idea for a (potentially) more viable approach than blacklisting ad hoc

Lars Knudsen larsgk at
Tue Apr 1 01:34:26 PDT 2014

Hi guys,

After looking at how usb serial devices attach and are treated on linux,
windows (not really working at all ;)) and mac, I have an idea that *could*
cater for both modems and non modem cdc devices (disregarding mal formed
USB descriptors, etc.):

We could let any CDC device mount as the /dev/ttyACMx (or /ttyCDCx) *and*
have a /dev/ttyMODEMx device created at the same time that the modemmanager
can have full control over - but at a lower priority than /dev/ttyCDCx - so
that any attempt to connect with ttyCDCx would cut off ttyMODEMx while
noting is communicating directly with ttyMODEMx

One could consider different variants of this approach - and even look at
how apple does it, where 2 devices seem to appear (one for modem and one
for data connection that we use) when we plug in our usb serial device.

(Please be kind if this has been proposed earlier ;))


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