'Signal' interface

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at lanedo.com
Wed Jul 10 10:32:33 PDT 2013

On 10/07/13 19:16, Dan Williams wrote:
>>  * Currently values are provided as independent properties, e.g.
>> > "gsm_rssi", "umts_rssi"... Another option would have been to provide
>> > per-technology dictionaries, like a "gsm" property with signature
>> > "a{sd}" where the string is the parameter (e.g. "rssi") and the double
>> > is the actual value. Don't have a strong feeling about this.
> I think a per-technology/radio dictionary might be a bit cleaner, since
> then you don't need the 'valid' booleans, since the dict would only
> include those items that were valid.  Also, we could potentially include
> statistics on power control, gain control, noise, frame error rate,
> sensitivity, etc, and those are all per-radio too.  I think a non-dict
> interface might be a pain to keep updating if we add further stats in
> the future.
> What do you think?

Yeah, let's do that.


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