[Mesa-dev] Sampling DRM_FORMAT_YUYV in GLSL

Philipp Zabel p.zabel at pengutronix.de
Tue May 9 10:59:27 UTC 2017

On Tue, 2017-05-09 at 12:48 +0200, Volker Vogelhuber wrote:
> Ok thanks for the clarification. There is only one missing part for the
> GL_TEXTURE_2D case. The second EGLImage is created internally when
> calling eglCreateImage with EGL_LINUX_DMA_BUF_EXT, so I only
> have one return value I can bind to a texture using 
> glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES.
> Is there any "get" function to access the ARGB eglimage to bind it to 
> another
> texture?

You create two separate EGLImages, calling eglCreateImage once for each
plane. See for example:





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