Replacing NIR with SPIR-V?

Ian Romanick idr at
Sun Jan 23 22:07:01 UTC 2022

On 1/23/22 12:10 PM, Dave Airlie wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 at 22:58, Abel Bernabeu
> <abel.bernabeu at> wrote:
>>> Yes, NIR arrays and struct and nir_deref to deal with them but, by the time you get into the back-end, all the nir_derefs are gone and you're left with load/store messages with actual addresses (either a 64-bit memory address or a index+offset pair for a bound resource).  Again, unless you're going to dump straight into LLVM, you really don't want to handle that in your back-end unless you really have to.
>> That is the thing: there is already a community maintained LLVM backend for RISC-V and I need to see how to get value from that effort. And that is a very typical escenario for new architectures. There is already an LLVM backend for a programmable device and someone asks: could you do some graphics around this without spending millions?
> No.
> If you want something useful, it's going to cost millions over the
> lifetime of creating it. This stuff is hard, it needs engineers who
> understand it and they usually have to be paid.
> RISC-V as-is isn't going to make a good compute core for a GPU. I
> don't think any of the implementations are the right design. as long
> as people get sucked into thinking it might, there'll be millions
> wasted. SIMT vs SIMD is just making SSE-512 type decisions or
> recreating Intel Larrabee efforts. Nobody has made an effective GPU in
> this fashion. You'd need someone to create a new GPU with it's own
> instruction set (maybe dervied from RISC-V), but with it's own
> specialised compute core.
> The alternate more tractable project is to possibly make sw rendering
> (with llvmpipe) on RISC-V more palatable, but that's really just
> optimising llvmpipe and the LLVM backend and maybe finding a few
> instructions to enhance things. It might be possible to use a texture
> unit to speed things up and really for software rendering and hw
> rendering, memory bandwidth is a lot of the problem to solve.

For the love of all that is good in the world, no! :) That was my 
original master's project that I gave up on.

Executive summary: There's a reason GPUs have huge piles of 
fixed-function blocks.  It's the only way to get enough power 
efficiency, and power consumption (and the heat it generates) is *the* 

> Dave.

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