"BLORP-clear" named as "BLORP-copy"
Amol Surati
suratiamol at gmail.com
Fri May 17 15:57:54 UTC 2024
Running with a debug build of intel_hasvk, along with a few debug variables,
a weird naming problem (attributed to zero-initialization) was observed.
The end of this email has the BLORP-clear fragment shader that happened to
be named BLORP-copy.
The details about this cause of the problem is at [1]
Does Mesa know about this problem and/or its workaround/fix?
Thank you,
[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-help/2024-May/143461.html
source_blake3: {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}
name: BLORP-copy
internal: true
stage: 4
next_stage: 0
inputs_read: 32
outputs_written: 2
subgroup_size: 0
origin_upper_left: true
inputs: 0
outputs: 0
uniforms: 0
decl_var shader_in INTERP_MODE_FLAT none vec4 clear_color
(VARYING_SLOT_VAR0.xyzw, 32, 0)
decl_var shader_out INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 gl_FragColor
(FRAG_RESULT_COLOR.xyzw, 4, 0)
decl_function main (0 params)
impl main {
con block b0: // preds:
32 %5 = load_const (0x00000000)
32x4 %4 = @load_input (%5 (0x0)) (base=32, range=1, component=0,
dest_type=float32, io location=VARYING_SLOT_VAR0 slots=1) //
32 %6 = load_const (0x00000000)
@store_output (%4, %6 (0x0)) (base=4, range=1,
wrmask=xyzw, component=0, src_type=float32, io
location=FRAG_RESULT_COLOR slots=1, xfb(), xfb2()) // gl_FragColor
// succs: b1
block b1:
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