[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 14/24] swr/rast: make simd16 logicops avx512f safe

Tim Rowley timothy.o.rowley at intel.com
Sat May 27 21:25:09 UTC 2017

Express the simd16 logicops in terms of avx512f instructions.
 src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/common/simd16intrin.h | 14 ++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/common/simd16intrin.h b/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/common/simd16intrin.h
index 2fe18f2..84585ff 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/common/simd16intrin.h
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/common/simd16intrin.h
@@ -941,10 +941,16 @@ INLINE simd16scalar SIMDAPI _simd16_cmp_ps_temp(simd16scalar a, simd16scalar b)
 #define _simd16_castpd_ps           _mm512_castpd_ps
 #define _simd16_castps_pd           _mm512_castps_pd
-#define _simd16_and_ps              _mm512_and_ps
-#define _simd16_andnot_ps           _mm512_andnot_ps
-#define _simd16_or_ps               _mm512_or_ps
-#define _simd16_xor_ps              _mm512_xor_ps
+// _mm512_and_ps (and other bitwise operations) exist in AVX512DQ,
+// while the functionally equivalent _mm512_and_epi32 is in AVX512F.
+// Define the _simd16_*_ps versions in terms of AVX512F for broader
+// support.
+#define _simd16_logicop_ps(a, b, op) _simd16_castsi_ps(op##_epi32(_simd16_castps_si(a), _simd16_castps_si(b)))
+#define _simd16_and_ps(a, b)        _simd16_logicop_ps(a, b, _mm512_and)
+#define _simd16_andnot_ps(a, b)     _simd16_logicop_ps(a, b, _mm512_andnot)
+#define _simd16_or_ps(a, b)         _simd16_logicop_ps(a, b, _mm512_or)
+#define _simd16_xor_ps(a, b)        _simd16_logicop_ps(a, b, _mm512_xor)
 template <int mode>
 INLINE simd16scalar SIMDAPI _simd16_round_ps_temp(simd16scalar a)

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