[Mesa-dev] [PATCH mesa] drop autotools

Gert Wollny gw.fossdev at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 20:47:40 UTC 2018

Am Dienstag, den 04.12.2018, 14:47 -0500 schrieb Jan Vesely:
> > You can, that's what I've done as well. 0.49 just has a much nicer
> > mechanism (and one that presumably distro packagers can use more
> > easily).
> I don't understand why distros are such a big focus. Don't they all
> have scripts to build packages? Why would volatility of configuration
> options be a problem for them?
Usually they have, and at least in Debian when you build the package
for the package archive you also use a build environment that pulls
exactly in what is needed for building the package, so using the wrong
version because of some automatism usually point to some actual bug
either in the package itself or in the dependencies of the required

FWIW, I also don't understand the urge to remove the automake build
system files, they account for less then 1% of line count in the source
tree, Emil offered to maintain the build system in a way that nobody
who doesn't want to deal with has to touch it (which is different from
old drivers where changes to the core might actually require touching
these drivers too), and there are people out there like you who have a
technical reason not to switch to meson (yet). 


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