[Mesa-users] glXCreatePbuffer fails on Ubuntu 12.04 VM

Maik Riechert maik.riechert at arcor.de
Mon Mar 25 09:57:26 PDT 2013

> I just tried src/xdemos/pbdemo and src/xdemos/glxpbdemo and both worked
> for me.  I'm using a Ubuntu 12.10 VM and Mesa 9.1.
> I take it there's no Mesa 9.x package available?  Can you trying
> building a newer Mesa release?

Accidently sent this part to Brian directly:

"I just installed the packages from 
https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/graphics-drivers/ i.e. Mesa 9.2 
(git), llvm-3.2 etc. but I still get the same error.

I will also try it on a local desktop VM with 12.04. Maybe there's just 
something wrong with the cloud VMs."

Ok, I have made some progress now. On my desktop VM with Mesa 8.0.4 and 
regular X server (but also with llvm and LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1) it 
works! But when I start up xvfb on a different display (:99), change the 
DISPLAY var, the tests are failing again. So it must be somehow related 
to Xvfb. Right?

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