[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 0/2] Allow redeclaration of GLSL builtins; fixes Dying Light and Dead Island Definitive Edition

Benedikt Schemmer ben at besd.de
Sat May 13 09:49:28 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Dying Light really works (Radeon RX460 4GB, Ubuntu 17.04, Mesa git 
patches applied plus some minor changes that i have locally to get rid 
of compiler warnings).
I did have to jump through some additional hoops to get it working:

Dying Light only launches from within Steam, Launch Options for me need 
to be

Also two libraries were missing (there are no packages in the 17.04 
repository so I had to install them manually)

I used

find -name "*.so" -exec ldd {} \; | grep not

from the games directory to find the missing dependencies. links for the 
packages below, glew needs to be renamed because the game expects a 
different version.


sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so.1.13.0 


After that the biggest problem was that I died within the first few 
minutes because I havent played in months ;)

Big thanks you've made my day,

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