Forcing device loss for debugging

Christian König ckoenig.leichtzumerken at
Mon Sep 11 11:21:36 UTC 2023

Under the sysfs directory for each PCI device you should have a virtual 
file called "remove".

So if you just do an "echo 1 > /sys/devices/pci..../remove" you 
basically simulate hot unplugging the specific PCI device

IIRC the PCI bridge where the device is connected to should then have a 
"rescan" virtual device which triggers hot plugging the device back in 
again when written.


Am 06.09.23 um 02:27 schrieb Jim Blandy:
> Is there any way to force a Vulkan device to report itself lost, in 
> order to exercise one's application's recovery paths? I looked through 
> the Mesa sources but didn't find anything that seemed suitable.

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