[Mesa-users] mesa3d with llvm support

Muthukumar muthu.smk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 06:00:16 PST 2011

Iam working in fc-11 ,and i try to compile and run gallium mesa3d with llvm 
support .But i am getting some error while i try to run the opengl or opengles 
application. Can any one suggest me fix the issue .My intension is to run any of 
the opengl/opengles application with gallium mesa3d with llvm support and check 
the performance in linux (fedora 11).

Here the configuration option of gallium mesa3d source
./configure --enable-debug --enable-gles1 --enable-gles2 --enable-gallium-egl --
enable-gallium-llvm --disable-glut --with-dri-drivers=i915 --disable-gallium-
radeon --enable-gles-overlay

config.status: executing configs commands

        prefix:          /usr/local
        exec_prefix:     ${prefix}
        libdir:          ${exec_prefix}/lib
        includedir:      ${prefix}/include

        OpenGL:          yes (ES1: yes ES2: yes)
        GLES overlay:    yes
        OpenVG:          no

        Driver:          dri
        OSMesa:          no
        DRI drivers:     i915
        DRI driver dir:  ${libdir}/dri
        Use XCB:         no

        GLU:             yes
        GLw:             yes (Motif: no)
        glut:            no

        EGL:             yes
        EGL platforms:   x11 drm
        EGL drivers:     egl_glx egl_gallium
        EGL Gallium STs: $(GL_LIB) $(GLESv1_CM_LIB) $(GLESv2_LIB)

        llvm:            yes
        llvm-config:     /home/muthu/work/clang_llvm-2.7-i686-linux/bin/llvm-
        llvm-version:    2.7

        Gallium:         yes
        Gallium dirs:    auxiliary drivers state_trackers
        Target dirs:      egl dri-swrast
        Winsys dirs:     sw sw/xlib sw/dri i915/sw
        Driver dirs:     softpipe failover galahad trace rbug identity llvmpipe 
svga i915 i965
        Trackers dirs:   dri egl

        Shared libs:     yes
        Static libs:     no

        CFLAGS:          -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -std=c99 -ffast-math 
-fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -g -fPIC
        CXXFLAGS:        -g -O2 -Wall -fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -
g -fPIC

        PYTHON2:         python2

        Run 'gmake' to build Mesa

and i have downloaded the "demo-master" (test apps) source and i compiled this 
apps with the above compiled libraries.
If i try to run "gears_xll" or any other opengles apps iam getting the following 
error with segmentation fault ,I debug it ,the control is going in to llvm pipe 
and then getting crashed with seg fault. before running the application i have 
set the following environment variables.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/muthu/work/game/gallium/mesa-master-llvm-gcc-
export EGL_PLATFORM="dri" 
export LIBGL_DRIVERs_PATH="/home/muthu/work/game/gallium/mesa-master-llvm-gcc-

# ./gears_x11
libEGL warning: failed to create DRM screen
libEGL warning: use software fallback
EGL_VERSION = 1.4 (Gallium)
Segmentation fault
[muthu at localhost opengles1]$ ./gears_x11 
libEGL warning: failed to create DRM screen
libEGL warning: use software fallback
EGL_VERSION = 1.4 (Gallium)
Segmentation fault

Can any one suggest me fix the above issue .My intension is to run any of the 
opengl/opengles application with gallium mesa3d with llvm support and check the 
performance in linux (fedora 11).

Thanks in advance.

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