[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v2 1/5] gitlab-ci: build Mesa using GitLab CI

Emil Velikov emil.l.velikov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 13:27:57 UTC 2018

Hi Juan,

Something I should have mentioned ealier:
Pardon if my question are a bit rough - my rocker/docker experience is limited.

On 30 August 2018 at 11:22, Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez at igalia.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-08-29 at 14:11 +0100, Emil Velikov wrote:
>> Hi Juan,
>> I've shared a number of suggestions. I'll leave that to you if they
>> will be in v3 or patches on top.
>> On 29 August 2018 at 11:12, Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez at igalia.com> wrote:
>> > In order to build the images, Rocker is used. This is a tool that
>> > extends the Dockerfiles with new features that are quite interested
>> > here. The main features we use is the support for templating, and the
>> > support for mounting external directories during the image building.
>> > This help to use tools like ccache to improve the build speed.
>> >
>> I think that gitlab-ci supports templating - not sure about mounting
>> external directories.
> We need the templating in the Dockerfile, not in the gitlab-ci itself. Same for
> mounting external directories: we need mounting (not a real requirement, but
> speeds up the build step) inside the docker build process.
Simply put, one could see .gitlab-ci.xml as a form of dockerfile,
since the gitlab-ci uses Docker.
Former is capable of storing artefacts, although I'd imagine the extra
docker/rocker here is used solely to share and reuse the artefacts and

Am I in the right ballpark?

Asking all these questions since the double-docker does seem a bit strange.

>> > +before_script:
>> > +  - mkdir -p ccache
>> > +  - rm -fr ../ccache
>> > +  - mv ccache ../
>> nit: how does this look
>> rm -rf ../ccache
>> mkdir -p ../ccache
> It wouldn't work.
Hmm something sounds badly broken.
I would imagine you (or perhaps me) misread some the .. in the commands.

>> Although why do we .. in the first place? Mind adding a comment?
> Yup. First of all, we cache the ccache directory in GitLab, so when re-building
> a Docker image we save time.
> GitLab only caches directories that are in the same path as the git clone/fetch
> is done. That is, it restores/saves directories that are in the same place as
> the full Mesa code.
> But we don't want to have the ccache there, because when building the image we
> add all the cloned content. And this would add inside the image the full ccache.
> We don't want this, but just mount it externally.
AKA keeping the docker images small, while sharing the ccache. Makes sense.

> Thus, we move the restored ccache to a different place at the beginning (the "mv
> ccache ../" in the before_script) and move back at the end so GitLab can store
> the new cache (the "mv ../ccache ./" in the after_script).
> As the very first time there is no ccache to restore, we ensure there's always a
> ccache directory (hence, the mkdir call). The "rmdir ../ccache" is to ensure
> there's nothing there before doing the move. I think this is a safe measure, as
> usually there shouldn't be nothing there.
I think that a cancelled job may leave a ../ccache around.

>> I'm fairly sure we can drop anything older than 3.9 through the series.
>> Jose was pretty clear that they're aiming/moved to llvm 5.0
> I'm fine with this. We test so many versions because those are the minimum
> required versions according to configure.ac.
> If we think it is not needed to check older versions, we can remove them. On the
> other hand, we could just keep them when testing release branches, and remove
> when testing master.
Good call. Thinking about it - keeping the LLVM bits in your patches
as-is and tweaking the version (in configure/travis/gitlab-ci/etc)
would be a better.

>> > +RUN apt-get update                                                                     \
>> > +  && apt-get --no-install-recommends -y install autoconf automake gcc g++ libtool-bin  \
>> > +    pkg-config gettext ccache make scons bison flex sudo git wget bzip2 xz-utils       \
>> > +    libclc-dev libelf-dev libexpat1-dev libffi-dev libomxil-bellagio-dev               \
>> > +    libpciaccess-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxdamage-dev libxml2-dev libxrender-dev          \
>> > +    libxvmc-dev libunwind-dev zlib1g-dev python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel     \
>> > +    python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel                                       \
>> > +  && rm -fr /var/lib/apt/lists/*
>> Why do we need the rm after apt-get?
> This is suggested by Docker as ag ood pattern to install packages in Docker
> images. We update + install package + remove the files generated by the update
> everything in a single command, so we keep the Docker image size reduced to the
> minimum.
Fair enough. I was thinking about the duplicated "sync the local package DB".
Which is admittedly nothing comparing to keeping the images small.

>> > +USER local
>> > +
>> A user with name "local" sounds a bit strange. Is that the recommendation?
> We just picked "local" as username, but we're fine to use a different name (like
> "mesa" or "user").
Personally I would use base-builder/llvm-builder/mesa-builder for the
respective files.
It tends to make things a bit more obvious ... but that's just me ;-)

> Usually in Docker everything is done as "root". But in order to reduce risks,
> and be more real (developers never build Mesa as root, or shouldn't at least!)
> we build everything as non-root.
Agreed, thank you for that.

>> Thinking out loud:
>> There should be a way to make this a trivial function and feed it the
>> static data.
>> ...
>> wget foo
>> tar filename(foo)
>> cd basename(foo)
>> ...
> We couldn't figure out how to do it. Maybe there's a way to do loops inside the
> Rockerfiles. At this moment, this is very similar to what we do in .travis.
Agreed it not pretty, and we already do it. Perhaps we could flesh
some of this/travis bits into a shell script or two and reuse it?

Something to consider after this work has landed. Please do not bother
with this now.

>> > --- /dev/null
>> > +++ b/gitlab-ci/Rockerfile.llvm
>> > +{{ if eq .LLVM "3.3" }}
>> > +RUN wget https://people.igalia.com/jasuarez/packages/llvm-3.3_3.3-+checkinstall1_amd64.deb      \
>> > +  && dpkg -i llvm-3.3_3.3-+checkinstall1_amd64.deb                                              \
>> > +  && rm llvm-3.3_3.3-+checkinstall1_amd64.deb
>> > +ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-{{ .LLVM }}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>> > +
>> With 3.3 gone, there's no need to build our own LLVM package ;-)
> According to configure.ac, the minimum required LLVM version for Gallium drivers
> is 3.3. This is why we also use LLVM 3.6 and 3.8: to test the Gallium drivers.
I seriously doubt anyone is using 3.3 - it was released in Jun 2013.
Would be great to just drop it for all branches, but we could start
with master, as you suggested earlier.

>> > +{{ else }}
>> > +MOUNT .:/context
>> > +RUN ./autogen.sh                                                \
>> > +  && make distcheck                                             \
>> > +  && __version=`cat VERSION`                                    \
>> > +  && mkdir -p /context/release-output                           \
>> > +  && mv /home/local/mesa-head.txt /context/release-output       \
>> > +  && mv mesa-$__version.tar.xz /context/release-output          \
>> > +  && sudo rm -fr /home/local/mesa
>> > +
>> > +{{ else if eq .BUILD "autotools" "gallium" }}
>> > +
>> > +RUN export LLVM={{ $llvm_version }}.0\
>> > +  && eval `cat configure.ac | egrep ^LLVM_REQUIRED`                                                                     \
>> > +  && if dpkg --compare-versions $LLVM ge $LLVM_REQUIRED_GALLIUM ; then GALLIUM_DRIVERS=i915,etnaviv,freedreno,imx,nouveau,pl111,r300,svga,swrast,tegra,v3d,vc4,virgl ; fi \
>> > +  && if dpkg --compare-versions $LLVM ge $LLVM_REQUIRED_R600 ; then GALLIUM_DRIVERS=$GALLIUM_DRIVERS,r600 ; fi          \
>> > +  && if dpkg --compare-versions $LLVM ge $LLVM_REQUIRED_RADEONSI ; then GALLIUM_DRIVERS=$GALLIUM_DRIVERS,radeonsi ; fi  \
>> > +  && if dpkg --compare-versions $LLVM ge $LLVM_REQUIRED_SWR ; then GALLIUM_DRIVERS=$GALLIUM_DRIVERS,swr ; fi            \
>> /me dreams of a day where only a single LLVM_REQUIRED will be available
>> > +  && DRI_DRIVERS=i915,i965,nouveau,r200,radeon,swrast                                                                   \
>> > +  && VULKAN_DRIVERS=intel                                                                                               \
>> > +  && if dpkg --compare-versions $LLVM ge $LLVM_REQUIRED_RADV ; then VULKAN_DRIVERS=$VULKAN_DRIVERS,radeon ; fi          \
>> > +  && ./autogen.sh                                                                                                       \
>> > +    --with-gallium-drivers=$GALLIUM_DRIVERS                                                                             \
>> > +    {{ if eq .BUILD "gallium" }} --with-dri-drivers=""                                                                  \
>> > +    {{ else }} --with-dri-drivers=$DRI_DRIVERS                                                                          \
>> > +    --with-vulkan-drivers=$VULKAN_DRIVERS                                                                               \
>> > +    --with-platforms=x11,drm,wayland {{ end }}                                                                          \
>> Omitting a vulkan/dri/gallium drivers list will default to building
>> some of them :-\
> Right. We need to add '--with-vulkan-drivers=""' when BUILD is gallium, as we
> are not interested in the Vulkan driver.
>> Perhaps we could set the *DRIVERS variables conditionally, defaulting to "".
> We are using three variables, GALLIUM_DRIVERS, DRI_DRIVERS and VULKAN_DRIVERS
> that are updated depending on BUILD and also the LLVM version.
It seems to me that the following happens:

if .BUILD gallium
 dri-drivers = empty list
 gallium-drivers = some list
 vulkan-drivers = some list
 dri-drivers = some list
 gallium-drivers = some list
 vulkan-drivers = some list

AKA both gallium and vulkan drivers are built twice ... to some extend.
The current code assumes that LLVM_REQUIRED_GALLIUM - implies some
gallium drivers.
That's wrong - none of the ones listed need LLVM. If we want LLVM 3.3
testing we could stick with something short like Travis.

I'd suggest:
if .BUILD gallium - aka LLVM version fuzz; from no LLVM to latest
 dri-drivers = empty list
 gallium-drivers = some list -> details vary on LLVM version available
 vulkan-drivers = empty list
else - with a LLVM version for radv
 dri-drivers = full list
 gallium-drivers = empty list
 vulkan-drivers = full list

>> > +    {{ if ne $llvm_version "0.0" }} --enable-llvm --enable-llvm-shared-libs {{ end }}                                   \
>> > +    {{ if ne $debug_build "false" }} --enable-debug {{ end }}                                                           \
>> > +    --enable-glx-tls --enable-gbm --enable-egl                                                                          \
>> > +  && make                                                                                                               \
>> > +  && make check                                                                                                         \
>> > +  && sudo make install                                                                                                  \
>> > +  && sudo ldconfig                                                                                                      \
>> > +  && sudo rm -fr /home/local/mesa
>> > +
>> > +{{ else if eq .BUILD "meson" }}
>> > +
>> > +RUN meson  _build                       \
>> Worth adding the gallium/vulkan/dri drivers list here?
> Didn't add the list because this depends on the LLVM version we are using. So we
> trust meson correctly picks all the drivers.
> If we want to be explicit, maybe we can reuse the list of
Agreed. The same reasoning as f9d0e7d3bcd831d52af6a6c46aac4ed4590a8615
applies here.
If you agree feel free to keep that as a follow-up patch.

Thanks again for answering my noobish questions :-)


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