[ANN] ModemManager 1.2-rc1

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Wed Jan 1 04:03:15 PST 2014

Hey Bjørn,

>>>> Wait... I did *not* include the blacklist for that device yet... so now
>>>> I don't know why the QMI port got ignored... could you send debug logs?
>>> Oh...  Sorry, didn't notice that.
>>> Hope I got the relevant part in the attached log
>> You sure that you're using the aleksander/zte-qmi branch? The log says:
> Oops, no, I'm not.  A slight branch name confusion there.  You got a
> "zte-qmi" branch as well, and with my typical lack of precision I merged
> that into my local branch instead of "aleksander/zte-qmi.
> Sorry about the confusion.  I'll retest as soon as I get a chance.
> Don't have the modem with me right now.

Any chance you can retest the 'aleksander/zte-qmi' branch in the
following days with the MF60? I may actualy try to buy one of these
from eBay if they're not too expensive... Also, do you know if the
MF61 is also problematic?


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