[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] glsl: compute lvalues of [in]out parameters before inlined function body

Nicolai Hähnle nhaehnle at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 18:45:30 UTC 2016

From: Nicolai Hähnle <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>

This is required when an out argument involves an array index that is either
a global variable modified by the function or another out argument in the
same function call.

Fixes the shaders/out-parameter-indexing/vs-inout-index-inout-* tests.
I'd appreciate if somebody could clarify how much the IR has to be a tree,
and to what extent it is allowed to be a DAG. In particular, for inout
parameters we have the same dereference sub-expression twice. As is, the
patch clones this sub-expression (where the code for passing an inout
parameter into the function is added). That may be unnecessary, but I'm
not sure and I wanted to stay on the safe side.

 src/compiler/glsl/opt_function_inlining.cpp | 122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compiler/glsl/opt_function_inlining.cpp b/src/compiler/glsl/opt_function_inlining.cpp
index 83534bf..eee8fd7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glsl/opt_function_inlining.cpp
+++ b/src/compiler/glsl/opt_function_inlining.cpp
@@ -88,28 +88,87 @@ replace_return_with_assignment(ir_instruction *ir, void *data)
       } else {
 	 /* un-valued return has to be the last return, or we shouldn't
 	  * have reached here. (see can_inline()).
+/* Save the given lvalue before the given instruction.
+ *
+ * This is done by adding temporary variables into which the current value
+ * of any array indices are saved, and then reconstructing a dereference chain
+ * that uses those temporary variables.
+ *
+ * This function returns the original lvalue if there were no array indices
+ * to save.
+ */
+static ir_rvalue *
+save_lvalue(void *ctx, ir_rvalue *lvalue, ir_instruction *insert_before)
+   if (ir_dereference_record *deref_record = lvalue->as_dereference_record()) {
+      ir_rvalue *saved_record;
+      saved_record = save_lvalue(ctx, deref_record->record, insert_before);
+      if (saved_record == deref_record->record)
+         return lvalue;
+      return new(ctx) ir_dereference_record(saved_record, deref_record->field);
+   }
+   if (ir_swizzle *swizzle = lvalue->as_swizzle()) {
+      ir_rvalue *saved_val;
+      saved_val = save_lvalue(ctx, swizzle->val, insert_before);
+      if (saved_val == swizzle->val)
+         return lvalue;
+      return new(ctx) ir_swizzle(saved_val, swizzle->mask);
+   }
+   if (ir_dereference_array *deref_array = lvalue->as_dereference_array()) {
+      ir_rvalue *saved_array;
+      ir_variable *index;
+      ir_assignment *assignment;
+      saved_array = save_lvalue(ctx, deref_array->array, insert_before);
+      if (saved_array == deref_array->array &&
+          deref_array->array_index->ir_type == ir_type_constant)
+         return lvalue;
+      index = new(ctx) ir_variable(deref_array->array_index->type, "saved_idx", ir_var_temporary);
+      insert_before->insert_before(index);
+      assignment = new(ctx) ir_assignment(new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(index),
+                                          deref_array->array_index, 0);
+      insert_before->insert_before(assignment);
+      return new(ctx) ir_dereference_array(saved_array,
+                                           new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(index));
+   }
+   assert(lvalue->ir_type == ir_type_dereference_variable);
+   return lvalue;
 ir_call::generate_inline(ir_instruction *next_ir)
    void *ctx = ralloc_parent(this);
    ir_variable **parameters;
    unsigned num_parameters;
    int i;
    struct hash_table *ht;
+   exec_list out_lvalues;
    ht = _mesa_hash_table_create(NULL, _mesa_hash_pointer, _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
    num_parameters = this->callee->parameters.length();
    parameters = new ir_variable *[num_parameters];
    /* Generate the declarations for the parameters to our inlined code,
     * and set up the mapping of real function body variables to ours.
    i = 0;
@@ -132,29 +191,66 @@ ir_call::generate_inline(ir_instruction *next_ir)
 	 /* Remove the read-only decoration because we're going to write
 	  * directly to this variable.  If the cloned variable is left
 	  * read-only and the inlined function is inside a loop, the loop
 	  * analysis code will get confused.
 	 parameters[i]->data.read_only = false;
-      /* Move the actual param into our param variable if it's an 'in' type. */
-      if (parameters[i] && (sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_in ||
-			    sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_const_in ||
-			    sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_inout)) {
-	 ir_assignment *assign;
-	 assign = new(ctx) ir_assignment(new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(parameters[i]),
-					 param, NULL);
-	 next_ir->insert_before(assign);
+      /* Section 6.1.1 (Function Calling Conventions) of the OpenGL Shading
+       * Language 4.5 spec says:
+       *
+       *    "All arguments are evaluated at call time, exactly once, in order,
+       *     from left to right. [...] Evaluation of an out parameter results
+       *     in an l-value that is used to copy out a value when the function
+       *     returns."
+       *
+       * I.e., we have to take temporary copies of any relevant array indices
+       * before the function body is executed.
+       *
+       * This ensures that
+       * (a) if an array index expressions refers to a variable that is
+       *     modified by the execution of the function body, we use the
+       *     original value as intended, and
+       * (b) if an array index expression has side effects, those side effects
+       *     are only executed once and at the right time.
+       */
+      if (parameters[i]) {
+         if (sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_in ||
+             sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_const_in) {
+            ir_assignment *assign;
+            assign = new(ctx) ir_assignment(new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(parameters[i]),
+                                            param, NULL);
+            next_ir->insert_before(assign);
+         } else {
+            assert(sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_out ||
+                   sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_inout);
+            assert(param->is_lvalue());
+            ir_rvalue *lvalue;
+            lvalue = save_lvalue(ctx, param, next_ir);
+            if (sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_inout) {
+               ir_assignment *assign;
+               assign = new(ctx) ir_assignment(new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(parameters[i]),
+                                               lvalue->clone(ctx, NULL)->as_rvalue(), NULL);
+               next_ir->insert_before(assign);
+            }
+            out_lvalues.push_tail(lvalue);
+         }
    exec_list new_instructions;
    /* Generate the inlined body of the function to a new list */
    foreach_in_list(ir_instruction, ir, &callee->body) {
       ir_instruction *new_ir = ir->clone(ctx, ht);
@@ -179,31 +275,29 @@ ir_call::generate_inline(ir_instruction *next_ir)
    /* Now push those new instructions in. */
    /* Copy back the value of any 'out' parameters from the function body
     * variables to our own.
    i = 0;
-   foreach_two_lists(formal_node, &this->callee->parameters,
-                     actual_node, &this->actual_parameters) {
-      ir_rvalue *const param = (ir_rvalue *) actual_node;
-      const ir_variable *const sig_param = (ir_variable *) formal_node;
+   foreach_in_list(ir_variable, sig_param, &this->callee->parameters) {
       /* Move our param variable into the actual param if it's an 'out' type. */
       if (parameters[i] && (sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_out ||
 			    sig_param->data.mode == ir_var_function_inout)) {
 	 ir_assignment *assign;
-	 assign = new(ctx) ir_assignment(param->clone(ctx, NULL)->as_rvalue(),
+         ir_rvalue *lvalue = (ir_rvalue *)out_lvalues.pop_head();
+         assign = new(ctx) ir_assignment(lvalue,
 					 new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(parameters[i]),
    delete [] parameters;

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