Gallium Nine, end of the road

Martin Roukala martin.peres at
Thu Aug 22 07:33:06 UTC 2024

On 8/22/24 1:11 AM, Axel Davy wrote:
> Hi there.

Hi Axel!

> I think this will surprise no one here, but here we are. I think it's 
> time for Gallium Nine to end.
> Long story short, Gallium Nine was a success. Its purpose is fulfilled. 
> But there is not enough reasons to keep it around.
> Gallium Nine doesn't have enough users anymore and it totally makes 
> sense why. DXVK just works. Gallium Nine might get you a little less CPU 
> usage or a few more fps, maybe.
> But as PCs have caught up, and users have moved to shinier games with 
> newer APIs, Gallium Nine is not relevant in the current landmark.
> There has been no new volunteers to work on gallium nine for a long 
> time, and regressions take a long time to get noticed.
> Not breaking Nine puts effort on driver devs.
> For all these reasons, unless there is vigorous protestations here, I 
> will propose a PR to remove gallium nine.
> Thanks,
> Axel Davy
> ===== Long Version =====


> Thank you !
> Axel Davy

No, thank YOU for your dedication and I wholeheartedly agree with what 
you said about Nine having been a success, even if it has lost its 

I think Gallium Nine's place is probably in the Amber branch, for 
historical purposes and users who still need it to work on their now-old 
hardware. Modern-ish hardware will be better served with DXVK and if 
not, the drivers should be improved to support DXVK's needs.

In any case, I hope you will remain in our community and hopefully even 
pick up a new project that will be exciting to you and maybe to the 
community at large! Your expertise is appreciated :)


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