[Mesa-dev] [RFC PATCH 03/26] glsl: introduce new base types for bindless samplers/images

Samuel Pitoiset samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 08:10:58 UTC 2017

On 04/19/2017 08:40 AM, Nicolai Hähnle wrote:
> On 19.04.2017 00:01, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 5:26 PM, Nicolai Hähnle <nhaehnle at gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 18.04.2017 21:49, Dave Airlie wrote:
>>>> On 19 April 2017 at 05:30, Samuel Pitoiset <samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 04/18/2017 08:14 PM, Nicolai Hähnle wrote:
>>>>>> On 11.04.2017 18:48, Samuel Pitoiset wrote:
>>>>>>> Bindless sampler/image types are really different from the existing
>>>>>>> sampler/image types. They are considered 64-bit unsigned integers,
>>>>>>> they can be declared as temporary, shader inputs/outputs and are
>>>>>>> non-opaque types.
>>>>>>> For these reasons, it looks more convenient to introduce new
>>>>>>> internal base types to the GLSL compiler, called
>>>>>>> GLSL_TYPE_BINDLESS_SAMPLER and respectively 
>>>>>> Sorry for taking so long to get to this series, but could you explain
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> rationale here a bit more?
>>>>> No worries, all feedbacks are always welcome, even late. :)
>>>>> So, the bindless sampler/image types introduced in 
>>>>> ARB_bindless_texture
>>>>> are
>>>>> really different from the "standard" ones.
>>>>> They are considered as 64-bit unsigned integers (not 32-bit) and 
>>>>> they are
>>>>> non-opaque types. The latter means they can be declared as temporary
>>>>> variables, as shader inputs/outputs, inside an interface block, etc.
>>> I don't know that that's the best way to think about it at the GLSL 
>>> level.
>>> Mostly they're still opaque types, it's just that they can be explicitly
>>> converted to/from 64-bit ints (or uvec2... not having an interaction 
>>> with
>>> GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 seems like a spec oversight).
>>>>> That said, the current sampler/image types are opaque (cf,
>>>>> glsl_type::is_opaque()) and it seemed quite impossible to change the
>>>>> glsl_type helpers to fit my needs.
>>> I see no is_opaque, maybe you mean contains_opaque? I agree that it's
>>> annoying that the restrictions expressed in ast_to_hir.cpp need to be
>>> modified. What other helpers are an issue?
>>>>> I tried many different solutions before figuring this one which seems
>>>>> better
>>>>> for some reasons:
>>>>> - easy to make bindless sampler/image types 64-bit unsigned int
>>>>> - easy to make bindless sampler/image types non-opaque
>>>>> - should avoid breakage because the base type is different
>>>>> - reduce the amount of changes in most places in the compiler
>>> I still don't see a *positive* justification for having the two 
>>> different
>>> type families. Where do you actually need to *distinguish* between 
>>> bindless
>>> and bound samplers in the compiler? The spec really doesn't make that
>>> distinction at all, except in one single place:
>>>    "These modifiers control whether default-block uniforms of
>>>     the corresponding types may have their values set via both
>>>     UniformHandle* and Uniform1i (bindless_sampler and
>>>     bindless_image) or only via Uniform1i (bound_sampler and
>>>     bound_image)."
>>> It seems like the only place to distinguish between the two is actually
>>> *outside* the compiler, in the uniforms API. And that's not even 
>>> really have
>>> about the *type* of the variable; it's about the variable's memory 
>>> layout.
>>> So it really behaves more similarly to the layout qualifiers (offset,
>>> alignment) you have in SSBO and UBO blocks rather than a property of 
>>> a type.
>>> So as I see it, this code is messing with the type system for no good
>>> reason, and doing so in a fundamentally incoherent way that goes 
>>> against all
>>> that is good and sane in compiler design. And I think it shows. 
>>> Consider the
>>> following example shader:
>>>    layout (bound_sampler) uniform sampler2D tex_bound;
>>>    layout (bindless_sampler) uniform sampler2D tex_bindless;
>>>    vec4 f(sampler2D s, ...)
>>>    {
>>>       return texture2D(s, ...);
>>>    }
>>>    void main()
>>>    {
>>>       vec4 a = f(tex_bound, ...);
>>>       vec4 b = f(tex_bindless, ...);
>>>    }
>>> What's the type of the parameter `s' of function `f'? Will this 
>>> compile, and
>>> if so, how?
>>> I guess the answer is: as is, the type is sampler2DBindless, which 
>>> makes no
>>> sense whatsoever if the function f appears in a shader which *doesn't*
>>> enable ARB_bindless_texture (which is allowed!). But having the type 
>>> of f
>>> depend on whether the extension is enabled makes even *less* sense.
>>> And does it compile? Well, I don't recall seeing code that would
>>> automatically do a type conversion -- you probably either end up 
>>> generating
>>> an incorrect compiler error, or you end up with IR that assigns a 
>>> value of
>>> bindless-type to a variable of non-bindless-type, or vice versa.
>>> None of this gives me confidence from a compiler design perspective. 
>>> What's
>>> left are some vague implementation concerns that I don't understand yet,
>>> admittedly in part because I haven't tried to implement the 
>>> alternative :-)
>>>>> At the Gallium level, the changes are really small. Basically, if the
>>>>> type
>>>>> is a bindless sampler, the ir_dereference variable is visited and 
>>>>> it can
>>>>> be
>>>>> considered as PROGRAM_UNIFORM or PROGRAM_TEMPORARY (for shader
>>>>> inputs/outputs).
>>>>> Hopefully, you are convinced now. :)
>>>> When I did my initial implementation I went with merged types, I don't
>>>> think
>>>> it was a good idea either. Apart from making old non-bindless 
>>>> samples take
>>>> up
>>>> twice as much space, there's a lot or corner cases.
>>> Non-bindless samplers taking up twice as much space for the 
>>> accounting of
>>> the default uniform block is something the spec explicitly calls out as
>>> being okay, though.
>>> Even if we decide that it isn't, it's really something that belongs into
>>> struct gl_uniform_storage during linking, because it's clearly a 
>>> property
>>> of... uniform storage layout.
>>>> Unless we hit some problem in the future where they need to be the same
>>>> type I'd say this is preferable.
>>> I hope the code sample above is convincing evidence that using different
>>> types for the same thing just makes no sense.
>> That's one quirk of this approach - you have to create a combinatorial
>> explosion of user (and built-in, as you've seen) functions for each
>> sampler they accept. So if the function takes 5 sampler arguments, you
>> have to generate 32 copies. However I suspect such functions are rare.
>> Not sure if Samuel did this, but if he didn't, that's a necessary
>> component of this approach.
>> Having it all be one type definitely creates a lot of complications
>> which you're not seeing here as they're all avoided. Neither approach
>> is perfect, but I think at the cost of the extra types you end up with
>> a much more understandable compiler. Here are some odd cases to deal
>> with for the single type approach:
>> 1. local variables: so doing something like
>>     sampler2D foo = bar;
>> is not legal without bindless. So imagine you have a function that
>> uses a sampler local variable,
>>     vec4 f(sampler2D s, ...)
>>     {
>>        sampler2D tex = foo ? s : t;
>>        return texture2D(tex, ...);
>>     }
>> This function can implicitly not be called with a bound sampler.
>> Expressing this in a way that the compiler can understand seems like
>> it couldn't be done without the types being different, or some deeper
>> analysis being done on the uses of the function's arguments. With the
>> type explosion approach, this magically works out since there's no
>> ambiguity about whether a particular sampler is bindless or not.
> I'm not sure what you're saying here. I suspect we're actually not in 
> agreement about what the spec allows. My understanding is that calling 
> that function f with a sampler taken from a bound_sampler uniform is 
> perfectly legal, i.e. the following code should compile and work as 
> expected:
>    layout (bound_sampler) uniform sampler2D tex;
>    ...
>    f(tex, ...);

How this can work? Passing a uniform into out or inout parameter doesn't 
seem to be allowed. At least, the following code doesn't even compile 
with NV.

#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture: require

layout (bound_sampler) uniform sampler2D tex;

void f(inout sampler2D p) {}

void main()

> When the compiler sees a local variable assignment
>    sampler2D foo = bar;
> the legality can be decided locally. It is always okay when the bindless 
> extension is enabled, and it's never okay without. Again, the 
> "bound_sampler" is not a property of the sampler value itself, it is 
> "merely" a property of how the sampler is stored (memory layout).

How about interface blocks, structures, inputs/outputs? Yeah, we could 
also decide locally (I'm sure), but having something like:

if (sampler && bindless)

in many places in the compiler looks quite ugly.

> At least I haven't seen anything in the spec to contradict that.
> Side note: As far as I can tell, you're even allowed to do:
>    layout (bound_sampler) uniform sampler2D tex;
>    ...
>    uvec2 handle = uvec2(tex);

I think this is correct as well, at least it compiles with NV. However, 
it makes just no sense to me. The spec says:

"The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by UniformHandleui64{v}ARB if 
the sampler or image uniform being updated has the "bound_sampler" or
"bound_image" layout qualifier.""

So, you can only assign a 32-bit uniform here, converting to a pair of 
32-bit will make the .y component 0.

> Personally, I think that makes a lot of sense at least for GCN: texture 
> handles are simply pointers to descriptors. Unfortunately, it seems the 
> spec isn't very explicit about that, and it's also not very explicit 
> about the extent of validity of the returned handle. Though I think you 
> can kind of infer that the handle is not expected to be valid outside 
> the shader invocation, since only handles returned by 
> Get{Texture,TextureSampler}HandleARB are said to be "stable".
>> Furthermore, even without the separate function issue, the fact that
>> local variables are bindless-only creates a host of issues for
>> figuring out whether an expression is legal. Perhaps this is doable
>> with a deep scan of any expression assigning to a local variable. But
>> things with temporary expression like texture2D(foo ? s : t, ...)
>> could still be annoying. (All solvable, I'm sure.)
>> 2. uniform storage: this is a weaker argument, but I feel like it
>> needs to be said anyways -- the uniform layout code is subtle and
>> quick to anger. Even if it is modified appropriately, seems unlikely
>> for there to be an easily achievable way that non-bindless GPUs are
>> allowed to not have to waste uniform space. IIRC these uniforms are
>> allocated real uniform storage (despite never being used), which will
>> use up precious uniform space for DX9 and earlier GPUs. However if
>> this were the only thing, it'd be too weak. More of a "pile on top"
>> kind of thing.
>> FWIW I'm in favor of the separate type approach, assuming that we all
>> agree that the user function explosion is acceptable. IMHO it is
>> though. [And I had been discussing this approach and the alternative
>> of doing a single type with Samuel for a while before this patchset
>> was sent out.]
> Yeah, from your email I get the impression that there's a genuine 
> conflict of readings of the spec. If you're right and I'm indeed reading 
> the spec wrong, I'd be inclined to agree with you. What you're 
> describing in point 1 really *are* type-level concerns. I just think 
> that I'm right about the spec and you're not ;-)
> FWIW, a big part of what makes me quite certain is that the spec 
> *replaces* section 4.1.7 (Samplers) in its entirety rather than adding 
> to it.

Well, if we have questions I can ask the spec authors again (they seem 
to be quite responsive). I think we might need some clarification...


> Cheers,
> Nicolai
>> Cheers,
>>   -ilia

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