[Mesa-users] Points, colors, and 3D

Hope ffrubicongirl at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 07:00:56 PST 2012

What's up?

 <Sidereal316 <at> aol.com> writes:

>    glBegin ( GL_POINTS ) ;
>      for ( i = 0 ; i < num_points ; i++ )     {       glColor3f ( red[i],
green[i], blue[i] ) ;       glVertex3f ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ) ;     }   glEnd ()
;Where you have the arrays red, green, and blue I believe those are double's...
So I have a few questions about them. How do you pick the numbers? What's the
max and min? Can you use negatives? Does the max value for red make the red
really dark? Really light? Basically, what 
> happens to the colors when I pick different values? 
> Thank you for the help.

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