[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 1/5] st/va: Return more useful config attributes

Andy Furniss adf.lists at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 16:41:27 UTC 2016

Mark Thompson wrote:
> On 13/10/16 08:20, Christian König wrote:
>> Am 13.10.2016 um 00:52 schrieb Mark Thompson:
>>> The encoder attributes are needed for a user of the encoder to be
>>> able to configure it sensibly without internal knowledge.
>> Reviewed-by: Christian König <christian.koenig at amd.com> for the whole series.
>> Do you have commit access?
> I do not.  Please do push this for me once all appropriate people are happy with it.

Seems not to regress anything, but there are still differences vs gstreamer.

I guess the poc fix now allows JM decoder not to bail, but that allows
me to see some other issue around I frames. I haven't had time too look
properly why, but guessing it could be that avconv sends 
every I frame, but gst just once.

I don't know if you'll even see this on bonaire as my tonga possibly
hits different code - I mean in src/gallium/drivers/radeon/ there is
and maybe these are used depending on vce firmware version and do
different things for different h/w.

The issue I see with JM is shown below - the file seems to play OK.
There may be another (I guess pre-existing) issue around 1080/1088
affecting transcoding with both avconv and gst, but one thing at a

This is with -g 30 and doesn't happen with gstreamer.

   Frame          POC  Pic#   QP    SnrY     SnrU     SnrV   Y:U:V Time(ms)
00000(IDR)        0     0    33                             4:2:0      90
00000( P )        1     1    29                             4:2:0      57
00001( P )        2     2    29                             4:2:0      55
00001( P )        3     3    28                             4:2:0      57
00002( P )        4     4    28                             4:2:0      59
00002( P )        5     5    28                             4:2:0      57


00014( P )       29    29    23                             4:2:0      70
00015( P )       30    30    24                             4:2:0      66
00000(IDR)       -1     0    23                             4:2:0     129
00000( P )        0     1    24                             4:2:0      59
00000( P )        1     2    25                             4:2:0      56
00001( P )        2     3    25                             4:2:0      58
00001( P )        3     4    25                             4:2:0      57

00014( P )       28    29    26                             4:2:0      59
00014( P )       29    30    24                             4:2:0      65
-0001(IDR)       -2     0    24                             4:2:0     129
00000( P )       -1     1    25                             4:2:0      59
00000( P )        0     2    25                             4:2:0      58
00000( P )        1     3    25                             4:2:0      59

00013( P )       27    29    24                             4:2:0      65
00014( P )       28    30    24                             4:2:0      67
-0001(IDR)       -3     0    24                             4:2:0     130
-0001( P )       -2     1    25                             4:2:0      59
00000( P )       -1     2    25                             4:2:0      58
00000( P )        0     3    25                             4:2:0      58
00000( P )        1     4    25                             4:2:0      57

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