[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 0/4] improve buffer cache and reuse

James Xiong james.xiong at intel.com
Mon May 7 16:51:02 UTC 2018

On Sat, 5 May 2018 09:11:28 +0100
Chris Wilson <chris at chris-wilson.co.uk> wrote:

> Quoting James Xiong (2018-05-05 01:56:01)
> > This series align the buffer size up to page instead of a bucket
> > size to improve memory allocation efficiency.  
> It doesn't though. It still retrieves up to the bucket size, so with a
> little cache poisoning (or a series of unfortunate events) it will be
> no better than before.
> Perhaps open with the problem statement. What is it you are trying to
> fix? Would adding metrics to the buffer cache be a good start to
> demonstrating what needs improving?
> -Chris
In the worse case, it is the same as before; the best case however
reduces the allocated size by about 25% of the requested size. in
the real world, the best case was gl_5_off test where the patch saved
102749K(100+M) out of 1143593K, the worse case saved only 64K out of

The current implementation allocates 0% to 25% more memory than
requested size with or without reuse enabled. I am trying to reduce the
memory penalty.

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