[Mesa-dev] Samping GL_R32UI?

Andrew A. andj2223 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 08:11:27 UTC 2017

Thank you for the help! It was indeed an incomplete texture issue.
Setting the MIN/MAG filters to GL_NEAREST ended up resolving it.

I did have one other question -- why is this considered a silent
non-error condition?
Even with KHR_debug enabled and set to use
DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION, I don't seem to get any error or warning
messages about this.
It seems like incomplete textures would be a very handy thing to know
about when debugging.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 5:31 PM, Roland Scheidegger <sroland at vmware.com> wrote:
> Am 01.02.2017 um 05:32 schrieb Andrew A.:
>> Are there any known issues with using usampler2D on a GL_R32UI texture
>> in llvmpipe from within a VS/FS? I'm getting expected results on
>> Nvidia drivers (proprietary), but not with mesa llvmpipe (always get
>> zero).
> Not that I know of. There should be plenty of tests testing this.
> My best guess is your texture is incomplete - nvidia is known to ignore
> this for some cases but mesa would not.
> This would affect all mesa drivers presumably, not just llvmpipe.
> (This silent "non-error condition" is quite nasty and non-obvious in
> some cases - for instance if you use texelFetch which ignores all
> ordinary texture parameters such as wrap modes or filtering, however
> according to OpenGL rules the texture would still be incomplete
> depending on min/mag filter - and I know nvidia would ignore this
> particular case.)
> Roland

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