[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v2 1/2] egl/wayland: Check queryImage return for wl_buffer

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Mon Oct 2 17:34:30 UTC 2017

Hi Andy,

On 2 October 2017 at 17:51, Andy Furniss <adf.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> These are still a regression for me over git revert a65db0ad1c
> weston-simple-egl works as does mpv opengl windowed.
> The issue is that kodi or fullscreen mpv is mostly junk, IIRC from an old
> bug this is to do with direct scan out and tiling.

This is a Radeon driver bug which looks to have been there for at
least quite a while now?

Weston (in its current upstream form) doesn't import dmabufs for
scanout. Without Marek's patch, everything ends up using the dmabuf
interface, which succeeds when it shouldn't, and then because Weston
won't import the dmabuf for scanout, it uses the GPU instead and this
works just fine. With Marek's patch, Weston fails to import the
buffer. With Marek's and my patch, we go back to what we did up until
a couple of months ago, using the old wl_drm interface. That can then
be used for direct scanout, and is.

Marek, Michel, any ideas? Looks like the winsys buffers we create lose
all their tiling information between client and KMS. You can test it
just by running 'weston-simple-egl -f', with whatever version of
Weston, and the two patches in this thread.


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