[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 4/6] glsl: mark xfb inputs as always_active_io

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Mon Oct 9 22:31:01 UTC 2017

Timothy Arceri <tarceri at itsqueeze.com> writes:

> We won't split varyings marked as always active because there
> is no point in doing so. This means we need to mark both
> sides of the interface as always active otherwise we will have
> a mismatch and start removing things we shouldn't.

Is this just needed because the next patch only updates a single bit in
the read/write arrays for multi-channel variables?  Or is there
something else?

If there's nothing else, then updating the NIR pass for tracking all of
the channels seems pretty doable and would have fewer magic requirements
between stages.
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