[Mesa-users] Unknown rendering errors with client area of Spotify application under compositor

Christopher Snowhill kode54 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 00:20:53 UTC 2018

This issue seems to have popped up again with a recent update to the Mesa
git autobuilds I'm running on my Kubuntu 18.10 system. They also occurred a
few months back on a prior installation, using Cinnamon instead. Both
times, I would have been using a given Git snapshot of the Mesa 18.3 series.

Same video card each time, an Asus ROG Strix RX 480 O8G, with old at the
time and up to date firmware now. I can't tell if it's a hardware issue, or
a driver bug that only affects the Spotify application, as it happens to
its client area buffer under two different desktop compositors.

Here it is, happening in August, under Cinnamon. It happened and went away
too quickly for me to use Spectacle to capture it under KDE, and I always
forget the Fn key combination to use for full desktop capture on this Apple
keyboard I'm using.

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