[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v2 1/2] bin/get-{extra, fixes}-pick-list.sh: add support for ignore list

Juan A. Suarez Romero jasuarez at igalia.com
Fri Apr 7 11:30:04 UTC 2017

Both scripts does not use a file with the commits to ignore. So if we
have handled one of the suggested commits and decided we won't pick it,
the scripts will continue suggesting them.

This commits adds support for a bin/.cherry-ignore-extra where we can
put the commits not explicitly rejected (those would be in the
bin/.cherry-ignore) but we want the scripts don't suggest them because
we know those won't be picked for stable.

- Mark the candidates in bin/get-extra-pick-list.sh (Juan A. Suarez)
 bin/get-extra-pick-list.sh | 12 ++++++++++++
 bin/get-fixes-pick-list.sh | 14 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+)

diff --git a/bin/get-extra-pick-list.sh b/bin/get-extra-pick-list.sh
index 4d39389..df52e7a 100755
--- a/bin/get-extra-pick-list.sh
+++ b/bin/get-extra-pick-list.sh
@@ -30,6 +30,18 @@ do
 		if grep -q ^$candidate already_picked ; then
+		# Or if it isn't in the ignore list.
+		if [ -f bin/.cherry-ignore ] ; then
+			if grep -q ^$candidate bin/.cherry-ignore ; then
+				continue
+			fi
+		fi
+		# Or if it isn't in the ignore extra list.
+		if [ -f bin/.cherry-ignore-extra ] ; then
+			if grep -q ^$candidate bin/.cherry-ignore-extra ; then
+				continue
+			fi
+		fi
 		echo Commit $candidate references $sha
diff --git a/bin/get-fixes-pick-list.sh b/bin/get-fixes-pick-list.sh
index 75242a2..1817300 100755
--- a/bin/get-fixes-pick-list.sh
+++ b/bin/get-fixes-pick-list.sh
@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@ git log --reverse --grep="cherry picked from commit" $latest_branchpoint..HEAD |
 git log --reverse --pretty=%H -i --grep="fixes:" $latest_branchpoint..origin/master |\
 while read sha
+	# Check to see whether the patch is on the ignore list ...
+	if [ -f bin/.cherry-ignore ] ; then
+		if grep -q ^$sha bin/.cherry-ignore ; then
+			continue
+		fi
+	fi
+	# ... or on the ignore extra list.
+	if [ -f bin/.cherry-ignore-extra ] ; then
+		if grep -q ^$sha bin/.cherry-ignore-extra ; then
+			continue
+		fi
+	fi
 	# For each one try to extract the tag
 	fixes_count=`git show $sha | grep -i "fixes:" | wc -l`
 	if [ "x$fixes_count" != x1 ] ; then

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