[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] i965: Add RGBX8888 and RGBA8888 to EGL configure and reorder the list

Chih-Wei Huang cwhuang at android-x86.org
Thu May 18 04:10:28 UTC 2017

2017-05-18 12:01 GMT+08:00 Xu, Randy <randy.xu at intel.com>:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Palli, Tapani
>> >
>> > It's just applied. Isn't it?
>> > Yesterday without this patch
>> > the color format is mismatch apparently.
>> Yeah we do need this. TBH I don't quite understand why but will try to figure
>> it out. I remember we used to have a patch in Surfaceflinger at one point
>> because visual was hardcoded there and this might be related.
>> // Tapani
> Sorry, that's for different issue, I mix it with RGB565 blending one.
> This patch is required because some Android GLES test apps, like gl2_basic, need to create RGBA8888 surface.

Indeed it is.

As Emil pointed out, the patch was merged before
but reverted later since it broke desktop.

So what's the current upstreaming plan?

Android-x86 project

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