[Mesa-dev] Thoughts after hitting 100 merge requests?

Axel Davy davyaxel0 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 17:40:40 UTC 2019


I'm not sure the promise "1 mail per pull request" is working well.
For example, taking one recent pull request

I didn't receive anything, nor

I received some mails with [MR] in the title with two lines indicating 
merge requests, but that seems to be for a minority of the requests.

I guess the system is not automated right now.

I think there needs to be an automated system, and that it should look 
pretty close to what a cover-letter for a mail serie should look like, 
that is:
. The global stat diffs of the merge requests (which files are affected, 
how many modifications, etc)
. The summary of the request
. All the patch titles

I don't want to go open all merge requests in my browser to get that 
So far I only went check the list of gitlab merge requests 3 times, 
whereas I go through my mails several times a day.


Axel Davy

On 11/01/2019 17:57, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> All,
> The mesa project has now hit 100 merge requests (36 are still open).  
> I (and I'm sure others) would be curious to hear people's initial 
> thoughts on the process.  What's working well?  What's not working?  
> Is it total fail and should we go back to mailing lists?
> --Jason
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