[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 00/11] i965: Make INTEL_DEBUG=bat actually usable

Chris Wilson chris at chris-wilson.co.uk
Tue Mar 21 11:32:58 UTC 2017

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 02:13:09AM -0700, Kenneth Graunke wrote:
> Hello,
> This series makes INTEL_DEBUG=bat use the aubinator/genxml infrastructure
> for decoding batches (both commands and states).  It's not perfect, but
> it should be significantly more usable than the old code.  Our public
> batch command decoder in libdrm is woefully unmaintained, as is our own
> brw_state_dump.c state decoder.  They largely printed garbage for modern
> generations of hardware.  Intel people had access to a better one that
> was never released for annoying reasons.  But, this one is better still,
> and actually usable by everyone.

There have been a couple of short discussions on what can be added to
improve post-mortem debugging of mesa's GPU hangs. How much work would
it be to redirect the aub trace (or whatever is actually informative)
into a buffer submitted alongside the batch?

Chris Wilson, Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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