[Mesa-dev] GPU (and system) monitoring

Gordon Haverland ghaverla at materialisations.com
Tue Nov 21 00:39:57 UTC 2017

On Mon, 20 Nov 2017 13:25:26 +0100
Nicolai Hähnle <nhaehnle at gmail.com> wrote:

> ... umr does 
> that for the amdgpu kernel module

I downloaded the source tree, compiled umr, mounted the debugfs to use
umr, and ran
  umr --top

switching to sensor mode, you could see loads.  And I collected a few
second of information to a log file.  Then I umounted the debugfs.

The load values can change from quite high to quite low from sampling
interval to interval.  I think some kind of averaging would probably
need to be done, just taking a single load value chosen at random would
not be useful.

In a sense, temperature is going to be an average related to power
(load), so maybe just having the temperatures may be enough?

For now, I think I should collect a longer series of data, and then see
how the (moving) average behaves with respect to how many data points go
into the (moving) average.


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