[Mesa-dev] [PATCH mesa 0/5] egl/wayland: Make wl_egl_window a versioned struct

Miguel A. Vico mvicomoya at nvidia.com
Tue Jul 18 20:49:24 UTC 2017

Although we've always made backwards compatible changes to wl_egl_window, we
are lacking of a versioning mechanism for EGL drivers that take a native
wl_egl_window to check what set of features are exposed/available by the given

This series of patches aim to make wl_egl_window a versioned struct in a
backwards compatible way.

Along the way, a wl_egl_window ABI checker program has been added that runs
at 'make check' time.

Also, _eglPointerIsDereferencable() is fixed to return whether is
dereferencable, regardless of memory residency.


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