[Mesa-dev] VC4 not working for me with mesa 17.3.7

Andreas Müller schnitzeltony at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 14:18:15 UTC 2018


hope here is the right place for this - my first post.

What happened: I build all images cross with Openembedded/Yocto. To
prepare next release there I updated my builds and that moved mesa
17.1.7 -> 17.3.7. Since then all applications using GL/GLES (e.g
glmark2-es - tried others - same) complain with

| Modifier 0x0 vs. tiling (0x700000000000001) mismatch

and drawable region remains black.
There was some discussion on meta-raspberrypi mailing list and it
seems to happen to others too [1].

I've attached a patch. That fixes glmark2-es and many others but e.g
on KDE desktop mouse pointer is just pixel dust so I think that my
(naive) approach only works around an issue caused somewhere else. To
ne honest my background understanding is poor but it seems that
modifier gets not properly for all cases.

[1] https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2018-March/040587.html

If further information is required, please let me know.


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