[Mesa-stable] [PATCH 2/2] anv/blit2d: Add support for RGB destinations

Jason Ekstrand jason at jlekstrand.net
Tue Aug 2 17:00:30 UTC 2016

This fixes 104 of the new image_clearing and copy_and_blit Vulkan CTS

Signed-off-by: Jason Ekstrand <jason at jlekstrand.net>
Cc: "12.0" <mesa-stable at lists.freedesktop.org>
 src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit2d.c | 210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 208 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit2d.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit2d.c
index 30bc6ed..cb3548b 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit2d.c
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit2d.c
@@ -92,6 +92,21 @@ vk_format_for_size(int bs)
+/* This function returns the format corresponding to a single component of the
+ * RGB format for the given size returned by vk_format_for_size().
+ */
+static VkFormat
+vk_single_component_format_for_rgb_size(int bs)
+   switch (bs) {
+   case 3: return VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM;
+   case 6: return VK_FORMAT_R16_UNORM;
+   case 12: return VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
+   default:
+      unreachable("Invalid format block size");
+   }
 static void
 create_iview(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
              struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf *surf,
@@ -663,6 +678,141 @@ anv_meta_blit2d_w_tiled_dst(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+static void
+anv_meta_blit2d_rgb_dst(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+                        struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf *src,
+                        enum blit2d_src_type src_type,
+                        struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf *dst,
+                        unsigned num_rects,
+                        struct anv_meta_blit2d_rect *rects)
+   struct anv_device *device = cmd_buffer->device;
+   for (unsigned r = 0; r < num_rects; ++r) {
+      struct blit2d_src_temps src_temps;
+      blit2d_bind_src(cmd_buffer, src, src_type, &rects[r], &src_temps);
+      assert(dst->bs % 3 == 0);
+      assert(dst->tiling == ISL_TILING_LINEAR);
+      uint32_t offset;
+      isl_tiling_get_intratile_offset_el(&cmd_buffer->device->isl_dev,
+                                         dst->tiling, 1, dst->pitch,
+                                         rects[r].dst_x, rects[r].dst_y,
+                                         &offset,
+                                         &rects[r].dst_x, &rects[r].dst_y);
+      /* A red surface three times as wide as the actual RGB destination */
+      struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf dst_R = {
+         .bo = dst->bo,
+         .tiling = dst->tiling,
+         .base_offset = dst->base_offset,
+         .bs = dst->bs / 3,
+         .pitch = dst->pitch,
+      };
+      struct blit2d_dst_temps dst_temps;
+      blit2d_bind_dst(cmd_buffer, &dst_R, offset,
+                      (rects[r].dst_x + rects[r].width) * 3,
+                      rects[r].dst_y + rects[r].height,
+                      vk_single_component_format_for_rgb_size(dst->bs),
+                      &dst_temps);
+      struct blit_vb_data {
+         float pos[2];
+         float tex_coord[3];
+      } *vb_data;
+      unsigned vb_size = sizeof(struct anv_vue_header) + 3 * sizeof(*vb_data);
+      struct anv_state vb_state =
+         anv_cmd_buffer_alloc_dynamic_state(cmd_buffer, vb_size, 16);
+      memset(vb_state.map, 0, sizeof(struct anv_vue_header));
+      vb_data = vb_state.map + sizeof(struct anv_vue_header);
+      vb_data[0] = (struct blit_vb_data) {
+         .pos = {
+            (rects[r].dst_x + rects[r].width) * 3,
+            rects[r].dst_y + rects[r].height,
+         },
+         .tex_coord = {
+            (rects[r].src_x + rects[r].width) * 3,
+            rects[r].src_y + rects[r].height,
+            src->pitch,
+         },
+      };
+      vb_data[1] = (struct blit_vb_data) {
+         .pos = {
+            rects[r].dst_x * 3,
+            rects[r].dst_y + rects[r].height,
+         },
+         .tex_coord = {
+            rects[r].src_x * 3,
+            rects[r].src_y + rects[r].height,
+            src->pitch,
+         },
+      };
+      vb_data[2] = (struct blit_vb_data) {
+         .pos = {
+            rects[r].dst_x * 3,
+            rects[r].dst_y,
+         },
+         .tex_coord = {
+            rects[r].src_x * 3,
+            rects[r].src_y,
+            src->pitch,
+         },
+      };
+      if (!device->info.has_llc)
+         anv_state_clflush(vb_state);
+      struct anv_buffer vertex_buffer = {
+         .device = device,
+         .size = vb_size,
+         .bo = &device->dynamic_state_block_pool.bo,
+         .offset = vb_state.offset,
+      };
+      anv_CmdBindVertexBuffers(anv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer), 0, 2,
+         (VkBuffer[]) {
+            anv_buffer_to_handle(&vertex_buffer),
+            anv_buffer_to_handle(&vertex_buffer)
+         },
+         (VkDeviceSize[]) {
+            0,
+            sizeof(struct anv_vue_header),
+         });
+      ANV_CALL(CmdBeginRenderPass)(anv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer),
+         &(VkRenderPassBeginInfo) {
+            .renderPass = device->meta_state.blit2d.render_pass,
+            .framebuffer = dst_temps.fb,
+            .renderArea = {
+               .offset = { rects[r].dst_x, rects[r].dst_y, },
+               .extent = { rects[r].width, rects[r].height },
+            },
+            .clearValueCount = 0,
+            .pClearValues = NULL,
+      bind_pipeline(cmd_buffer, src_type, BLIT2D_DST_TYPE_RGB);
+      ANV_CALL(CmdDraw)(anv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer), 3, 1, 0, 0);
+      ANV_CALL(CmdEndRenderPass)(anv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer));
+      /* At the point where we emit the draw call, all data from the
+       * descriptor sets, etc. has been used.  We are free to delete it.
+       */
+      blit2d_unbind_src(cmd_buffer, src_type, &src_temps);
+      blit2d_unbind_dst(cmd_buffer, &dst_temps);
+   }
 anv_meta_blit2d(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
                 struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf *src,
@@ -682,7 +832,8 @@ anv_meta_blit2d(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
                                   num_rects, rects);
    } else if (dst->bs % 3 == 0) {
-      anv_finishme("Blitting to RGB destinations not yet supported");
+      anv_meta_blit2d_rgb_dst(cmd_buffer, src, src_type, dst,
+                              num_rects, rects);
    } else {
@@ -808,6 +959,54 @@ build_nir_w_tiled_fetch(struct nir_builder *b, struct anv_device *device,
 static nir_ssa_def *
+build_nir_rgb_component_fetch(struct nir_builder *b, struct anv_device *device,
+                              nir_ssa_def *tex_pos, nir_ssa_def *tex_pitch)
+   /* Figure out which of the three RGB components we want */
+   nir_ssa_def *comp = nir_umod(b, nir_channel(b, tex_pos, 0),
+                                   nir_imm_int(b, 3));
+   /* Divide the x component of the position by 3 */
+   tex_pos = nir_vec2(b, nir_udiv(b, nir_channel(b, tex_pos, 0),
+                                     nir_imm_int(b, 3)),
+                         nir_channel(b, tex_pos, 1));
+   const struct glsl_type *sampler_type =
+      glsl_sampler_type(GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_2D, false, false, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT);
+   nir_variable *sampler = nir_variable_create(b->shader, nir_var_uniform,
+                                               sampler_type, "s_tex");
+   sampler->data.descriptor_set = 0;
+   sampler->data.binding = 0;
+   nir_tex_instr *tex = nir_tex_instr_create(b->shader, 2);
+   tex->sampler_dim = GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_2D;
+   tex->op = nir_texop_txf;
+   tex->src[0].src_type = nir_tex_src_coord;
+   tex->src[0].src = nir_src_for_ssa(tex_pos);
+   tex->src[1].src_type = nir_tex_src_lod;
+   tex->src[1].src = nir_src_for_ssa(nir_imm_int(b, 0));
+   tex->dest_type = nir_type_float; /* TODO */
+   tex->is_array = false;
+   tex->coord_components = 2;
+   tex->texture = nir_deref_var_create(tex, sampler);
+   tex->sampler = NULL;
+   nir_ssa_dest_init(&tex->instr, &tex->dest, 4, 32, "tex");
+   nir_builder_instr_insert(b, &tex->instr);
+   /* Select the given channel from the texelFetch result */
+   nir_ssa_def *color_channel =
+      nir_bcsel(b, nir_ieq(b, comp, nir_imm_int(b, 0)),
+                   nir_channel(b, &tex->dest.ssa, 0),
+                   nir_bcsel(b, nir_ieq(b, comp, nir_imm_int(b, 1)),
+                                nir_channel(b, &tex->dest.ssa, 1),
+                                nir_channel(b, &tex->dest.ssa, 2)));
+   /* The final color write needs 4 components */
+   nir_ssa_def *undef = nir_ssa_undef(b, 1, 32);
+   return nir_vec4(b, color_channel, undef, undef, undef);
+static nir_ssa_def *
 build_nir_texel_fetch(struct nir_builder *b, struct anv_device *device,
                       nir_ssa_def *tex_pos, nir_ssa_def *tex_pitch)
@@ -1111,7 +1310,14 @@ blit2d_init_pipeline(struct anv_device *device,
       vi_create_info = &w_tiled_vi_create_info;
-      /* Not yet supported */
+      /* RGB destinations and W-detiling don't mix */
+      if (src_type != BLIT2D_SRC_TYPE_NORMAL)
+         return VK_SUCCESS;
+      fs.nir = build_nir_copy_fragment_shader(device,
+                                              build_nir_rgb_component_fetch);
+      vi_create_info = &normal_vi_create_info;
+      break;
       return VK_SUCCESS;

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