[Mesa-dev] About EVOC 2019 project ideas

Shubham Verma shubhunic at gmail.com
Thu May 9 04:54:11 UTC 2019

Hello Dear Sir,

My name is Shubham Verma. I am a B tech 2nd-year I.T. student I would like
to look into working with X.Org for the Endless Vacation of Code program
2019 this summer.

I have just recently started learning and looking into the contributions
that I can make to GitHub issues. As this is my first EVOC  I wanted to
know what other things I have to do to be part of an organization.

I mentioned my interest and project on which I want to work on below, have
a look at that and tell me what will be good for me. I want to work on the
project of Mesa and OpenMAX under the guidance of yours and I want to know
that which project of Mesa and OpenMAX in the idea list is not selected by
any student .

I would be grateful if you can tell me if there's anything else that I
could do which would be appreciated. Any further guidance or inputs would
certainly be of great help.

Thank you!
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