[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v2 2/5] anv/descriptor_set: Use anv_multialloc for descriptor set layouts

Jason Ekstrand jason at jlekstrand.net
Fri Apr 7 05:53:07 UTC 2017

 src/intel/vulkan/anv_descriptor_set.c | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_descriptor_set.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_descriptor_set.c
index 56a08ce..6f2280d 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_descriptor_set.c
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_descriptor_set.c
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ VkResult anv_CreateDescriptorSetLayout(
     VkDescriptorSetLayout*                      pSetLayout)
    ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_device, device, _device);
-   struct anv_descriptor_set_layout *set_layout;
@@ -54,18 +53,19 @@ VkResult anv_CreateDescriptorSetLayout(
          immutable_sampler_count += pCreateInfo->pBindings[j].descriptorCount;
-   size_t size = sizeof(struct anv_descriptor_set_layout) +
-                 (max_binding + 1) * sizeof(set_layout->binding[0]) +
-                 immutable_sampler_count * sizeof(struct anv_sampler *);
+   struct anv_descriptor_set_layout *set_layout;
+   struct anv_descriptor_set_binding_layout *bindings;
+   struct anv_sampler **samplers;
-   set_layout = vk_alloc2(&device->alloc, pAllocator, size, 8,
-                           VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT);
-   if (!set_layout)
-      return vk_error(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+   struct anv_multialloc ma;
+   anv_multialloc_init2(&ma, &device->alloc, pAllocator,
+                        VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT);
+   anv_multialloc_add(&ma, &set_layout, 1);
+   anv_multialloc_add(&ma, &bindings, max_binding + 1);
+   anv_multialloc_add(&ma, &samplers, immutable_sampler_count);
-   /* We just allocate all the samplers at the end of the struct */
-   struct anv_sampler **samplers =
-      (struct anv_sampler **)&set_layout->binding[max_binding + 1];
+   if (!anv_multialloc_finish(&ma))
+      return vk_error(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
    memset(set_layout, 0, sizeof(*set_layout));
    set_layout->binding_count = max_binding + 1;

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