[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] anv: Restrict the nuber of color regions to those actually written

Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho caio.oliveira at intel.com
Thu Jul 12 17:27:52 UTC 2018

> > Question: earlier in the code we call
> >
> >    populate_wm_prog_key(pipeline, info, &key);
> >
> > which does
> >
> >    key->nr_color_regions = pipeline->subpass->color_count;
> >
> >    key->replicate_alpha = key->nr_color_regions > 1 &&
> >                           info->pMultisampleState &&
> >                           info->pMultisampleState->alphaToCoverageEnable;
> >
> > so key->replicate_alpha is calculated based on the old value. Should
> > this be (re)calculated using the new value?
> >
> We could but it would have no effect.  100% of the uses of replicate_alpha
> in the back-end have it ANDed with inst->target > 0.

If it's not effectful, maybe we could remove the
"key->nr_color_regions > 1 &&" from the definition of replicate_alpha


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