[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 1/2] i965: Rework push constants packets creation.

Rafael Antognolli rafael.antognolli at intel.com
Tue Jun 12 21:00:11 UTC 2018

There's a lot of logic on the function that builds the push constants
packets. It reads both the push constants and the UBOs, and tries to
account for some hardware workarounds.

This patch splits the logic to gather the buffers into a function, and
the code to emit the packet to another one, where the hw workaround is
actually implemented. It tries to simplify reading the workaround, and
makes it easier for future platforms to avoid the workaround when it's
not needed anymore.
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/genX_state_upload.c | 187 ++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 117 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/genX_state_upload.c b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/genX_state_upload.c
index 88fde9d12fd..7976538b865 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/genX_state_upload.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/genX_state_upload.c
@@ -3154,14 +3154,125 @@ UNUSED static const uint32_t push_constant_opcodes[] = {
    [MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE]                     = 0,
-static void
-genX(upload_push_constant_packets)(struct brw_context *brw)
+struct push_bos {
+   int n;
+   struct {
+      struct brw_address addr;
+      uint32_t length;
+   } buffers[4];
+UNUSED static void
+setup_constant_buffers(struct brw_context *brw,
+                       struct brw_stage_state *stage_state,
+                       gl_shader_stage stage,
+                       struct push_bos *push_bos)
-   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
    struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
+   struct gl_program *prog = ctx->_Shader->CurrentProgram[stage];
+   if (!stage_state->prog_data)
+      return;
+   assert(push_bos && push_bos->n == 0);
+   int n = 0;
+   if (stage_state->push_const_size > 0) {
+      push_bos->buffers[n].length = stage_state->push_const_size;
+      push_bos->buffers[n].addr =
+         ro_bo(stage_state->push_const_bo,
+               stage_state->push_const_offset);
+      n++;
+   }
+   if (GEN_GEN >= 8 || GEN_IS_HASWELL) {
+      for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
+         assert(n <= 3);
+         const struct brw_ubo_range *range =
+            &stage_state->prog_data->ubo_ranges[i];
+         if (range->length == 0)
+            continue;
+         const struct gl_uniform_block *block =
+            prog->sh.UniformBlocks[range->block];
+         const struct gl_buffer_binding *binding =
+            &ctx->UniformBufferBindings[block->Binding];
+         if (binding->BufferObject == ctx->Shared->NullBufferObj) {
+            static unsigned msg_id = 0;
+            _mesa_gl_debug(ctx, &msg_id, MESA_DEBUG_SOURCE_API,
+                           MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED,
+                           MESA_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH,
+                           "UBO %d unbound, %s shader uniform data "
+                           "will be undefined.",
+                           range->block,
+                           _mesa_shader_stage_to_string(stage));
+            continue;
+         }
+         assert(binding->Offset % 32 == 0);
+         struct brw_bo *bo = intel_bufferobj_buffer(
+            brw, intel_buffer_object(binding->BufferObject),
+            binding->Offset, range->length * 32, false);
+         /* printf(">>> UBO %p goes to buffer: %d\n", bo, n); */
+         push_bos->buffers[n].length = range->length;
+         push_bos->buffers[n].addr =
+            ro_bo(bo, range->start * 32 + binding->Offset);
+         n++;
+      }
+   }
+   push_bos->n = n;
+UNUSED static void
+emit_push_constant_packet(struct brw_context *brw,
+                          struct brw_stage_state *stage_state,
+                          gl_shader_stage stage,
+                          const struct push_bos *push_bos)
    UNUSED uint32_t mocs = GEN_GEN < 8 ? GEN7_MOCS_L3 : 0;
+   brw_batch_emit(brw, GENX(3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS), pkt) {
+      pkt._3DCommandSubOpcode = push_constant_opcodes[stage];
+      if (stage_state->prog_data) {
+         /* The Skylake PRM contains the following restriction:
+          *
+          *    "The driver must ensure The following case does not occur
+          *     without a flush to the 3D engine: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* with
+          *     buffer 3 read length equal to zero committed followed by a
+          *     3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* with buffer 0 read length not equal to
+          *     zero committed."
+          *
+          * To avoid this, we program the buffers in the highest slots.
+          * This way, slot 0 is only used if slot 3 is also used.
+          */
+         int n = push_bos->n;
+         for (int i = 3, j = n - 1; j >= 0; i--, j--) {
+            /* printf(">>> assigning address: %p from buffer %d to packet %d\n", */
+            /*        push_bos->buffers[i].addr.bo, i, j); */
+            pkt.ConstantBody.ReadLength[i] = push_bos->buffers[j].length;
+            pkt.ConstantBody.Buffer[i] = push_bos->buffers[j].addr;
+         }
+         pkt.ConstantBody.ReadLength[0] = push_bos->buffers[0].length;
+         pkt.ConstantBody.Buffer[0].offset =
+            push_bos->buffers[0].addr.offset | mocs;
+      }
+   }
+static void
+genX(upload_push_constant_packets)(struct brw_context *brw)
+   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
    struct brw_stage_state *stage_states[] = {
@@ -3176,78 +3287,14 @@ genX(upload_push_constant_packets)(struct brw_context *brw)
    for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
       struct brw_stage_state *stage_state = stage_states[stage];
-      UNUSED struct gl_program *prog = ctx->_Shader->CurrentProgram[stage];
       if (!stage_state->push_constants_dirty)
-      brw_batch_emit(brw, GENX(3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS), pkt) {
-         pkt._3DCommandSubOpcode = push_constant_opcodes[stage];
-         if (stage_state->prog_data) {
-            /* The Skylake PRM contains the following restriction:
-             *
-             *    "The driver must ensure The following case does not occur
-             *     without a flush to the 3D engine: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* with
-             *     buffer 3 read length equal to zero committed followed by a
-             *     3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* with buffer 0 read length not equal to
-             *     zero committed."
-             *
-             * To avoid this, we program the buffers in the highest slots.
-             * This way, slot 0 is only used if slot 3 is also used.
-             */
-            int n = 3;
-            for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
-               const struct brw_ubo_range *range =
-                  &stage_state->prog_data->ubo_ranges[i];
-               if (range->length == 0)
-                  continue;
-               const struct gl_uniform_block *block =
-                  prog->sh.UniformBlocks[range->block];
-               const struct gl_buffer_binding *binding =
-                  &ctx->UniformBufferBindings[block->Binding];
-               if (binding->BufferObject == ctx->Shared->NullBufferObj) {
-                  static unsigned msg_id = 0;
-                  _mesa_gl_debug(ctx, &msg_id, MESA_DEBUG_SOURCE_API,
-                                 MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED,
-                                 MESA_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH,
-                                 "UBO %d unbound, %s shader uniform data "
-                                 "will be undefined.",
-                                 range->block,
-                                 _mesa_shader_stage_to_string(stage));
-                  continue;
-               }
-               assert(binding->Offset % 32 == 0);
-               struct brw_bo *bo = intel_bufferobj_buffer(brw,
-                  intel_buffer_object(binding->BufferObject),
-                  binding->Offset, range->length * 32, false);
-               pkt.ConstantBody.ReadLength[n] = range->length;
-               pkt.ConstantBody.Buffer[n] =
-                  ro_bo(bo, range->start * 32 + binding->Offset);
-               n--;
-            }
+      struct push_bos push_bos = { .n = 0 };
+      setup_constant_buffers(brw, stage_state, stage, &push_bos);
-            if (stage_state->push_const_size > 0) {
-               assert(n >= 0);
-               pkt.ConstantBody.ReadLength[n] = stage_state->push_const_size;
-               pkt.ConstantBody.Buffer[n] =
-                  ro_bo(stage_state->push_const_bo,
-                        stage_state->push_const_offset);
-            }
-            pkt.ConstantBody.ReadLength[0] = stage_state->push_const_size;
-            pkt.ConstantBody.Buffer[0].offset =
-               stage_state->push_const_offset | mocs;
-         }
-      }
+      emit_push_constant_packet(brw, stage_state, stage, &push_bos);
       stage_state->push_constants_dirty = false;
       brw->ctx.NewDriverState |= GEN_GEN >= 9 ? BRW_NEW_SURFACES : 0;

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