[Mesa-users] Suppressing the swrast error message

L A Walsh freedesktop at tlinx.org
Sat Mar 21 19:36:43 UTC 2020

On 2020/02/17 13:34, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> I'm using XQuartz on MacOS as the local server, with the remote client 
> running Ubuntu on old iMac hardware (with Intel graphics; some of 
> glxinfo from the remote system shown below).
> The remote system doesn't have a swrast driver, so I get the error message
>    libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
> every time an application first tries to open a window.  Is there a way 
> to suppress this message?
    It seems this is the new standard in GUI apps -- print cryptic
info messages to the terminal that started the program.  This error has
been around for a couple of years -- I DID find the swrast driver on my
system, but it doesn't load.  FWIW, though on my system I'm always
trying to do remote displays, which work with some progs but not so
well on others.

    It seems it's up to users to wrap all GUI progs such that their
stderr+stdout are redirected to /dev/null on the assumption that if
they had something important to say, they'd put a message in syslog.

    I haven't done any wrapping yet, but I get tempted on a regular
basis.  Start a desktop session from a remote ssh and look at all
the messages. 

    Seems linux doesn't support remote login (or so I've been told
by some).   *sigh*

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