[Mesa-dev] More gratitude for Meson

Chad Versace chadversary at chromium.org
Wed Nov 1 21:43:28 UTC 2017

Wow. 10 seconds from a clean checkout to an installed Vulkan driver.

I don't know how qualify my surprise...


The Intel Vulkan driver is often all I need, so I was tempted to
investigate whether Meson allowed building and installing just anvil and
nothing else. No OpenGL, no OpenGL ES, no EGL, no GLX,... just
libvulkan_intel.so, the icd json, and the pkg-config files.

I benchmarked the time to configure, build, and install from a clean git
checkout. I tested with vkcube.

    $ tmpdir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir mesa.XXXXXXXX)

    $ time meson \
        --prefix="$tmpdir/prefix" \
        -Dbuildtype=debug \
        -Dvalgrind=true \
        -Dplatforms=x11,drm,wayland,surfaceless \
        -Ddri-drivers= \
        -Dvulkan-drivers=intel \
        -Dgallium-drivers= \
        -Dgles1=false \
        -Dgles2=false \
        -Dopengl=false \
    real    0m4.970s
    user    0m3.420s
    sys     0m1.100s

    $ ninja -C /tmp/mesa.fnQzVfsc/build
    real    0m5.080s
    user    2m18.93s
    sys     0m18.330s

    $ ninja -C /tmp/mesa.fnQzVfsc/build install
    real    0m0.460s
    user    0m0.36s
    sys     0m0.070s

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