[ANNOUNCE] mesa 25.0.2

Eric Engestrom eric at engestrom.ch
Thu Mar 20 14:40:33 UTC 2025

Hello everyone,

The bugfix release 25.0.2 is now available.

If you find any issues, please report them here:

The next bugfix release is due in two weeks, on April 2nd.



Aaron Ruby (1):
      gfxstream: Downgrade log severity when enabling params in LinuxVirtGpu

Alyssa Rosenzweig (2):
      pan/mdg: call nir_lower_is_helper_invocation
      nir/lower_helper_writes: fix stores after discard

Ashley Smith (1):
      panfrost: Reset syncobj after use to avoid kernel warnings

Bas Nieuwenhuizen (1):
      radv: Move support check out of winsys.

Dave Airlie (1):
      radv/video: don't try and send events on UVD devices.

David Rosca (4):
      gallium/vl: Fix video buffer supported format check
      Revert "frontends/vdpau: Alloc interlaced surface for interlaced pics"
      frontends/vdpau: Fix creating deinterlace filter for interleaved buffers
      gallium/vl: Return YUV plane order for single plane formats

Eric Engestrom (8):
      docs: add sha sum for 25.0.1
      .pick_status.json: Mark 61b0955308d720a6fa065e7a414d16999f7ffd03 as denominated
      .pick_status.json: Mark 534436f8635e63a30e4d7af4837dad35cfa361ad as denominated
      .pick_status.json: Update to 61feea6954a7526836ccbd30c657e6afc11fb4f5
      .pick_status.json: Mark 551770ccf8bdb1e5fa45ddac854535edf2b31a22 as denominated
      meson: announce that clover is deprecated (slated for removal)
      docs: add release notes for 25.0.2
      VERSION: bump for 25.0.2

Erik Faye-Lund (2):
      docs/features: add missing panvk feature
      panvk: correct VkPhysicalDeviceProperties::deviceName

Faith Ekstrand (9):
      util/box: Add a intersect_2d helper
      zink: Use pipe_box helpers for damage calculations
      zink: Set needs_barrier after transitioning to QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN
      zink: Check queue families when binding image resources
      nvk: Allow rendering to linear images with unaligned strides
      nil: Relax alignment requirements for linear images
      vtn: Support cooperative matrices in OpConstantNull
      egl/x11: Re-order an if statement
      egl/kopper: Update the EGLSurface size after kopperSwapBuffers()

Ganesh Belgur Ramachandra (1):
      amd: use 128B compression for scanout images when drm.minor <63

Georg Lehmann (3):
      radv: enable invariant geom for DOOM(2016)
      aco/gfx11.5: remove vinterp ddx/ddy path
      aco/ra: disallow vcc definitions for pseudo scalar trans instrs

Ivan A. Melnikov (1):
      gallium/radeon: Make sure radeonsi PCI IDs are also included

Job Noorman (2):
      ir3: fix false dependencies of rpt instructions
      ir3: keep inputs at start block when creating empty preamble

John Anthony (1):
      panvk: Avoid division by zero for vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults

José Roberto de Souza (1):
      intel/common: Retry GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE when PXP have not finished initialization

Karol Herbst (6):
      rusticl/program: implement CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE check in clGetProgramInfo
      rusticl/program: pass options by reference
      rusticl/program: loop over all devices inside Program::build
      rusticl/program: rework build_nirs so it only touches devices we care about
      rusticl/program: fix building kernels
      nir/serialize: fix decoding of is_return and is_uniform

Lionel Landwerlin (3):
      anv: fix non page aligned descriptor bindings on <Gfx12.0
      brw: fix spilling for Xe2+
      brw: ensure VUE header writes in HS/DS/GS stages

Lucas Stach (2):
      etnaviv: rs: fix slow/fast clear transitions
      etnaviv: fix ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=no_early_z

Marek Olšák (1):
      Revert "ac/nir: clamp vertex color outputs in the right place"

Mary Guillemard (2):
      pan/bi: Fix out of range access in bi_instr_replicates
      pan/bi: Ensure we select b0 with halfswizzle in va_lower_constants

Matt Turner (1):
      glsl: Add missing break

Maíra Canal (1):
      v3dv: don't overwrite the primary fd if it's already set

Mel Henning (1):
      nvk: Don't zero imported memory

Mike Blumenkrantz (1):
      zink: fix refcounting of zink_surface objects

Natalie Vock (2):
      radv/rt: Guard leaf encoding by leaf node count
      radv/rt: Flush L2 after writing internal node offset on GFX12

Patrick Lerda (2):
      r600: fix cayman main non-deterministic behavior problem
      r600: update the software fp64 support

Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer (1):
      st/mesa: fix nir_load_per_vertex_input parameter

Rebecca Mckeever (1):
      panvk: Add STORAGE_IMAGE_BIT feature for formats supporting sampled images

Rhys Perry (1):
      aco: insert dependency waits in certain situations

Rob Clark (2):
      tc: Add missing tc_set_driver_thread()
      freedreno: Wait for imported syncobj fences to be available

Samuel Pitoiset (6):
      ac,radv: add a workaround for a hw bug with primitive restart on GFX10-GFX10.3
      radv: fix a GPU hang with inherited rendering and HiZ/HiS on GFX1201
      radv/amdgpu: fix device deduplication
      radv: update conformance version
      aco: do not apply OMOD/CLAMP for pseudo scalar trans instrs
      radv: emit a dummy PS state for noop FS on GFX12

Seán de Búrca (1):
      rusticl/mem: don't create svm_pointers slice from null raw pointer

Sviatoslav Peleshko (2):
      anv: Add full subgroups workaround for the shaders that use shared memory
      drirc: Apply assume_full_subgroups_with_shared_memory to Resident Evil 2

Timothy Arceri (1):
      util/u_idalloc: fix util_idalloc_sparse_alloc_range()

Yiwei Zhang (4):
      venus: fix a memory corruption in query records recycle
      lavapipe: set availability bit for accel struct host queries
      lavapipe: fix accel struct device query copy
      venus: fix to ignore dstSet for push descriptor

git tag: mesa-25.0.2

SHA256: adf904d083b308df95898600ffed435f4b5c600d95fb6ec6d4c45638627fdc97  mesa-25.0.2.tar.xz
SHA512: 2de8e8b514619d9ad5f407f5e1ff04fff8039d66b5f32257c2e8ca3d9f3b190269066aeba0779d6e0b2a2c0739237382fc6a98ea8563ed97801a809c96163386  mesa-25.0.2.tar.xz
PGP:  https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/mesa-25.0.2.tar.xz.sig

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