.InstanceDataStepRate = 1;
-      }
-   }
-   const uint32_t id_slot = __builtin_popcount(elements);
-   if (needs_svgs_elem) {
-      /* From the Broadwell PRM for the 3D_Vertex_Component_Control enum:
-       *    "Within a VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE structure, if a Component
-       *    Control field is set to something other than VFCOMP_STORE_SRC,
-       *    no higher-numbered Component Control fields may be set to
-       *    VFCOMP_STORE_SRC"
-       *
-       * This means, that if we have BaseInstance, we need BaseVertex as
-       * well.  Just do all or nothing.
-       */
-      uint32_t base_ctrl = (vs_prog_data->uses_basevertex ||
-                            vs_prog_data->uses_baseinstance) ?
-                           VFCOMP_STORE_SRC : VFCOMP_STORE_0;
-      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
-         .VertexBufferIndex = 32, /* Reserved for this */
-         .Valid = true,
-         .SourceElementFormat = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT,
-         .Component0Control = base_ctrl,
-         .Component1Control = base_ctrl,
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-         .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-         .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-         .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_VID,
-         .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_IID,
-      };
-      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + id_slot * 2], &element);
-   }
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_SGVS), sgvs) {
-      sgvs.VertexIDEnable              = vs_prog_data->uses_vertexid;
-      sgvs.VertexIDComponentNumber     = 2;
-      sgvs.VertexIDElementOffset       = id_slot;
-      sgvs.InstanceIDEnable            = vs_prog_data->uses_instanceid;
-      sgvs.InstanceIDComponentNumber   = 3;
-      sgvs.InstanceIDElementOffset     = id_slot;
-   }
-genX(emit_urb_setup)(struct anv_device *device, struct anv_batch *batch,
-                     VkShaderStageFlags active_stages,
-                     unsigned vs_size, unsigned gs_size,
-                     const struct gen_l3_config *l3_config)
-   if (!(active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT))
-      vs_size = 1;
-   if (!(active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT))
-      gs_size = 1;
-   unsigned vs_entry_size_bytes = vs_size * 64;
-   unsigned gs_entry_size_bytes = gs_size * 64;
-   /* From p35 of the Ivy Bridge PRM (section 1.7.1: 3DSTATE_URB_GS):
-    *
-    *     VS Number of URB Entries must be divisible by 8 if the VS URB Entry
-    *     Allocation Size is less than 9 512-bit URB entries.
-    *
-    * Similar text exists for GS.
-    */
-   unsigned vs_granularity = (vs_size < 9) ? 8 : 1;
-   unsigned gs_granularity = (gs_size < 9) ? 8 : 1;
-   /* URB allocations must be done in 8k chunks. */
-   unsigned chunk_size_bytes = 8192;
-   /* Determine the size of the URB in chunks. */
-   const unsigned total_urb_size =
-      gen_get_l3_config_urb_size(&device->info, l3_config);
-   const unsigned urb_chunks = total_urb_size * 1024 / chunk_size_bytes;
-   /* Reserve space for push constants */
-   unsigned push_constant_kb;
-   if (device->info.gen >= 8)
-      push_constant_kb = 32;
-   else if (device->info.is_haswell)
-      push_constant_kb = device->info.gt == 3 ? 32 : 16;
-   else
-      push_constant_kb = 16;
-   unsigned push_constant_bytes = push_constant_kb * 1024;
-   unsigned push_constant_chunks =
-      push_constant_bytes / chunk_size_bytes;
-   /* Initially, assign each stage the minimum amount of URB space it needs,
-    * and make a note of how much additional space it "wants" (the amount of
-    * additional space it could actually make use of).
-    */
-   /* VS has a lower limit on the number of URB entries */
-   unsigned vs_chunks =
-      ALIGN(device->info.urb.min_vs_entries * vs_entry_size_bytes,
-            chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes;
-   unsigned vs_wants =
-      ALIGN(device->info.urb.max_vs_entries * vs_entry_size_bytes,
-            chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes - vs_chunks;
-   unsigned gs_chunks = 0;
-   unsigned gs_wants = 0;
-   if (active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) {
-      /* There are two constraints on the minimum amount of URB space we can
-       * allocate:
-       *
-       * (1) We need room for at least 2 URB entries, since we always operate
-       * the GS in DUAL_OBJECT mode.
-       *
-       * (2) We can't allocate less than nr_gs_entries_granularity.
-       */
-      gs_chunks = ALIGN(MAX2(gs_granularity, 2) * gs_entry_size_bytes,
-                        chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes;
-      gs_wants =
-         ALIGN(device->info.urb.max_gs_entries * gs_entry_size_bytes,
-               chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes - gs_chunks;
-   }
-   /* There should always be enough URB space to satisfy the minimum
-    * requirements of each stage.
-    */
-   unsigned total_needs = push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks + gs_chunks;
-   assert(total_needs <= urb_chunks);
-   /* Mete out remaining space (if any) in proportion to "wants". */
-   unsigned total_wants = vs_wants + gs_wants;
-   unsigned remaining_space = urb_chunks - total_needs;
-   if (remaining_space > total_wants)
-      remaining_space = total_wants;
-   if (remaining_space > 0) {
-      unsigned vs_additional = (unsigned)
-         round(vs_wants * (((double) remaining_space) / total_wants));
-      vs_chunks += vs_additional;
-      remaining_space -= vs_additional;
-      gs_chunks += remaining_space;
-   }
-   /* Sanity check that we haven't over-allocated. */
-   assert(push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks + gs_chunks <= urb_chunks);
-   /* Finally, compute the number of entries that can fit in the space
-    * allocated to each stage.
-    */
-   unsigned nr_vs_entries = vs_chunks * chunk_size_bytes / vs_entry_size_bytes;
-   unsigned nr_gs_entries = gs_chunks * chunk_size_bytes / gs_entry_size_bytes;
-   /* Since we rounded up when computing *_wants, this may be slightly more
-    * than the maximum allowed amount, so correct for that.
-    */
-   nr_vs_entries = MIN2(nr_vs_entries, device->info.urb.max_vs_entries);
-   nr_gs_entries = MIN2(nr_gs_entries, device->info.urb.max_gs_entries);
-   /* Ensure that we program a multiple of the granularity. */
-   nr_vs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_vs_entries, vs_granularity);
-   nr_gs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_gs_entries, gs_granularity);
-   /* Finally, sanity check to make sure we have at least the minimum number
-    * of entries needed for each stage.
-    */
-   assert(nr_vs_entries >= device->info.urb.min_vs_entries);
-   if (active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT)
-      assert(nr_gs_entries >= 2);
-#if GEN_GEN == 7 && !GEN_IS_HASWELL
-   /* From the IVB PRM Vol. 2, Part 1, Section 3.2.1:
-    *
-    *    "A PIPE_CONTROL with Post-Sync Operation set to 1h and a depth stall
-    *    needs to be sent just prior to any 3DSTATE_VS, 3DSTATE_URB_VS,
-    *    needs to be sent before any combination of VS associated 3DSTATE."
-    */
-   anv_batch_emit(batch, GEN7_PIPE_CONTROL, pc) {
-      pc.DepthStallEnable  = true;
-      pc.PostSyncOperation = WriteImmediateData;
-      pc.Address           = (struct anv_address) { &device->workaround_bo, 0 };
-   }
-   /* Lay out the URB in the following order:
-    * - push constants
-    * - VS
-    * - GS
-    */
-   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_VS), urb) {
-      urb.VSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks;
-      urb.VSURBEntryAllocationSize  = vs_size - 1;
-      urb.VSNumberofURBEntries      = nr_vs_entries;
-   }
-   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_HS), urb) {
-      urb.HSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks;
-   }
-   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_DS), urb) {
-      urb.DSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks;
-   }
-   anv_batch_emit(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_GS), urb) {
-      urb.GSURBStartingAddress      = push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks;
-      urb.GSURBEntryAllocationSize  = gs_size - 1;
-      urb.GSNumberofURBEntries      = nr_gs_entries;
-   }
-static inline void
-emit_urb_setup(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   unsigned vs_entry_size =
-      (pipeline->active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT) ?
-      get_vs_prog_data(pipeline)->base.urb_entry_size : 0;
-   unsigned gs_entry_size =
-      (pipeline->active_stages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) ?
-      get_gs_prog_data(pipeline)->base.urb_entry_size : 0;
-   genX(emit_urb_setup)(pipeline->device, &pipeline->batch,
-                        pipeline->active_stages, vs_entry_size, gs_entry_size,
-                        pipeline->urb.l3_config);
-static void
-emit_3dstate_sbe(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = get_vs_prog_data(pipeline);
-   const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data = get_gs_prog_data(pipeline);
-   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
-   const struct brw_vue_map *fs_input_map;
-   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE), sbe);
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ), sbe);
-      return;
-   }
-   if (gs_prog_data)
-      fs_input_map = &gs_prog_data->base.vue_map;
-   else
-      fs_input_map = &vs_prog_data->base.vue_map;
-   struct GENX(3DSTATE_SBE) sbe = {
-      GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_header),
-      .AttributeSwizzleEnable = true,
-      .PointSpriteTextureCoordinateOrigin = UPPERLEFT,
-      .NumberofSFOutputAttributes = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs,
-      .ConstantInterpolationEnable = wm_prog_data->flat_inputs,
-   };
-#if GEN_GEN >= 9
-   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-      sbe.AttributeActiveComponentFormat[i] = ACF_XYZW;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   /* On Broadwell, they broke 3DSTATE_SBE into two packets */
-   struct GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ) swiz = {
-      GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ_header),
-   };
-#  define swiz sbe
-   int max_source_attr = 0;
-   for (int attr = 0; attr < VARYING_SLOT_MAX; attr++) {
-      int input_index = wm_prog_data->urb_setup[attr];
-      if (input_index < 0)
-         continue;
-      if (attr == VARYING_SLOT_PNTC) {
-         sbe.PointSpriteTextureCoordinateEnable = 1 << input_index;
-         continue;
-      }
-      const int slot = fs_input_map->varying_to_slot[attr];
-      if (input_index >= 16)
-         continue;
-      if (slot == -1) {
-         /* This attribute does not exist in the VUE--that means that the
-          * vertex shader did not write to it.  It could be that it's a
-          * regular varying read by the fragment shader but not written by
-          * the vertex shader or it's gl_PrimitiveID. In the first case the
-          * value is undefined, in the second it needs to be
-          * gl_PrimitiveID.
-          */
-         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ConstantSource = PRIM_ID;
-         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideX = true;
-         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideY = true;
-         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideZ = true;
-         swiz.Attribute[input_index].ComponentOverrideW = true;
-      } else {
-         assert(slot >= 2);
-         const int source_attr = slot - 2;
-         max_source_attr = MAX2(max_source_attr, source_attr);
-         /* We have to subtract two slots to accout for the URB entry output
-          * read offset in the VS and GS stages.
-          */
-         swiz.Attribute[input_index].SourceAttribute = source_attr;
-      }
-   }
-   sbe.VertexURBEntryReadOffset = 1; /* Skip the VUE header and position slots */
-   sbe.VertexURBEntryReadLength = DIV_ROUND_UP(max_source_attr + 1, 2);
-   uint32_t *dw = anv_batch_emit_dwords(&pipeline->batch,
-                                        GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_length));
-   GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_pack)(&pipeline->batch, dw, &sbe);
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   dw = anv_batch_emit_dwords(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ_length));
-   GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ_pack)(&pipeline->batch, dw, &swiz);
-static inline uint32_t
-scratch_space(const struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data)
-   return ffs(prog_data->total_scratch / 2048);
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_cullmode[] = {
-   [VK_CULL_MODE_NONE]                       = CULLMODE_NONE,
-   [VK_CULL_MODE_FRONT_BIT]                  = CULLMODE_FRONT,
-   [VK_CULL_MODE_BACK_BIT]                   = CULLMODE_BACK,
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_fillmode[] = {
-   [VK_POLYGON_MODE_FILL]                    = FILL_MODE_SOLID,
-   [VK_POLYGON_MODE_LINE]                    = FILL_MODE_WIREFRAME,
-   [VK_POLYGON_MODE_POINT]                   = FILL_MODE_POINT,
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_front_face[] = {
-   [VK_FRONT_FACE_CLOCKWISE]                 = 0
-static void
-emit_rs_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-              const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *rs_info,
-              const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *ms_info,
-              const struct anv_render_pass *pass,
-              const struct anv_subpass *subpass)
-   struct GENX(3DSTATE_SF) sf = {
-      GENX(3DSTATE_SF_header),
-   };
-   sf.ViewportTransformEnable = true;
-   sf.StatisticsEnable = true;
-   sf.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
-   sf.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
-   sf.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1;
-   sf.PointWidthSource = Vertex;
-   sf.PointWidth = 1.0;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   struct GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER) raster = {
-      GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_header),
-   };
-#  define raster sf
-   /* For details on 3DSTATE_RASTER multisample state, see the BSpec table
-    * "Multisample Modes State".
-    */
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   raster.DXMultisampleRasterizationEnable = true;
-   raster.ForcedSampleCount = FSC_NUMRASTSAMPLES_0;
-   raster.ForceMultisampling = false;
-   raster.MultisampleRasterizationMode =
-      (ms_info && ms_info->rasterizationSamples > 1) ?
-   raster.FrontWinding = vk_to_gen_front_face[rs_info->frontFace];
-   raster.CullMode = vk_to_gen_cullmode[rs_info->cullMode];
-   raster.FrontFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[rs_info->polygonMode];
-   raster.BackFaceFillMode = vk_to_gen_fillmode[rs_info->polygonMode];
-   raster.ScissorRectangleEnable = true;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 9
-   /* GEN9+ splits ViewportZClipTestEnable into near and far enable bits */
-   raster.ViewportZFarClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
-   raster.ViewportZNearClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
-#elif GEN_GEN >= 8
-   raster.ViewportZClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
-   raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableSolid = rs_info->depthBiasEnable;
-   raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableWireframe = rs_info->depthBiasEnable;
-   raster.GlobalDepthOffsetEnablePoint = rs_info->depthBiasEnable;
-#if GEN_GEN == 7
-   /* Gen7 requires that we provide the depth format in 3DSTATE_SF so that it
-    * can get the depth offsets correct.
-    */
-   if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment < pass->attachment_count) {
-      VkFormat vk_format =
-         pass->attachments[subpass->depth_stencil_attachment].format;
-      assert(vk_format_is_depth_or_stencil(vk_format));
-      if (vk_format_aspects(vk_format) & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) {
-         enum isl_format isl_format =
-            anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info, vk_format,
-                               VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT,
-                               VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL);
-         sf.DepthBufferSurfaceFormat =
-            isl_format_get_depth_format(isl_format, false);
-      }
-   }
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.sf, &sf);
-   GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_pack)(NULL, pipeline->gen8.raster, &raster);
-#  undef raster
-   GENX(3DSTATE_SF_pack)(NULL, &pipeline->gen7.sf, &sf);
-static void
-emit_ms_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-              const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *info)
-   uint32_t samples = 1;
-   uint32_t log2_samples = 0;
-   /* From the Vulkan 1.0 spec:
-    *    If pSampleMask is NULL, it is treated as if the mask has all bits
-    *    enabled, i.e. no coverage is removed from fragments.
-    *
-    * 3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK.SampleMask is 16 bits.
-    */
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   uint32_t sample_mask = 0xffff;
-   uint32_t sample_mask = 0xff;
-   if (info) {
-      samples = info->rasterizationSamples;
-      log2_samples = __builtin_ffs(samples) - 1;
-   }
-   if (info && info->pSampleMask)
-      sample_mask &= info->pSampleMask[0];
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_MULTISAMPLE), ms) {
-      ms.NumberofMultisamples       = log2_samples;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      /* The PRM says that this bit is valid only for DX9:
-       *
-       *    SW can choose to set this bit only for DX9 API. DX10/OGL API's
-       *    should not have any effect by setting or not setting this bit.
-       */
-      ms.PixelPositionOffsetEnable  = false;
-      ms.PixelLocation              = CENTER;
-      ms.PixelLocation              = PIXLOC_CENTER;
-      switch (samples) {
-      case 1:
-         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_1X(ms.Sample);
-         break;
-      case 2:
-         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_2X(ms.Sample);
-         break;
-      case 4:
-         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_4X(ms.Sample);
-         break;
-      case 8:
-         GEN_SAMPLE_POS_8X(ms.Sample);
-         break;
-      default:
-         break;
-      }
-   }
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK), sm) {
-      sm.SampleMask = sample_mask;
-   }
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_logic_op[] = {
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_COPY]                        = LOGICOP_COPY,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_CLEAR]                       = LOGICOP_CLEAR,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_AND]                         = LOGICOP_AND,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_NO_OP]                       = LOGICOP_NOOP,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_XOR]                         = LOGICOP_XOR,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_OR]                          = LOGICOP_OR,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_NOR]                         = LOGICOP_NOR,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_EQUIVALENT]                  = LOGICOP_EQUIV,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_INVERT]                      = LOGICOP_INVERT,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_NAND]                        = LOGICOP_NAND,
-   [VK_LOGIC_OP_SET]                         = LOGICOP_SET,
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_blend[] = {
-   [VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO]                    = BLENDFACTOR_ZERO,
-   [VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE]                     = BLENDFACTOR_ONE,
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_blend_op[] = {
-   [VK_BLEND_OP_ADD]                         = BLENDFUNCTION_ADD,
-   [VK_BLEND_OP_MIN]                         = BLENDFUNCTION_MIN,
-   [VK_BLEND_OP_MAX]                         = BLENDFUNCTION_MAX,
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_compare_op[] = {
-   [VK_COMPARE_OP_NEVER]                        = PREFILTEROPNEVER,
-   [VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS]                         = PREFILTEROPLESS,
-   [VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL]                        = PREFILTEROPEQUAL,
-   [VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS]                       = PREFILTEROPALWAYS,
-static const uint32_t vk_to_gen_stencil_op[] = {
-   [VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP]                         = STENCILOP_KEEP,
-   [VK_STENCIL_OP_ZERO]                         = STENCILOP_ZERO,
-   [VK_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE]                      = STENCILOP_REPLACE,
-   [VK_STENCIL_OP_INVERT]                       = STENCILOP_INVERT,
-static void
-emit_ds_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-              const VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo *info,
-              const struct anv_render_pass *pass,
-              const struct anv_subpass *subpass)
-#if GEN_GEN == 7
-#  define depth_stencil_dw pipeline->gen7.depth_stencil_state
-#elif GEN_GEN == 8
-#  define depth_stencil_dw pipeline->gen8.wm_depth_stencil
-#  define depth_stencil_dw pipeline->gen9.wm_depth_stencil
-   if (info == NULL) {
-      /* We're going to OR this together with the dynamic state.  We need
-       * to make sure it's initialized to something useful.
-       */
-      memset(depth_stencil_dw, 0, sizeof(depth_stencil_dw));
-      return;
-   }
-   /* VkBool32 depthBoundsTestEnable; // optional (depth_bounds_test) */
-#if GEN_GEN <= 7
-   struct GENX(DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE) depth_stencil = {
-   struct GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL) depth_stencil = {
-      .DepthTestEnable = info->depthTestEnable,
-      .DepthBufferWriteEnable = info->depthWriteEnable,
-      .DepthTestFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[info->depthCompareOp],
-      .DoubleSidedStencilEnable = true,
-      .StencilTestEnable = info->stencilTestEnable,
-      .StencilBufferWriteEnable = info->stencilTestEnable,
-      .StencilFailOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->front.failOp],
-      .StencilPassDepthPassOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->front.passOp],
-      .StencilPassDepthFailOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->front.depthFailOp],
-      .StencilTestFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[info->front.compareOp],
-      .BackfaceStencilFailOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->back.failOp],
-      .BackfaceStencilPassDepthPassOp = vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->back.passOp],
-      .BackfaceStencilPassDepthFailOp =vk_to_gen_stencil_op[info->back.depthFailOp],
-      .BackfaceStencilTestFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[info->back.compareOp],
-   };
-   VkImageAspectFlags aspects = 0;
-   if (subpass->depth_stencil_attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
-      VkFormat depth_stencil_format =
-         pass->attachments[subpass->depth_stencil_attachment].format;
-      aspects = vk_format_aspects(depth_stencil_format);
-   }
-   /* The Vulkan spec requires that if either depth or stencil is not present,
-    * the pipeline is to act as if the test silently passes.
-    */
-   if (!(aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT)) {
-      depth_stencil.DepthBufferWriteEnable = false;
-      depth_stencil.DepthTestFunction = PREFILTEROPALWAYS;
-   }
-   if (!(aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) {
-      depth_stencil.StencilBufferWriteEnable = false;
-      depth_stencil.StencilTestFunction = PREFILTEROPALWAYS;
-      depth_stencil.BackfaceStencilTestFunction = PREFILTEROPALWAYS;
-   }
-   /* From the Broadwell PRM:
-    *
-    *    "If Depth_Test_Enable = 1 AND Depth_Test_func = EQUAL, the
-    *    Depth_Write_Enable must be set to 0."
-    */
-   if (info->depthTestEnable && info->depthCompareOp == VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL)
-      depth_stencil.DepthBufferWriteEnable = false;
-#if GEN_GEN <= 7
-   GENX(DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE_pack)(NULL, depth_stencil_dw, &depth_stencil);
-   GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL_pack)(NULL, depth_stencil_dw, &depth_stencil);
-static void
-emit_cb_state(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-              const VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo *info,
-              const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *ms_info)
-   struct anv_device *device = pipeline->device;
-   const uint32_t num_dwords = GENX(BLEND_STATE_length);
-   pipeline->blend_state =
-      anv_state_pool_alloc(&device->dynamic_state_pool, num_dwords * 4, 64);
-   struct GENX(BLEND_STATE) blend_state = {
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      .AlphaToCoverageEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToCoverageEnable,
-      .AlphaToOneEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToOneEnable,
-      /* Make sure it gets zeroed */
-      .Entry = { { 0, }, },
-   };
-   /* Default everything to disabled */
-   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableAlpha = true;
-      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableRed = true;
-      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableGreen = true;
-      blend_state.Entry[i].WriteDisableBlue = true;
-   }
-   uint32_t surface_count = 0;
-   struct anv_pipeline_bind_map *map;
-   if (anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
-      map = &pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->bind_map;
-      surface_count = map->surface_count;
-   }
-   bool has_writeable_rt = false;
-   for (unsigned i = 0; i < surface_count; i++) {
-      struct anv_pipeline_binding *binding = &map->surface_to_descriptor[i];
-      /* All color attachments are at the beginning of the binding table */
-      if (binding->set != ANV_DESCRIPTOR_SET_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS)
-         break;
-      /* We can have at most 8 attachments */
-      assert(i < 8);
-      if (binding->index >= info->attachmentCount)
-         continue;
-      assert(binding->binding == 0);
-      const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState *a =
-         &info->pAttachments[binding->index];
-      blend_state.Entry[i] = (struct GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY)) {
-#if GEN_GEN < 8
-         .AlphaToCoverageEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToCoverageEnable,
-         .AlphaToOneEnable = ms_info && ms_info->alphaToOneEnable,
-         .LogicOpEnable = info->logicOpEnable,
-         .LogicOpFunction = vk_to_gen_logic_op[info->logicOp],
-         .ColorBufferBlendEnable = a->blendEnable,
-         .ColorClampRange = COLORCLAMP_RTFORMAT,
-         .PreBlendColorClampEnable = true,
-         .PostBlendColorClampEnable = true,
-         .SourceBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->srcColorBlendFactor],
-         .DestinationBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->dstColorBlendFactor],
-         .ColorBlendFunction = vk_to_gen_blend_op[a->colorBlendOp],
-         .SourceAlphaBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->srcAlphaBlendFactor],
-         .DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = vk_to_gen_blend[a->dstAlphaBlendFactor],
-         .AlphaBlendFunction = vk_to_gen_blend_op[a->alphaBlendOp],
-         .WriteDisableAlpha = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_A_BIT),
-         .WriteDisableRed = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_R_BIT),
-         .WriteDisableGreen = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_G_BIT),
-         .WriteDisableBlue = !(a->colorWriteMask & VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_B_BIT),
-      };
-      if (a->srcColorBlendFactor != a->srcAlphaBlendFactor ||
-          a->dstColorBlendFactor != a->dstAlphaBlendFactor ||
-          a->colorBlendOp != a->alphaBlendOp) {
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-         blend_state.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable = true;
-         blend_state.Entry[i].IndependentAlphaBlendEnable = true;
-      }
-      if (a->colorWriteMask != 0)
-         has_writeable_rt = true;
-      /* Our hardware applies the blend factor prior to the blend function
-       * regardless of what function is used.  Technically, this means the
-       * hardware can do MORE than GL or Vulkan specify.  However, it also
-       * means that, for MIN and MAX, we have to stomp the blend factor to
-       * ONE to make it a no-op.
-       */
-      if (a->colorBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MIN ||
-          a->colorBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MAX) {
-         blend_state.Entry[i].SourceBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
-         blend_state.Entry[i].DestinationBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
-      }
-      if (a->alphaBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MIN ||
-          a->alphaBlendOp == VK_BLEND_OP_MAX) {
-         blend_state.Entry[i].SourceAlphaBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
-         blend_state.Entry[i].DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
-      }
-   }
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-   struct GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY) *bs0 = &blend_state.Entry[0];
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS_BLEND), blend) {
-      blend.AlphaToCoverageEnable         = blend_state.AlphaToCoverageEnable;
-      blend.HasWriteableRT                = has_writeable_rt;
-      blend.ColorBufferBlendEnable        = bs0->ColorBufferBlendEnable;
-      blend.SourceAlphaBlendFactor        = bs0->SourceAlphaBlendFactor;
-      blend.DestinationAlphaBlendFactor   = bs0->DestinationAlphaBlendFactor;
-      blend.SourceBlendFactor             = bs0->SourceBlendFactor;
-      blend.DestinationBlendFactor        = bs0->DestinationBlendFactor;
-      blend.AlphaTestEnable               = false;
-      blend.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable   =
-         blend_state.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable;
-   }
-   (void)has_writeable_rt;
-   GENX(BLEND_STATE_pack)(NULL, pipeline->blend_state.map, &blend_state);
-   if (!device->info.has_llc)
-      anv_state_clflush(pipeline->blend_state);
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_BLEND_STATE_POINTERS), bsp) {
-      bsp.BlendStatePointer      = pipeline->blend_state.offset;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      bsp.BlendStatePointerValid = true;
-   }
-static void
-emit_3dstate_clip(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-                  const VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo *vp_info,
-                  const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *rs_info)
-   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
-   (void) wm_prog_data;
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CLIP), clip) {
-      clip.ClipEnable               = true;
-      clip.EarlyCullEnable          = true;
-      clip.APIMode                  = APIMODE_D3D,
-      clip.ViewportXYClipTestEnable = true;
-      clip.ClipMode = CLIPMODE_NORMAL;
-      clip.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 0;
-      clip.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect     = 0;
-      clip.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect       = 1;
-      clip.MinimumPointWidth = 0.125;
-      clip.MaximumPointWidth = 255.875;
-      clip.MaximumVPIndex    = (vp_info ? vp_info->viewportCount : 1) - 1;
-#if GEN_GEN == 7
-      clip.FrontWinding            = vk_to_gen_front_face[rs_info->frontFace];
-      clip.CullMode                = vk_to_gen_cullmode[rs_info->cullMode];
-      clip.ViewportZClipTestEnable = !pipeline->depth_clamp_enable;
-      clip.NonPerspectiveBarycentricEnable = wm_prog_data ?
-         (wm_prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes & 0x38) != 0 : 0;
-   }
-static void
-emit_3dstate_streamout(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-                       const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo *rs_info)
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT), so) {
-      so.RenderingDisable = rs_info->rasterizerDiscardEnable;
-   }
-static inline uint32_t
-get_sampler_count(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
-   return DIV_ROUND_UP(bin->bind_map.sampler_count, 4);
-static inline uint32_t
-get_binding_table_entry_count(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
-   return DIV_ROUND_UP(bin->bind_map.surface_count, 32);
-static inline struct anv_address
-get_scratch_address(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-                    gl_shader_stage stage,
-                    const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
-   return (struct anv_address) {
-      .bo = anv_scratch_pool_alloc(pipeline->device,
-                                   &pipeline->device->scratch_pool,
-                                   stage, bin->prog_data->total_scratch),
-      .offset = 0,
-   };
-static inline uint32_t
-get_scratch_space(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
-   return ffs(bin->prog_data->total_scratch / 2048);
-static inline uint32_t
-   /* Skip the VUE header and position slots */
-   return 1;
-static inline uint32_t
-get_urb_output_length(const struct anv_shader_bin *bin)
-   const struct brw_vue_prog_data *prog_data =
-      (const struct brw_vue_prog_data *)bin->prog_data;
-   return (prog_data->vue_map.num_slots + 1) / 2 - get_urb_output_offset();
-static void
-emit_3dstate_vs(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
-   const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = get_vs_prog_data(pipeline);
-   const struct anv_shader_bin *vs_bin =
-      pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];
-   assert(anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX));
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VS), vs) {
-      vs.FunctionEnable       = true;
-      vs.StatisticsEnable     = true;
-      vs.KernelStartPointer   = vs_bin->kernel.offset;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      vs.SIMD8DispatchEnable  =
-         vs_prog_data->base.dispatch_mode == DISPATCH_MODE_SIMD8;
-      assert(!vs_prog_data->base.base.use_alt_mode);
-      vs.SingleVertexDispatch       = false;
-      vs.VectorMaskEnable           = false;
-      vs.SamplerCount               = get_sampler_count(vs_bin);
-      vs.BindingTableEntryCount     = get_binding_table_entry_count(vs_bin);
-      vs.FloatingPointMode          = IEEE754;
-      vs.IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable = false;
-      vs.SoftwareExceptionEnable    = false;
-      vs.MaximumNumberofThreads     = devinfo->max_vs_threads - 1;
-      vs.VertexCacheDisable         = false;
-      vs.VertexURBEntryReadLength      = vs_prog_data->base.urb_read_length;
-      vs.VertexURBEntryReadOffset      = 0;
-      vs.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData =
-         vs_prog_data->base.base.dispatch_grf_start_reg;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      vs.VertexURBEntryOutputReadOffset = get_urb_output_offset();
-      vs.VertexURBEntryOutputLength     = get_urb_output_length(vs_bin);
-     /* TODO */
-      vs.UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask = 0;
-      vs.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask = 0;
-      vs.PerThreadScratchSpace   = get_scratch_space(vs_bin);
-      vs.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
-         get_scratch_address(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX, vs_bin);
-   }
-static void
-emit_3dstate_gs(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
-   const struct anv_shader_bin *gs_bin =
-      pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];
-   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY)) {
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_GS), gs);
-      return;
-   }
-   const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data = get_gs_prog_data(pipeline);
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_GS), gs) {
-      gs.FunctionEnable          = true;
-      gs.StatisticsEnable        = true;
-      gs.KernelStartPointer      = gs_bin->kernel.offset;
-      gs.DispatchMode            = gs_prog_data->base.dispatch_mode;
-      gs.SingleProgramFlow       = false;
-      gs.VectorMaskEnable        = false;
-      gs.SamplerCount            = get_sampler_count(gs_bin);
-      gs.BindingTableEntryCount  = get_binding_table_entry_count(gs_bin);
-      gs.IncludeVertexHandles    = gs_prog_data->base.include_vue_handles;
-      gs.IncludePrimitiveID      = gs_prog_data->include_primitive_id;
-      if (GEN_GEN == 8) {
-         /* Broadwell is weird.  It needs us to divide by 2. */
-         gs.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_gs_threads / 2 - 1;
-      } else {
-         gs.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_gs_threads - 1;
-      }
-      gs.OutputVertexSize        = gs_prog_data->output_vertex_size_hwords * 2 - 1;
-      gs.OutputTopology          = gs_prog_data->output_topology;
-      gs.VertexURBEntryReadLength = gs_prog_data->base.urb_read_length;
-      gs.ControlDataFormat       = gs_prog_data->control_data_format;
-      gs.ControlDataHeaderSize   = gs_prog_data->control_data_header_size_hwords;
-      gs.InstanceControl         = MAX2(gs_prog_data->invocations, 1) - 1;
-      gs.ReorderMode             = TRAILING;
-      gs.ReorderEnable           = true;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      gs.ExpectedVertexCount     = gs_prog_data->vertices_in;
-      gs.StaticOutput            = gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count >= 0;
-      gs.StaticOutputVertexCount = gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count >= 0 ?
-                                   gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count : 0;
-      gs.VertexURBEntryReadOffset = 0;
-      gs.VertexURBEntryReadLength = gs_prog_data->base.urb_read_length;
-      gs.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData =
-         gs_prog_data->base.base.dispatch_grf_start_reg;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      gs.VertexURBEntryOutputReadOffset = get_urb_output_offset();
-      gs.VertexURBEntryOutputLength     = get_urb_output_length(gs_bin);
-     /* TODO */
-      gs.UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask = 0;
-      gs.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask = 0;
-      gs.PerThreadScratchSpace   = get_scratch_space(gs_bin);
-      gs.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
-         get_scratch_address(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY, gs_bin);
-   }
-static void
-emit_3dstate_wm(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-                const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo *multisample)
-   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
-   MAYBE_UNUSED uint32_t samples =
-      multisample ? multisample->rasterizationSamples : 1;
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_WM), wm) {
-      wm.StatisticsEnable                    = true;
-      wm.LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth   = _05pixels;
-      wm.LineAntialiasingRegionWidth         = _10pixels;
-      wm.PointRasterizationRule              = RASTRULE_UPPER_RIGHT;
-      if (anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
-         if (wm_prog_data->early_fragment_tests) {
-            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl         = EDSC_PREPS;
-         } else if (wm_prog_data->has_side_effects) {
-            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl         = EDSC_PSEXEC;
-         } else {
-            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl         = EDSC_NORMAL;
-         }
-         wm.BarycentricInterpolationMode =
-            wm_prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes;
-#if GEN_GEN < 8
-         /* FIXME: This needs a lot more work, cf gen7 upload_wm_state(). */
-         wm.ThreadDispatchEnable          = true;
-         wm.PixelShaderKillsPixel         = wm_prog_data->uses_kill;
-         wm.PixelShaderComputedDepthMode  = wm_prog_data->computed_depth_mode;
-         wm.PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth    = wm_prog_data->uses_src_depth;
-         wm.PixelShaderUsesSourceW        = wm_prog_data->uses_src_w;
-         wm.PixelShaderUsesInputCoverageMask = wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask;
-         if (samples > 1) {
-            wm.MultisampleRasterizationMode = MSRASTMODE_ON_PATTERN;
-            if (wm_prog_data->persample_dispatch) {
-               wm.MultisampleDispatchMode = MSDISPMODE_PERSAMPLE;
-            } else {
-               wm.MultisampleDispatchMode = MSDISPMODE_PERPIXEL;
-            }
-         } else {
-            wm.MultisampleRasterizationMode = MSRASTMODE_OFF_PIXEL;
-            wm.MultisampleDispatchMode = MSDISPMODE_PERSAMPLE;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-static void
-emit_3dstate_ps(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   MAYBE_UNUSED const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
-   const struct anv_shader_bin *fs_bin =
-      pipeline->shaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT];
-   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS), ps) {
-#if GEN_GEN == 7
-         /* Even if no fragments are ever dispatched, gen7 hardware hangs if
-          * we don't at least set the maximum number of threads.
-          */
-         ps.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_wm_threads - 1;
-      }
-      return;
-   }
-   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS), ps) {
-      ps.KernelStartPointer0     = fs_bin->kernel.offset;
-      ps.KernelStartPointer1     = 0;
-      ps.KernelStartPointer2     = fs_bin->kernel.offset +
-                                   wm_prog_data->prog_offset_2;
-      ps._8PixelDispatchEnable   = wm_prog_data->dispatch_8;
-      ps._16PixelDispatchEnable  = wm_prog_data->dispatch_16;
-      ps._32PixelDispatchEnable  = false;
-      ps.SingleProgramFlow       = false;
-      ps.VectorMaskEnable        = true;
-      ps.SamplerCount            = get_sampler_count(fs_bin);
-      ps.BindingTableEntryCount  = get_binding_table_entry_count(fs_bin);
-      ps.PushConstantEnable      = wm_prog_data->base.nr_params > 0;
-      ps.PositionXYOffsetSelect  = wm_prog_data->uses_pos_offset ?
-                                   POSOFFSET_SAMPLE: POSOFFSET_NONE;
-#if GEN_GEN < 8
-      ps.AttributeEnable         = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs > 0;
-      ps.oMaskPresenttoRenderTarget = wm_prog_data->uses_omask;
-      ps.DualSourceBlendEnable   = wm_prog_data->dual_src_blend;
-      /* Haswell requires the sample mask to be set in this packet as well
-       * as in 3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK; the values should match.
-       */
-      ps.SampleMask                    = 0xff;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 9
-      ps.MaximumNumberofThreadsPerPSD  = 64 - 1;
-#elif GEN_GEN >= 8
-      ps.MaximumNumberofThreadsPerPSD  = 64 - 2;
-      ps.MaximumNumberofThreads        = devinfo->max_wm_threads - 1;
-      ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData0 =
-         wm_prog_data->base.dispatch_grf_start_reg;
-      ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData1 = 0;
-      ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData2 =
-         wm_prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg_2;
-      ps.PerThreadScratchSpace   = get_scratch_space(fs_bin);
-      ps.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
-         get_scratch_address(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT, fs_bin);
-   }
-#if GEN_GEN >= 8
-static void
-emit_3dstate_ps_extra(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = get_wm_prog_data(pipeline);
-   if (!anv_pipeline_has_stage(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA), ps);
-      return;
-   }
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA), ps) {
-      ps.PixelShaderValid              = true;
-      ps.AttributeEnable               = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs > 0;
-      ps.oMaskPresenttoRenderTarget    = wm_prog_data->uses_omask;
-      ps.PixelShaderIsPerSample        = wm_prog_data->persample_dispatch;
-      ps.PixelShaderKillsPixel         = wm_prog_data->uses_kill;
-      ps.PixelShaderComputedDepthMode  = wm_prog_data->computed_depth_mode;
-      ps.PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth    = wm_prog_data->uses_src_depth;
-      ps.PixelShaderUsesSourceW        = wm_prog_data->uses_src_w;
-#if GEN_GEN >= 9
-      ps.PixelShaderPullsBary    = wm_prog_data->pulls_bary;
-      ps.InputCoverageMaskState  = wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask ?
-                                   ICMS_INNER_CONSERVATIVE : ICMS_NONE;
-      ps.PixelShaderUsesInputCoverageMask = wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask;
-   }
-static void
-emit_3dstate_vf_topology(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
-   anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_TOPOLOGY), vft) {
-      vft.PrimitiveTopologyType = pipeline->topology;
-   }
-#endif /* GENX_PIPELINE_UTIL_H */

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